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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 6 The Water Stone Kemelly was on her way to the dock for she and her family were going to take a cruise to the Bahamas. Her dad, mom, and little sisters went. Her little sisters were, as she called them, monsters from the underworld. They are fraternal twins but think alike and when they think hard and use their minds, they can cause who knows how much trouble. One day when Jessica was visiting Kemelly’s house, Kemelly’s little sisters grabbed two butcher knives and started chasing Jessica around the house. Eventually, Jessica tripped, fell, broke her glasses and some of her blonde hair was slashed to shreds. The names of these two monsters are Caitlyn and Cristy. They look like cute sweet harmless girls but boy are they dangerous. In fact they both got “Mommy Notes” in Pre-K for yelling and biting the teacher. They made a strategic plan. They decided to go around the teacher, yell and then jump at her. They did this, but the teacher couldn’t throw them off or the teachers would get in trouble. That was when they were five years old. Now in fourth grade and at the age of ten these two girls are little beasts. They try to any way imaginable torture Kemelly and her friends. On the way onto the cruise, Kemelly and her family took a picture. The little picture had Caitlyn and Cristy hitting each other. Kemelly had asked her parents if she could go on the cruise without the twins but her mom said it was a family thing. As soon as they got into the cabin the captain made the announcement of the test in case the ship starts sinking. Now this is when the two little twins got a little dramatic. They decided to play Titanic like the movie. Caitlyn decided to play Jack and Cristy, Rose. They both got on the top bunk bed and started yelling at each other things like, “Jack I love you so much. We will both live and have children together. Jack I’ll never let go! No! Jack! Ahhh!” Then suddenly Kemelly heard a loud bang and she saw the two idiotic twins lying on the floor. They were both fighting. Kemelly just had to ask this question, “What the heck were you two doing?” Cristy replied, “We were playing Titanic. I was Rose and Caitlyn was Jack. We got to the part where Jack sinks and is let go by Rose. I let Caitlyn go but she was a pain and pulled me down with her.” All of a sudden Kemelly heard Caitlyn say, “She was going to kill me. I was going to die. I wanted her to break my fall.” Then out of nowhere SLAP! SMACK! The two twins were fighting. Cristy remembered one move she saw while watching boxing. She suddenly bit Caitlyn’s ear making her bleed. Kemelly went to get her parents but decided to let them duke it out. Suddenly the alarm went off. The girls quickly put the lifejackets on, even though Kemelly had some trouble with the twins. Kemelly was in such a hurry she didn’t even bother to buckle her lifejacket, but she buckled those of the twins. They reached the designated area a little late but got the front view. Then the girls started fighting again. They were yelling, kicking and pushing. Kemelly didn’t notice but when she did it was too late. The twins pushed her very hard. Hard enough to knock her off the boat and that is what happened. Her unbuckled life jacket fell off on the way down. She screamed and hit the water in a dive position. Most people thought she died and since the boat was still moving she was destined to be shredded up by the propellers at the end of the boat. Kemelly screamed and when she thought all hope was lost and she was about two yards away from the propellers, she was grabbed and held tight and put out of harms way. Then what grabbed her took her very deep into the ocean. Then Kemelly opened her eyes and saw light. She rubbed her eyes. Was she seeing what she thought she saw? Was there really that much light that deep in the ocean? Suddenly, the stranger said in a reassuring voice, “Yes, it is what you think. You have just arrived in the lost city of dreams. Welcome to Atlantis!” After hearing this Kemelly finally looked at her savior. The first thing she noticed was that it had seashells over its breasts. She assumed it was a female for that reason. Then she looked back and saw a tail, a tail like that of a dolphin. The next thing she did was look at her face. She saw the most beautiful face smiling at her with pearly white, perfect teeth. Her hair was amazing. It glistened in the light as they both approached the city. Finally she realized what it was. It was a mermaid! Then the mermaid said, “You by now must have realized what I am, but you must be wondering who I am. You need not ask for I shall tell you. I am Kristen, Queen and ruler of Atlantis.” Kemelly looked around her and saw even more mer-people swimming around her. They all seemed eager to see what she was. There were men, women, and children swarming around her. Kristen ordered her soldiers to move the crowds away from them. Kristen told her that they were going to the castle. As they approached closer and closer to the castle an aqua light seemed to be shining extremely brightly at the top of the underwater castle. As they entered the gates they were opened quite quickly after the queen’s order. Kristen said, “Whenever a mortal comes into the city of Atlantis, we must conduct a test to see if he or she is the chosen one. We have even tested my people but it never works. I have tried, yet failed. I have a strong feeling that you are the one that will save our world and your world a few times.” “What do you mean, what is this test you are talking about? What do I have to do? I am also quite curious so please answer one question. What is that thing glowing above the castle?” asked Kemelly. “The test involves the stone at the top of the castle. It is a magical stone that is said to protect the city from invaders but it doesn’t seem to be made for that reason for we have been invaded before. In ancient legend it has been said to control the place we live in keeping us safe. It is basically said to control water. Only one person can use it to control the water. I have an extremely strong feeling that it is you.” “Why do you think it is me?” “Because you are actually quite clumsy falling out of the ship and you are quite different from the other people that have seen us because they have searched almost all their lives for us and you have just naturally came to us. I think you are the one. Now let us quit discussing and conduct the test.” They started to swim up to the top of the castle. Kemelly ask how she could still breathe down in the water and Kristen said it was because the water down there is rich in oxygen. The closer they got to the stone, the brighter it got. When they both finally reached it, Kemelly was exhausted. She had swum all the way there without any help. Kristen told her to put her hands around the stone. The little bars holding it in place dissolved. Then a necklace with a charm that was open appeared. She placed the stone in the charm and it shut. Kristen said, “Command the water to do something.” “Fine, water make a small but strong current in front of me.” Her stone glowed and at that moment the current began to pull her to the bottom of the castle with great force. She was about to hit the ground when she commanded the water to catch her and prevent her from falling. Then Kristen rode the current down with great ease and stopped right next to Kemelly. They went in the castle and Kemelly practiced her new skill. She couldn’t help but notice the huge longbow that was made of a type of beautiful mineral that was the same color as her stone. She also saw a few arrows of the same material. The bow and the arrows were hung up against a wall in the palace. She asked Kristen about them and she was told that the bow is an extremely powerful bow that is only used in emergencies. Suddenly there was a huge scream. It was faint but it was possible to hear it and it was unlike anything before. It sounded quite beautiful actually. Kristen said, “What a great time for the Sirens to come. We have just found the one to control the stone. Come Kemelly we must go and fight these three.” She grabbed her longbow and the arrows and hurried off with Kemelly not far away. Kristen explained what the Sirens were. She said, “The Sirens are a group of three extremely beautiful human like creatures that wander the sea to take over each city they cross. They usually are successful but with you at my side we should win.” Kemelly made a very swift current that took them about five hundred yards away from the Sirens. She told the current to stop and the two swam until they were about twenty yards away from the Sirens. The three had seashells on their chests over their breasts yet these were quite spiky. Indeed these three were quite beautiful. Huge talons came forth from their hands. They were each wearing a different necklace. One had a moon, one a star, and the other had a sun. Their dresses were each similar with the colors of their charms on their necklaces. They were a bit see through and you could see their legs. They also seemed to have some sort of bikini bottom towards the top of their dresses. They had long and beautiful hair. Kristen screamed, “What is your business here?” The on in the front said in her beautiful voice, “We challenge you for your city. If we win, you must give up city. And if you win we will do exactly what we are told to do.” “We accept your challenge.” “When did I ever agree to this?” asked Kemelly. “Get ready to fight! This will be a very important battle. Please do not fail me Kemelly. Use the power of your stone!” With that the three Sirens started swimming with great speed at the two of them. Kristen grabbed an arrow, lifted her bow up, pulled the string back and let it go. The three Sirens let out the loudest screech ever heard and the arrow broke into pieces right before them. Kristen continued to try to destroy them, but to no avail. The Sirens came in quick with their talons ready to attack the two but right then Kemelly told her stone to make a current and push the Sirens back. It bought the two time, but they had no idea how they were going to beat the Sirens. Kristen took the opportunity to shoot a few more arrows but their voices were still too much. Kemelly made a whirlpool and it stopped them in their tracks. They were spinning very rapidly and Kristen fired another arrow. The Sirens couldn’t see it coming so they were hit. Kemelly then came up with a new idea. She made the strongest current that extended from her to the Sirens. She told Kristen to grab two arrows. Then Kristen swam at full speed into the current and used it as an advantage to enable her to accelerate and reach much higher speeds. When she reached the Sirens she stabbed the two that had not been hit and they were the ones wearing the star and the moon charm. The three Sirens were not dead. Kemelly made a current back to the palace where the Sirens got medical attention. They were able to make a very fast recovery enabling them to swim in about two days. “What are the names of you three,” demanded Kristen. The one wearing the sun which was the leader said, “My name is Megan and I am the leader of this group of Sirens. I am more Fury than Siren or Banshee.” The one wearing the moon said, “My name is Kayla. I am the one with the most beautiful voice of the three of us. I am more Banshee than Fury or Siren.” The last one wearing the star said, “And I am Alexandra. I am the wisest one of the three of us making me more Siren than Banshee or Fury.” Kristen said, “I remember you said that if we won the battle you will do as I say. So I banish…” Kemelly interrupted, “Wait! Kristen they are much more powerful than just you yourself.” “And your point is what?” “You should use the three of them as guardians of the city. They can protect it from all other attacks at your command. They could be your most imperial guardians. They are wise as well so they can help you in decisions for the city.” “I like the way you think. I change my mind. You will be exactly what the mortal has said. You will protect the city, be my imperial guardians and you will also give me advice when I ask.” The three agreed. They all promised to do what the queen had said. Then the fact that they would have to bring Kemelly back to the surface came to them. Kemelly told them the cruise trip would be over so she would have to return to the city where she lived. She decided to make a current to the port. She said good bye to the Sirens and Kristen. Kristen told her that she is always welcome in the city of Atlantis. When she reached the port a worker there found her. She was returned to her parents that were very worried about her. The coast guard was out there so they had to be called back. They asked how she survived and she said that dolphin like creatures protect her from any danger. As it turns out the twins didn’t notice she fell overboard because they were still fighting. They both got in plenty of trouble. They said their apologies and Kemelly forgave them. She had a secret nobody knew of or noticed. It was her stone, the water stone. |