Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/383398-Lost
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1029104
What makes humans, human? In three seperate stories, we find out.
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#383398 added November 2, 2005 at 5:34pm
Restrictions: None
**First up, Lost! Just so you know, the title has nothing to do with the fact that I'm an AVID fan of the show lost.... *Wink* This is definetely one of the best stories I've ever written (In my opinion anyway) so I hope you all like it! Read on!**


         “Excuse me miss, are you lost?” were his first words to me, calling across the short distance that sought to separate us with the pounding rain. Drops clung to my lashes as I blinked in slight surprise, realizing that there was a world beyond the walls I lived in, and that someone was calling from it. Yet his mundane question still hung before me unanswered, the simple act of a reply proving to be quite daunting.

         Yes sir, I suppose I am lost was my mind’s instinctive reply, though I hadn’t realized that my lips had not complied with my mind’s request to voice it. But I have wandered this world for so long without purpose, that it shouldn’t really be called lost now should it?

         When he did not reply my steps continued without fail, echoed by the sloshing footfalls trailing behind me. The sound doubled and suddenly a tall man appeared, sheltering my already slicked head with his large silk umbrella.

         I could feel his very nature pierce my impassive heart instantly, warming my icy blood and clammy skin with a strange feeling of companionship.

         “Miss? Are you alright?” he asked with a special tone of voice only fathers are known to possess, placing a warm hand on my dripping shoulder. I looked up into his face and saw many years looking back at me, long creases lining his kind features; battle scars from a world that could never understand how it effects it’s inhabitants.

         His eyes flashed with apprehension as he hesitantly removed his hand, though he continued to stare intently into my eyes; as if he saw something so horrific in them and yet couldn’t bring himself to look away.

         I could sense his fear radiating off of him
like a sleepy haze and found it bitterly amusing, despite long losing the ability to smile. He was a strong man, I could feel it from the heaviness of his hand and heart; and yet, he feared me.

         The companionship that permeated around us withered as my face fell, the sharp staccato of rain hitting his umbrella the only sound I could hear over the beating of my own heart.

         “I’m fine sir. Thank you for your concern.”

         Never has a sentence felt more vile in my mouth.

         I had unknowingly turned my head away from him to stare into the endless grey surrounding me, but I knew without looking that I was once again existing in solitary. I tipped my head to the sky and stared into the consuming abyss, realizing with the most aching clarity that the man had been right; I was lost.

**I love how this story sounds so crisp and cold, conveying the feelings of the character in this story very nicely. Not to toot my own horn or anything! *Wink* Next story please!**
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