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Closed for business, but be sure to check out my new place! |
Last night local NaNo'ers got together for a mid-month get-together. Including myself, four others showed up, all female. We had a pot-luck dinner at the home of a fellow NaNo'er named Derri. She made stuffed shells w/ cheese, italian sauce and veggies. Nummy! I brought my layered Mexican dip, and boy did I feel bad when Derri had to give her portion away because I had put hamburger in it. I had no idea she was a vegitarian. Oops. After we ate, we sat in the living room and discussed many subjects ranging from writing (Shocking, I know. Writers discussing writing? Who'da thunk it), religion and politics. When we got to religion, Derri said, "I'm a witch." At first, I just stared at her, wondering if she was joking. But then she went on to say as she lit her candles, "I make sure I keep all the elements in my house: water, fire," she looks at me with a grin, "Dirt." Nope. No joke. But I decided to withhold judgement. Have you ever met someone and knew from that moment you liked them, that there was a connection? I feel that way with Derri. She laughs constantly, has a terrific sense of humor, and is a very open and welcoming person. Definitely someone to emulate as far as treating other people. But then she sat back down and said, "I'm not a Christian, but I don't have anything against them. I judge religions by the people who practice it and how they treat others." She then went on to describe the church one of her family member's attends that she considers a cult. After hearing her describe this church, I had to agree. But even as I listened to her, I kept going back to what she said about judging religions. She is absolutely correct, and it's something I need to keep in mind when I'm with anyone, not just Christians or non-christians. I decided then that, although I won't be shy about my faith, I won't preach, nor will I tell or even act as though Derri will go to hell if she doesn't "mend her ways". That is one of the biggest complaints I've heard from non-christians about Christianity. They see it as a very controlling religion, that if you don't live according to what the Bible preaches, you will go to Hell. That's not what Jesus preached. Jesus came to prove God's love for us, by showing love to those many of the religious people of his day called "sinners", "untouchables", dare I say, the damned and unworthy of God's grace. Hello! That's all of us, Christians and non-christians alike. Jesus calls us to love God first and foremost, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. But He also expects us to live the same way He lived His. He preached, yes, but what did He preach about? To always have your eyes on God, to never judge others, and to spread the good news. I don't see damning people to hell because of how they live as good news. The good news is God loves us so much, He willingly came down to earth do die as the ultimate sacrifice so He wouldn't lose a single soul. Our calling is to share God's love with others, and letting them know either through our words or actions, or both, just what that is. But we must also look through other people's eyes and how they might perceive us. I don't think Derri is alone in judging religions by their members. But the problem is, people are not judging a particular religion, but Christianity, and ultimately Christ Himself. Instead of bringing them closer to God, our actions may in the end contribute to hardening their hearts so they never see the truth. I hope keeping Derri's words in mind will prevent me from doing just that. |