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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 20 The Demon Mark Kayla yelled loudly into the ocean. She waited a few minutes and then she interpreted the sound waves just like a dolphin using echolocation. She swam to Alexandra and whispered into her ear, “The demon has been reawakened and is coming toward Atlantis.” Alexandra replied, “We must tell Kristen about this entire situation. We also must tell Megan. We need to get ready. We do not have much time.” “OK, I’ll go tell Kristen. Go tell Megan and I’ll meet you both a ways in front of the main gate.” “Wait, we cannot defeat this demon. The girl with the stone must defeat him.” “There is no way for us to contact her.” “She probably already knows.” “Well let’s stop wasting time and tell Megan and Kristen.” Alexandra swam quickly to the front gate. There, Megan was practicing her fighting techniques on a hammerhead shark. “Megan!” Alexandra called. “Can’t you see I am training?” Megan yelled back. After this she slashed the shark right down the middle and stabbed its heart killing it. “This is urgent Megan. Mark is coming to Atlantis.” “How do you know this?!? Wasn’t he locked away into the Bermuda Triangle?” “Kayla screamed into the ocean and the vibrations showed him moving, most likely fighting something on his way here.” “But how could he have been released? The Dark Stone was destroyed. That should have ended everything.” “Megan, all I can say is evil always has its way of returning.” “Alexandra, are you ready to die for this city and your future, our future, the future?” “I always am. Come, we must swim to meet Kayla and Kristen on the outskirts of the city.” “Kayla! Do not speak lies! This demon is merely a fantasy character! There is no way he can be coming towards Atlantis!” yelled Kristen. “This is not a fantasy my queen. My sisters and I have lived for over five hundred years. All of our mothers fought the demons. This demon is the strongest one with the power to control water. In other words, we are at a disadvantage,” stated Kayla. “This cannot be true.” “Well Kristen, it is. He is coming here because he wants to destroy the Water Stone. It is the only weapon that can defeat him, unless, he wins a battle and he is then able to keep the stone and will be able to rule all water.” “We need to contact Kemelly for she is the only one who can defeat him; however, we have no means of contacting her.” “She probably knows already anyway, but this means the guardian of the Bermuda Temple was defeated. And this means the other demons have been released as well.” “Well the Amazons must know already because of one of their queens. Veronica, their queen of wisdom and knowledge possesses the power to see the future, meaning all we have left to do is alert the army.” “No, they mustn’t fight!” “Why not, they are the strongest men in all of Atlantis?” “They will simply get in the way. You must tell the people of the city though, that way they can all hide indoors. Both, my sisters and I, fight at close range. Arrows will simply be a danger to us.” “We must devise a plan.” “Luckily, my sisters are already making one. You must alert the people, get your longbow, and meet the three of us in near the front gate.” “Do you really think we have a chance against him Megan?” asked Alexandra. “True, he is powerful, and your good looks will not help any, however, Kristen’s longbow will be useful. She can hit him from very far away. We also can try to send him back using sound waves,” replied Megan. “You mustn’t forget he controls water. His skills are much better than those of Kemelly’s. She has had her stone for such a short time. She hasn’t learned to fully control it.” “Yes, it hasn’t developed into a reflex. She must command the water to do something instead of controlling it with only her emotions.” “I spoke with the Queen. She didn’t believe it at first, but I convinced her that this threat is very real. I told her not to bring the army as well. It is going to be us three and her until Kemelly gets here,” said Kayla. Megan turned her head and noticed that Kristen was swimming with her longbow and a set of arrows. “Are you positive the demon has been released?” asked Kristen. “Enough already!” shouted Alexandra. “Listen, all of you, he is getting closer. We do not have much more time left.” “Kayla, do not yell into the ocean anymore. You may alert him of our presence,” said Megan with a grave look on her face. Kayla stretched her four-inch long nails and said to everyone, “Get ready, I can hear his wings flapping through the water. He should be here in almost no time at all. Kristen, get your arrows ready to be fired and Megan, try to restrain yourself for a little bit, we cannot go in for a physical attack until he is extremely close and only then.” The four of them waited with great anxiety and fear for the demon’s arrival. The sirens closed their eyes so that they could concentrate on hearing Mark more than trying to see him. Then they were taken aback by a powerful current. They immediately opened their eyes and in the near distance, they could see the demon soaring through the water at a great speed. “Don’t look now, but hear he comes,” said Megan. “Kayla, now!” ordered Alexandra. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” shouted Kayla into the ocean. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to use that thing?” asked Megan sarcastically pointing at Kristen’s longbow. “Oh, right,” said Kristen nervously. She placed the arrow on her bow. She lifted the bow over her head and began to pull the arrow back. She then aimed at Mark and fired her arrow. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” shouted Kayla again towards Mark. Kristen continued to fire her arrows at a slow, but steady pace. After nearly a minute, they stared again at Mark and saw a gleam in his eyes. The sirens and the queen were thrust upon a large coral rock behind them by an invisible force. “He knows we are here now. Kayla, stop yelling and catch your breath. You need to save your energy for the fight that is coming,” said Alexandra spreading her fingers and her four-inch long nails. “Kristen, do not let up. Keep firing your arrows,” commanded Megan. From a distance, they saw Mark spread his wings and begin to swim towards them at a great speed. “Kristen,” said Kayla still trying to catch her breath, “drop your bow, and use your arrows to stab him.” Kristen did what she was told and put down her bow. The demon continued to get closer when Megan let out a loud cry, “HHHHHEEEEEYYYYYAAAAA!” The four of them started to swim at full speed toward the demon. Megan was in front and reached the demon first. She caught the demon off guard and pushed with her hand off his head and flipped landing on his back. She dug her eight-inch nails into his back and sliced his back. Kristen came next from underneath the demon. She turned and began to swim on her back. She then stuck and arrow into the demon’s stomach. From the sides, Kayla and Alexandra swam by with their hands arms stretched cutting both sides of Mark’s body. Mark lurched and then to look at his attempted assailants and laughed. He then said, “Wow, you had me there. I admit it; I was actually scared, but let me tell you something. It will all be over soon, for you that is.” Kristen then powered her tail and swam at full speed toward Mark and tried to stab him with two arrows, but her attack was stopped. A powerful current began to push her back to where she was originally. “Demon, your attacks will not work on us sirens. We have three amulets that have been passed down by our mothers. They will protect us from any attack you try to inflict upon us,” said Alexandra. “I am sorry, but I remember almost killing all three of your mothers and I would have killed them if it were not for that angel Melanie,” said Mark, now enraged. He flapped his wings and began to swim toward them with tremendous speed and power. He then lifted his fist and proceeded to plow Alexandra into a coral formation. “GET OFF OF HER!” shouted Megan furiously. She and Kayla ran to Alexandra’s aid and began to dig their nails into the demon’s flesh. They distracted Mark enough for Alexandra to escape. “Mark, you will come to fear the power of the stars,” said Alexandra with utter fury in her eyes. The emblem of a star on her necklace began to glow and swam toward Mark. In fear, Mark quickly created a current of water to keep her away from him. Alexandra stopped swimming and watched as the power of the current diminished directly in front of the emblem on her necklace. Mark stared in awe at Alexandra. “My amulet has the power to cancel out any water attack. You will find that Megan and Kayla have similar necklaces with similar powers. Soon, you will find out the differences between the powers of our amulets,” said Alexandra. Mark continued to look slightly puzzled as to how this could have been possible. Kristen saw this as an opportunity. She grabbed two arrows and swam behind Mark. She spread her arms out wide and then drove them into the demon’s shoulders. Mark screamed in pain and then turned around. Kristen had already begun to swim away when Mark created another strong current to send her flying into a reef hopefully killing her. Kayla swam in the way of the current. Her emblem of a moon crescent began to glow as well. She was hit by the current but she seemed unaffected by it. “Thank you Mark. You are so sweet. I have never felt so good in my life,” said Kayla. “But, but you should have been destroyed,” babbled Mark. “That is right, I should have, but my amulet absorbs your attack and gives me its energy,” said Kayla with a large smile on her face revealing a dimple. Frustrated, Mark began to swim in a small tight circle. A large whirlpool had formed and it began to suck in Kristen and the three sirens. All of them were about to get sucked in when Megan’s amulet of a sun began to glow. Just then, the whirlpool began to turn in the opposite direction. Mark lost control of the whirlpool and was spat out into a group of rocks in the ocean. “Mark? Did you enjoy the power of my amulet?” asked Megan sarcastically. “How, how could you turn my power against me?” asked Mark with a ghastly look on his face. “Well my amulet,” started Megan, “has the power to turn your attacks on you. All of your attacks will end up harming you instead of us.” While Megan was saying this, Kristen had gone to pick up her bow and took aim to fire an arrow at Mark. She pulled the arrow back and then released it. It flew through the water and pierced Mark’s chest. Mark let out a howl of pain and then stared at the sirens. “Your amulets protect you from the powers of water, but what will protect you from attacks not based on water?” asked Mark. Mark then swam toward Kayla and plowed her into a rock. Alexandra tried to help her but her arm was grabbed by the demon and she was thrown into the sand at the bottom of the ocean. Megan swam up to him and scratched his chest leaving a deep wound, but it failed to do enough damage. Mark grabbed her leg as she passed him and he threw her toward the city and hit the tower where the water stone once lay. Kristen took up her bow and fired an arrow at Mark that hit the back of his neck. He turned his body and began to swim toward her, but he was stopped. From the surface, a body fell and deliberately hit Mark stopping him from hurting Kristen. “What the?” asked Mark confused. “Kristen, go now and help Kayla, Alexandra, and Megan,” said a voice. The sand that was stirred up by Mark hitting the ocean floor began to clear revealing Kemelly. “Are you sure?” asked Kristen. “Help would be good, but you need to go help them right now, they need it,” said Kemelly. Kristen obeyed and swam off to collect the sirens for medical treatment. Mark had begun to recover and lifted his head to find no one other than Kristen staring at him in the sand. “I guess it’s just you and me now,” said Kemelly. |