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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 12 The Demon James “Melissa, where is Veronica?” asked Ariel. “She is in her dumb hut again meditating,” replied Melissa. Ariel then walked to her sister Veronica’s hut. As she approached the entrance it flew open. Ariel peered inside and saw her sister two feet off the ground meditating with her eyes closed, her long brown hair swooping in front of her face and her robe dyed a combination of green and brown. Veronica then announced without a trace of distress in her voice, “Ariel, sister and queen of the Amazons, the elemental demons have been released again. One of the demons is already on his way to destroy our people and city. You should have Melissa gather the others in the trees for a surprise attack.” “Melissa,” shouted Ariel, “we have an emergency. Gather the others and bring them into the trees so that we may attack the demon that is headed our way. Veronica will give the orders on when to start the attack.” “Just let me get my weapon and I will meet you in the village center. Sound the alarm for me please sister,” commanded Melissa. Melissa ran for her hut and pulled out her weapon. It was a large stick with blades on both of its sides. She then walked to the area of the campfire wearing small rags resembling a baggy bathing suit. “Fellow Amazons, I, your queen Melissa bring bad news. My sister Veronica has seen in a vision a demon released and it is headed our way. Get your bows and arrows and take to the trees. On my sister Ariel’s signal, strike it with your arrows as fast as you can. Go now to your positions.” “Veronica, where is Patty? Is she alright?” asked Ariel. “The plant manipulator is fine. She will arrive seven minutes after the demon has. I will not be able to defeat the demon; neither will you or Melissa for that matter. Patty is our only hope. We must hold the demon off until she arrives. Now Ariel, we both know you are very skilled at archery. Climb the trees and be the first to fire an arrow. I will let you know when it is time to use my powers,” explained Veronica. “How long until this demon arrives?” asked Ariel. “He will be here soon after you have climbed the tree. Now go, I will weaken him with my powers. Use your strength my queen,” said Veronica. Ariel quickly ran out of the tent and climbed the tree. Veronica followed her, but stayed on the forest floor. She walked outside and stood in an area in which not many trees had grown. She looked into the trees and saw all the warriors in the trees. “So, if it isn’t the mighty Amazon Queen,” said James flying in from the canopy. “Be careful what you wish for James,” said Veronica. “Oh shut up!” he exclaimed and a vine popped out of the ground grabbing both her legs. Without looking at her legs to see what had happened she shouted, “Sinja Aramsenia!” and the vines shriveled up. She then proceeded to levitate in front of his face and whispered, “Serenope Trium.” After these words were said James was sent flying into the bushes. “So you cannot handle telekinetic powers can you?” asked Veronica. ~Ariel now! Shoot him with your arrows!~ commanded Veronica using her power of telepathy to communicate with Ariel. Ariel then fired a barrage of arrows at James which signaled the others to do so as well. While the others were firing the arrows, Veronica slipped away into the trees where she could meditate and see where Patty was and what else was going on at the same time. Then after getting shot several times, James made the vines in the tree send the warriors flying. Ariel and Melissa happened to dodge the vines. “I have had enough waiting! I am going to take him down!” cried Melissa. She jumped from the tree with her stick with blades on both sides. She jumped about thirty feet and then swiped at him with one side of her stick. She then landed in front of him and was about to jump again when several vines grew up from the ground and grabbed her legs and midsection. James then flew up to where she was situated and asked, “Are you afraid?” Melissa hesitated then smiled and said, “No.” An arrow fired by Ariel was sent flying at the demon’s spine. It was a direct hit. It sent James falling to the ground yelling in pain. “Veronica, I thought you said we would not be able to defeat the demon,” said Ariel. Veronica released Melissa from the vines and then walked over to Ariel and said, “It is impossible. Our ancestors were not able to even damage him.” “Those ancestors of ours were weak! They knew nothing about war!” exclaimed Melissa in victory. “Yes but they at least were wiser than you three,” laughed the demon who had begun to stand up again. “Do you really think I would be defeated by a simple arrow?” He then pushed the arrow all the way through his body out the other end and threw it at the ground. “This time around I will not be defeated by the Amazons or the so-called chosen one.” James then jumped in the air and flew directly at the three sisters. He went in to hit Ariel but she dodged his blow right as he flew overhead and she fired another few arrows at his stomach this time. He hit the ground rolling until he hit a tree. He pulled the new arrows out of his body, emerald blood dripping on them and stood up again. “You will never win!” he exclaimed laughing. He then flew at Veronica. Before she could move, he wrapped vines at her and he flew at her head with full speed. He slammed her head and it came off with a small cloud coming off of it. Then her head and body disappeared. James then said, “One down, two to go.” “Astroprojection is quite an amazing ability isn’t it James?” asked Veronica emerging from behind a tree. “We might not be able to defeat you, but we will weaken you or die trying to.” Then using her telekinetic abilities she sent him flying into another tree. He recovered quickly from the blow, but not quickly enough. Melissa seized the opportunity and ran with her double-sided spear. She then pinned the demon’s neck against the tree and said, “It looks like the tables have turned. Now who should be afraid? I admit it, you would have killed me if it were not for my sisters, but who will come to help you?” She pushed the stick at his throat more and asked, “WHO WILL HELP YOU? TELL ME WHO!” James then smirked and without her knowing a vine grew up from the ground. The vine then grabbed her ankle and flung her against a tree. Melissa was sent twirling in the air into a tree. She then was lifted into a tree by Ariel who had been waiting for her there. “Thanks,” said Melissa who then jumped onto a branch. Ariel then pulled back her bow and all the other warriors did as well. All the arrows were fired in perfect sync. Ariel continued to keep firing and then stopped at Veronica’s command. Melissa then threw her spear making a small but defined hole in the demon’s left wing. She then jumped at him from the tree, wavy hair whipping around her face, and began to choke him from behind. Melissa then shifted her weight and flipped him over her head onto the floor. She began to walk away after several seconds of waiting. ~Melissa! Behind You!~ shouted Veronica, but the event was inevitable. It made contact with her body. Melissa looked down at her abdomen and saw one side of her own spear protruding from her body. Ariel ran to her side to keep her standing. “Leave me alone!” shouted Melissa coughing up a little blood. She pushed her sister from her side and began to walk toward the demon. When she was about twenty feet from him, she stopped and stared straight at his eyes. “I will not allow you to win,” stated Melissa clearly. She then grabbed the front of her spear lodged in her body and snapped it. She pushed it back through her body with only the slightest trace of pain in her face. Finally, she threw the two pieces behind her and stood up straight again. She ran at James with all the will in her body. He had a vine wrapped around her arms holding her in place. “Pull all you want your majesty,” said James approaching her until he stood right in front of her face, “you will never be able to break free.” Melissa raised her face to his until they were about seven inches from each other. Their eyes locked in a stare that couldn’t be broken by anything. Then Melissa spit all the blood that had gathered in her mouth in the face of the demon. James tried to shield his eyes, but to no avail. Melissa then took a few short steps back, ran and grabbing onto the vines, did a back flip and kicked James right where his nose was. She swiftly landed on her feet. She then pulled her arms toward her body breaking the vines. Melissa turned to her sisters and said, “Go, take the warriors to the village. I do not want them to see me get killed. I know I cannot win, but I will hold him off for as long as I can.” Veronica nodded her head in agreement, “Yes, we must go Ariel.” She pulled Ariel’s arm but Ariel stood firm. She turned her head to look at her older sister and said, “We cannot just leave her here.” “But we must. Patty should be arriving shortly and we need to brief her as to what is going on. Melissa will be fine. Come now.” With that Veronica and Ariel headed back to the village with the other warriors. Meanwhile, Melissa turned around to see James beginning to stand up again. “You are good. You are very good, but it will not be good enough I am sorry to tell you,” stated James plainly. “As long as I do my best I will be happy,” stated Melissa just as plainly. She then ran at him and threw a punch. He caught her fist in his hand before she could make contact. Using his other hand, he grabbed her forearm and threw her up into the sky. James flew up after her. As she began to fall back down, he grabbed her leg and flung her onto the top of a tree. She fell right into someone’s arms. She looked up to see Veronica’s face. “I will not leave you, but this is only my astroprojectile form. I’ll keep you from getting too hurt, but I cannot fight with you. You are on your own this time. This might help,” said Veronica handing Melissa a new double-sided spear. James just floated there praising himself for “destroying” the queen. The branches of the tree ruffled and Melissa leaped with all her might at the demon. She used her spear to graze his chest. She then landed in a tree on the other side. “Melissa, allow me to take a few shots at him,” said Ariel who was hiding in the tree disobeying her sister’s orders. “Veronica might be older, but I am the heiress and no one tells me what to do.” She passed her injured sister some herbs and aimed with her bow. She then fired two arrows at one time right into James’ left wing. Melissa then jumped out of the tree, this time tackling the demon’s left wing. Her added weight and the holes in the wing made the demon begin to fall. He was falling on his side when Melissa jumped off his body onto the ground where she then collapsed. James then decided to attack Melissa who was lying helplessly on the ground. He jumped in the air and dove for her. From the trees Ariel was firing arrows wildly at him. James remained unscathed and went to grab Melissa when she grabbed her spear from overhead. She kept him from grabbing her. She kicked him and sent him over her head. “You don’t give up do you, you stupid mortal?” asked James. ~Melissa, you and Ariel go back to the village. I will take care of him for the remainder of the time,~ said Veronica to her sisters. Melissa began to retreat with her spear, but James pursued her and Ariel. Melissa then turned around and threw her spear right into the demon’s chest. Ariel then jumped out of a tree and kicked James onto the ground. She then proceeded to take the spear out of his chest and ran back to the village with Melissa. As soon as they reached the village, they notified Veronica that they had arrived. Veronica then flew over toward the area where the demon had been fighting Melissa and Ariel. “I am back,” announced Veronica when she arrived. “I have withstood the power of your younger and much more aggressive sister. I think I will be able to deal with the likes of you,” said James. “Well then I guess it will be a repeat performance,” she said aloud to James. After she said this she sent James flying into a tree with the wave of her hand. ~Patty, I am Veronica. I am Ariel’s older sister and a fellow queen of the Amazons. You must take down this demon. We are battling near the tree where you and Ariel spent the night on your journey to the temple. Please hurry, our younger sister almost died,~ said Veronica to Patty who was close by. “Demon, I would like to introduce you to someone,” said Veronica. “I’d rather you meet my fist,” yelled James on his way to punching her, but he was stopped. A vine had grown around his arm holding him back from hitting her. “This is your doom. Meet Patty, the plant sorceress,” said Veronica looking at Patty coming in for a landing behind the demon with her stone glowing and her long orange hair flowing in the wind. |