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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1037059
what? it's chapter one of a story i probally won't finish
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#387738 added February 3, 2006 at 11:23am
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Fucking chapter one biotch, fo sho!!
The light shined behind my eyelids, bright red. A high pitched whistle going off in the back of my head. My fingers dug into the upholstery, tearing four small chunks out of the arm. My face scrunched up in pain. The sound became more and more persistant. Every slight movement set it off even louder than before. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Its happened so many times before, the key is to just not move. Times like this though, I couldn’t do anything. The noise would just grow louder and louder every time I moved and there was nothing I could do to prevent it.
Suddenly, my body shot forward and I sneezed, making the noise wail inside my head. My hands shot up to my ears as the noise sliced through my brain. I stood and moved toward the door, opening it, and sprinted out to the barn. My bicycle was leaning against the wall only a couple feet away, so I ran at it, both hands pressed firmly against my head. It felt like my insides would fall out if I removed them. Quickly, I grabbed my bicycle, riding off as fast as I could. I peddled faster ignoring the scenery flashing past. I peddled and peddled, until my legs gave out from under me and I jumped off, landing a few feet away from where the bike finally slowed and fell over.
I took off running toward a set of trees, not stopping until they grew so thick, the sun couldn’t shine through the leaves. I shoved through all the cluttered branches, not caring when they scratched my face and blood dripped down my chin. Eventually the woods thinned out into a small clearing, surrounded by trees on all sides. My legs cramped, making me drop to my knees. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and tried to breathe deeply. My heart sped faster finally I had to hold my head against my thighs to calm down. The noise had stopped, leaving only a faint whistle again.
Across from the clearing there came a rustle, halting my breath completely. Slowly, I looked around, but I couldn’t see anything. Then a young girl walked into the field. She was petite with long blonde hair that hung loosely around her shoulders. She was so small she could have passed for twelve. Her back arched with each step she took, like a cat ready to run at the first sign of danger. She looked around for a few seconds, her hair falling over her eyes, finally her shoulders dropped, and she straightened up. She closed her eyes and let her arms flutter at her side. Quietly, started to dance. She moved back and forth to unheard music, her body rocking and swaying. She never once opened her eyes.
In the back of my mind a small voice whispered, “Can you catch her if she runs?” I stood and looked around, looking for the source of the voice, but saw nothing. Again it whispered, “Can you catch her if she runs?” The voice trailed off, leaving me in a stupor. I stared out at her sheepishly, waiting for her eyes to open and find mine.
My heart practically burst from my chest with the thought of her.
“She is so beautiful it hurts to look. I want her more than anything, but by taking her, what if I ruin her?” I whispered to myself.
“And you will…” The voice called out.
“I would tell her everything if I could… Behind her sealed eyes she misses, all that I’ve done…”
“She’ll see…” the voice taunted.
“Will she, if I ask?”
“Before it’s too late…”
“What would she say if I asked? Will she stay forever…”
“And hope it works out?”
I closed my eyes and faintly, in the distance, I could hear music. I stepped out of the shadow of the tree and walked toward her, my eyes shut but my hands reaching out for her. She continued to dance, unaware of my presence. Slowly, I stepped into rhythm with her, taking her hand in mine and continuing the steps. With her small hand, gently on my shoulder, we danced around the field. Slowly the music rose in volume, until it consumed me. Then slowly, just like it started, the music ended.
I shook my head and opened my eyes, clearing away the fog. Expecting to see the trees surrounding me, I instead found her eyes staring into mine. I took a step back, letting her hand fall from my shoulder.
Her eyes looked glazed over. Shesmiled at me for a few seconds before speaking.
"Back again?"
“I’m sorry...” I whispered. I took another step back but she reached out with her hand and took mine. She pulled me closer, letting me slip my hand on her waist. Slowly, she laid her head on my shoulder and we started dancing again. This time there was no music.
She whispered in my ear. “Never leave me?” I shoved my face into the curve of her neck and inhaled her.
The sun began to go down before we stopped and stepped away from each other. She looked up at me and smiled, then laid her head against my chest. I wrapped both arms around her and held her tight. Suddenly, she pulled away.
“My dreams never last this long…” She looked up at the sky. It started to rain, and the water ran down her face. “Unless… unless this isn’t a dream?” She turned to me and her face lost all its color. She took a step back. She turned to run, but I grabbed her arm.
“Don’t…” I looked down at her. My heart felt ready to burst. “At least…” She stared up at me, hyer eyes bright green. She took an undure step back, but seemed to change her mind. She took a step toward me and placed both of her hands on my shoulders. I leaned down, my face only inches from hers. She moved her hands to my and pulled my lips to hers. She shivered, so I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer, lifting her off her feet. Then just as soon as it started, it ended and she pulled away.
I sat her back on the ground and ran my fingers through her hair. She smiled at me once more, then took off across the field. She stopped at the edge of the woods and looked back at me. Then she dissapeared through the foliage. I walked back toward the trees, never looking back, in case it was all a dream.
I woke the next night, the noise was louder than ever. I pulled the pillow over my head, trying to block it out, but to no avail. I climbed out of bed and dressed, then ran downstairs to get my bike. By the time I got to the clearing, the moon had come out and the rain had stopped. I walked through the woods to the clearing. She stood in the center, the light reflecting off her hair. I walked to the center, and stood behind her.
"What are you doing here?"
"For?" She turned around to face me.
"For one kiss from you..." She pulled me to her, pressing her lips against mine.
© Copyright 2006 traitors_heart (UN: nervoustwitch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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