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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 10 The Bermuda Triangle ~Are you sure we should trust Melanie? We just met her and we already are doing as she said,~ asked Stephanie. “Stephanie, she is an angel. An angel! She had eight freakin’ wings. I think we can trust her. She even had the light stone and she could use it. How else could she have made the room so bright? She has to be good. If she were evil, she wouldn’t have warned us about the titans. We have to trust her. Now concentrate on swimming if that is OK with you, my little orca,” said Patty. ~All I am saying is that we have to be a bit careful. Remember that one line from Kindergarten Cop, “Never talk to strangers.” We didn’t just talk to someone we never knew, but we are right now going out and getting pieces of a tablet for her.~ “Stephanie, enough about that, what I need to know is what types of animals you can become already. If this titan is made up of both elements, plants and animals, then we need a very strong animal to help us fight.” ~I snuck into Parrot Jungle and the zoo last week. I have a hippo, tiger, lion, leopard, anaconda, elephant, grizzly bear, cheetah, rhino, polar bear, dolphin, orca, sea lion, peregrine falcon, red tailed hawk, bald eagle, fly, cockroach, parakeet, blue jay, and a hammerhead shark to choose from so we should be safe.~ “One more question, what is that in the water in front of you?” ~Oh, that is just a pod of orca whales. Completely harmless unless they think I am invading their territory.~ “I already saw the whales. What is that big thing floating in the water around them?” ~Oh the sperm whale. It must have lost the fight to the orcas, or it was sick. They are attacking it and it is almost dead.~ “So the whales are going to come after us when they finish with the whale?” ~Correction, they already are coming after us, and they do not seem to be welcoming us. Their clicks in the water are threatening clicks. I think the only way is to become the sperm whale and show them that we will not go down easily. The only way to become the sperm whale is if I touch it so we need to get a head start. Hold on tight!~ “Ahh!” Patty screamed. Stephanie began to swim as fast as she could throwing Patty back against her dorsal fin. Patty then tightened her plants grip around Stephanie so that she wouldn’t fall off. Down they swam right under the pod of whales. The whales were almost right behind them when they reached the sperm whale. Stephanie became human in about two seconds. She then patted the whale and became the whale right when the pod arrived. “I’ll show you dumb whales. Kelp, contain these killer whales for a bit while we get away. And can another few pieces of kelp come to me too. The other ones seem to have broken when Stephanie became a sperm whale,” said Patty as her stone began to glow. ~I almost forgot. I can control animals. Stop your attack. I have to become human again and then I will tell them to leave us alone,~ said Stephanie. “Kelp stay where you are, except for the pieces I need to make a ‘saddle’.” “Whales, leave us at peace, we are on our way to achieving balance in the world. Leave us alone,” said Stephanie. The whales then decided to leave. Then Stephanie morphed back into an orca and swam for another fifteen minutes when Patty interrupted saying, “I think we are here. Stephanie, dive down and check for me.” ~I just had to look down. There is a temple in there. Patty are you ready for this?~ asked Stephanie. “As ready as I will ever be.” They dove down to the temple’s entrance and walked in. As they walked in, they noticed it was covered in plants and there were animals everywhere. They walked through two different hallways before they finally reached a dead end. “Oh this is great isn’t it?” asked Patty rhetorically. “There has to be something in here. We just have to wait for a bit,” stated Stephanie. Patty and Stephanie were too focused looking around the room to notice their stones were glowing the closer they got to the center of the room. When they finally reached the center, their stones glowed brightly, so brightly that they couldn’t even see. ~You have come for the tablet pieces! I am the titan and guardian of the tablet pieces of the Living Elements,~ said a loud thunderous voice that was only heard in the girls’ heads. Slowly the stones began to stop glowing and a figure began to appear. It was maybe ten feet tall. It appeared to look like a large wolf. It had green eyes and shaggy fur. Within the fur and around the legs and other parts of the body grew vines and thorns. The titan then grinned its teeth and leaped at Patty. Vines grew up from the ground beneath the titan and they wrapped around the titan keeping him from moving. “I’m going to become something big. Those vines shouldn’t be able to keep him down for too long. He is too big,” said Stephanie. Right after she said this, all the vines keeping the wolf down snapped. The vines from the titan’s fur then shot over to Patty. A vine dropped from the roof and lifted Patty up toward the ceiling. ~Look over here puppy!~ called Stephanie now an elephant. Stephanie trumpeted and ran at a full charge at the titan. The titan flew and hit the wall. Patty was safe for now as Stephanie caught the attention of the titan. Stephanie charged again , but this time she fell right over. ~ Ow, that hurt!~ ~Foolish human youth. Will you ever learn that I have already won this fight?~ asked the titan. After saying this, the vines and thorns from its fur flew off its body and hurled themselves at Stephanie in elephant form. Stephanie wasn’t able to move fast enough in her elephant form so all the vines wrapped around her enormous body. “Stephanie, morph out! You are going to die,” yelled Patty. Plants then rose from the walls of the room and reached over to the titan. The vines grabbed the titan, but the titan broke free in a matter of seconds. “Stephanie, my power cannot beat this guy. I will try to distract him, but in the fight, you are on your own!” shouted Patty. As Patty was saying this, the vines around the titan began to lift Stephanie up into the air over its head. It then attempted to throw Stephanie into the ground, but the elephant disappeared. ~Yee-ha! I can now jump from animal to animal! By the way Patty, I am a fly,~ said Stephanie. Stephanie then decided to land on the titan’s stomach after noticing that it was baffled that she was missing. She then morphed into a 20-foot long anaconda in less than a second and began to squeeze the life out of the titan. The titan tried to use the thorns on its fur to kill the anaconda, but it was too late. Stephanie squeezed with all her might even with thorns going deeper into her skin, until its hearts stopped beating. Stephanie then returned to normal and Patty stood beside her. They both took a few steps away from the titan, watching it collapse. After collapsing, it blew up into tiny particles, some were green, some were pink. The green molecules then began to build up again into a small pile and so did the pink ones. When the molecules finished moving and the titan completely disappeared, Patty and Stephanie walked over to see what the particles formed. Before them stood two small stone pieces that were the same as their stones, just not clear. “I guess we better hurry back to the temple,” stated Stephanie. “We cannot forget these though,” Patty said pointing at the little pieces. “Lets get out of here, and I will turn into an orca so that we can get back. We have to hurry!” With that, the two girls left the corner temple and headed back toward the temple Melanie was in. “Talk about a boring trip,” sighed Nick. “The phattest part was watchin’ Johnny boy over here toss his cookies!” exclaimed Carla. “OK. The temple should be right down there,” said Jonathan ignoring Carla’s comment. “In we go,” said Andrew after taking his shirt off. The three jumped in and began to swim down toward a building that became more visible the further down they went. They then swam through what seemed to be an entrance and walked up several steps. “Creepy, I think the floor isn’t sturdy. I just felt it give way,” stated Nick. “Just keep walking, you wuss,” said Jonathan. “Stop fighting you guys. We have to be aware. We do not know anything about this titan, so be ready,” explained Andrew. They continued to walk up stairs, across hallways, and down stairs until they reached a room. They walked in and Andrew noticed all three of their stones were glowing. They kept walking but kept their guard up. Then a very bright light appeared requiring them to shield their eyes. ~What causes you to awake my slumber?!?~ asked a booming voice within the boys’ heads. “We are here to collect the tablet pieces so fork ‘em over or else,” said Jonathan bravely. The light then began to dim and before them stood a fifteen foot-tall titan. It had legs that seemed like pillars of fire, a midsection and arms made of stone, and a head made of electricity. ~Or else what? Do you really believe you can defeat me?~ asked the titan. After saying this it shot a lightning bolt directly at Jonathan from its mouth. Jonathan quickly dodged out of the way. “If it’s a battle you want, then that is what you are getting!” exclaimed Andrew. He then threw a ball of electricity at the titan’s midsection hoping to damage it, but to no avail. The titan attempted to hit Nick, but missed because Nick created a wall of fire that hid where he was. Andrew and Jonathan ran behind the wall. Andrew said panting, “FYI guys, the body armor is really strong. The only thing that could break that is a major explosion. Too bad none of us has that power.” “Wait we might actually be able to do that,” said Nick. “When fire and lightning combine, they cause an explosion right?” “Yea, I guess,” said Jonathan. “Well, his legs are made out of fire and his head is made out of lightning. His body is smack in the middle. If we shoot fire at his head and lightning at his legs we might be able to destroy him completely in one shot,” explained Nick. “On the count of three we run out in separate directions. At the second count of three, we blast him. Got it?” asked Andrew. As planned, on the first count of three they all ran around him. Jonathan then distracted it with a small earthquake. Andrew then counted to three again and launched an electricity ball at each of its legs. At that same moment, Nick launched a fireball at the titan’s head. “Duck!” yelled Jonathan. The three then ducked as the titan began to explode. After it finished exploding, Andrew heard a buzzing sound and looked up at the ceiling. Above their head there were many particles moving. They were in three colors: red, yellow, and a brown-grey color. They then began to build up into three little piles on the ground. When the last particle fell into its pile, the boys walked up to the piles and examined them. The piles had turned into little tablet pieces, one yellow, one red, and one a combination between brown and grey. “I think we take these little things back with us,” stated Andrew. “Let’s get out of here and hurry back to the center temple. I bet Carla is worried,” said Nick. “I highly doubt she missed us,” said Jonathan. With that they left the temple, got on their boat and headed back with Carla’s help. “Kemelly, can you dive down and see if we are in the right spot?” asked Bobby. Kemelly then dove down and looked for the temple. At first she couldn’t see anything; but then after swimming around for about a minute she found it. She dove up and called Bobby and Jessica to her. “Well we were close. It was only about seventy-five yards away,” said Jessica trying to lighten the mood. “Come on guys let’s get this over with and achieve balance in the world,” said Kemelly sarcastically. Kemelly grabbed on to Jessica and swam down with her, while Bobby levitated about ten feet and then dove into the water after them. They swam into the entrance as swiftly as possible. Once inside, Bobby, Kemelly, and Jessica walked through a long but lit hallway. “Let me tell you guys something, it’s really cold in here, the floor is wet, and there seems to be air conditioning making it even colder. I really do not like this place,” said Kemelly complaining. “Well just to let you know, this temple is for the transitional elements, our three elements, the elements of wind, water, and ice. I really think that these elements can be present within the temple,” stated Jessica making Kemelly feel stupid. “Like Kemelly said, let’s get this over with. We just have to beat this titan and get the tablet pieces. Not a big deal,” said Bobby to Jessica and Kemelly. With that, they continued to walk down the hallway. After several agonizing minutes in the cold, they reached a triangular room. Bobby led the girls into the room without realizing that the corners of the room were glowing more as they got closer to the center or that their stones were glowing as well. “If I were a titan or whatever, this would definitely be where I would stay,” said Kemelly in awe at the size of the room. “Well the tablet pieces aren’t anywhere in sight,” stated Bobby looking around. “Yea and there isn’t anywhere else to go so this must be the place,” concluded Jessica. When they finally reached the center of the room, the light from the corners made the room so bright that all three of the kids had to turn away. ~So the three of you want the Bermuda Triangle Tablet Pieces? Well I have been assigned to guard them. Only those who can defeat me can obtain the pieces! Try and defeat me!~ a booming voice screamed. “I take it that is the titan,” said Jessica pointing at a tall creature. It had a human shaped body with a body made completely of water, tentacles coming out of its back made of ice, and normal shaped arms made of small cyclones. “You want a fight, then a fight is what you are going to get!” yelled Kemelly. After saying this she sprayed water at the titan at a very high pressure. ~Fool, you think that water is going to be able to beat me? I should have figured. I even feel bad destroying you three.~ “Think again!” shouted Bobby while he blew a very strong gust of wind at the titan sending drops from the parts of its body made of water. After attacking the titan a long tentacle made of ice shot down to hit Bobby. “Bobby! Watch out!” yelled Jessica as she made a column of ice form to block Bobby from the tentacle smashing parts of it. ~You might have saved him from that but try saving him from this!~ exclaimed the titan. It then spat out tons of water and using its cyclone arms made a tornado made of water. Then its tentacles lifted up and began to smash each other sending chunks of ice into the tornado. “That tornado is going really fast, if we end up inside of it, we will not be able to get out before we either drown or get hit by a chunk of ice,” said Jessica. “Kemelly, Jessica, grab my hands. I should be able to levitate us to the titan’s head just in time before the tornado hits us.” Kemelly ran over next to Bobby but Jessica did not budge. “Jessica hurry up! You will die!” yelled Kemelly. “No. I have to stop this titan on my own,” stated Jessica. “But trying to stop it on your own is suicide,” said Bobby trying to reason with her. “You just don’t get it,” said Jessica with a grin on her face. “I almost killed both of you and all the others. You guys saved me.” “And we will do it again!” shouted Kemelly. “You can’t. It’s my turn to save you,” said Jessica wiping the grin from her face and also a stray tear. She then turned her face to look at them and said, “Go and try to break the tentacles. I don’t want anything to distract me from this tornado. Now, Go!” She then formed a large icicle and threw it at them. “Go now,” she said, “because next time I won’t miss.” Bobby then lifted himself and Kemelly off the ground and moved to the titan’s back. Kemelly then sprayed water at a very high pressure at one of the tentacles. Bobby then concentrated a lot of wind on that same tentacle and the tentacle snapped. They continued to do this to all the other tentacles. At the same time Jessica decided to try and stop the tornado. She held out here arms and began to talk to her stone. “I know what you are capable of. You almost killed my friends. Let me use your power to freeze the water in the tornado. I call upon all your power.” Her stone began to glow. Around her feet the floor became ice. The air became cold and her breathing slowed. The tornado was now ten yards away from her when she said, “Freeze that column of water.” The ground between Jessica and the tornado began to freeze over. Then the ice on the ground stopped spreading and for a second it seemed like all hope was lost, but the bottom of the tornado touching the floor began to freeze and slowly the whole thing froze into a giant column of ice shaped like a tornado. “She did it! She actually did it!” exclaimed Kemelly. ~It’s not over yet!~ shouted the titan sounding shaken up. “Oh but it is. Freeze the titan’s body made of water as well. Kemelly quick, soak its arms in water so that its entire body can get frozen!” yelled Jessica. Kemelly did as she was told. The titan’s arms turned to water and rather quickly, its entire body was made of ice. “Bobby! You have to destroy every last piece of ice on its body. That should kill it. Kemelly, make a constant flow of high power water to help crush it,” said Jessica. They both listened to what she said and the titan, now entirely made of ice, began to crack. It then shattered into tons of small pieces. Those small pieces in turn shattered into millions of tiny particles. After a while they formed into three little tablet pieces. “I take it the white one is mine,” said Bobby. “I bet mine is the aqua one,” stated Kemelly. “That leaves the sky blue one for me,” said Jessica, “Let’s ditch this place.” They began to leave the temple, when Kemelly said, “Jessica I never would’ve thought you had it in you to pull off something like that.” To which she responded smiling, “Well I guess I am just full of surprises.” |