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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 5 The Lightning Stone The time came for Andrew to take the long flight to Kenya for the third year of his life. He went the first time with his aunt to go on Safari. They couldn’t find any animals so then they went to a tribe and ask them for advice. Andrew and his aunt were welcomed with opened arms. They only had a few days left for their Safari, but they still saw many amazing things like a pack of lions hunting and killing a wildebeest. This year, he is going to go alone and meet up with a few members of the tribe at the airport. He will stay with the tribe the whole time that he stays. He would live with his best friends in the tribe whose parents are excellent hunters and farmers. As he got on the airplane, he sat in his coach seat next to a very, very fat man that looked like he needed two seats and an old lady that smelled like talcum powder. Luckily though he had his own TV set in the back of the seat in front of him. The airline was offering five different movies. The movies were, Born Free, Daredevil, Tuck Everlasting, Miss Congeniality, and Charlie’s Angels. The flight was so long he was able to see two different movies. The first one he saw was Daredevil followed by Charlie’s Angels. When the flight finally arrived in Kenya, Andrew was picked up by his friend Kimera and Cashma. He then got on their cart and they rode to the village. Andrew asked, “Kimera, isn’t this the year your village recognizes you as a man?” Kimera replied, “Yes. The ceremonies begin at sundown. There be a big feast and tomorrow I kill a hyena without no one’s help.” Cashma added, “Hopefully though he will be able to kill the hyena before the rest of the pack come. He practiced before, but hyenas begin chase him.” Both Andrew and Cashma begin to laugh. They soon stop laughing when they arrive to the village. The witchdoctor is by the fire and it is growing steadily bigger. Andrew asked, “Kimera, does the witchdoctor initiate you or does somebody else do it?” “The witchdoctor and my family make me a man,” replied Kimera. “Tonight we have goat and zebra with cattle milk,” said Cashma. Andrew gave a long hard look and then said, “You cannot be serious. That sounds like it will kill me. You have got to be joking.” “Do not worry. It taste real good and make you strong. Now I show you your tent and you leave clothes in tent. You then can play with dogs.” The tent Andrew was given seemed rather close to the fire and really small. There was no bed, but there was some kind of blanket. Andrew went outside and walked into the fields with the dogs not far behind. He tried to outrun them every once in a while, but they would always catch him. He then plopped himself onto the ground and looked up at the sky. He took a nap for about an hour before he was rudely awakened by a vulture. It obviously thought he was dead. Andrew shooed it away and then looked at the sky. There was a massive storm cloud forming. He then rushed over to the village and looked for Cashma. He then said, “This storm looks really bad. Will Kimera’s man ceremony be cancelled?” “No, the ceremony will still go on. He just have to hunt hyena tonight, not tomorrow,” replied Cashma. The sun began to set, and then everyone in the village went to the fire. They all sat on the pieces of wood around it and there was food placed in front of them. Then out of nowhere can the men of the village running and dancing around the fire. Behind them all were both Kimera and the witchdoctor. After the chanting and dancing for about five minutes, Kimera and the witchdoctor stepped forward. Everyone went silent. The witchdoctor began to speak very silently in their native tongue. At that moment, Andrew forgot that the food was barely cooked goat and zebra meat and began to eat it. He then realized what is was, ran away from the fire and began to heave on his shirt. He took off his shirt to keep it from getting dirtier. Then the dogs came and started eating some of it which made him get rid of even more food. Cashma then came and told Andrew that Kimera began the hunt. Andrew then looked up. A drop of water hit his eye. He shut it quickly and then told Cashma, “I have a bad feeling about this. He will not be able to see where he is going well enough to avoid a whole pack of hyenas. I am going after him.” The rain began to fall in more abundance and force by the second, then came tons of lightning and thunder. Cashma didn’t even tell Andrew in which direction Kimera went to go hunt. Andrew was walking until a flash of lightning lit up the area ahead of him and he saw Kimera. That wasn’t all he saw. What he saw was so bad he began to sprint. What he saw were a pack of hyenas slowly following Kimera. Suddenly, a loud noise and a ton of light surrounded Andrew. He then fell to his knees and his head hit the ground. He remained like that for about five minutes and then a bright yellow light shown in his eyes. He opened them and he was able to move and see. He opened his hand that was shaped like a fist. Within it was a clear yellow stone. He looked at the rest of his arm and saw a cut on the side of his arm. It wasn’t deep but it stung. He looked where his arm was on the ground and found a necklace with these small blades on it. Right then it struck him. It was a stone similar to those of Bobby and Stephanie. He put the necklace on and then put the stone in the part with the blades. It snapped shut with the stone placed within it. Then he remembered, he was going to help Kimera. He ran and as he did he thought about his stone and what it would control. He finally noticed that whenever lightning was going to strike, his stone would glow. He then concluded that his stone controlled the element of lightning and electricity. He kept running and could find nothing. All of a sudden, Andrew tripped. He hurt his knee. When he was looking at what he fell on, it was a hartebeest carcass. Andrew had stumbled into the hyena territory. This meant he must be close to where Kimera was. “AHH!” Andrew turned to his left and ran toward the noise. He then saw Kimera on the ground with a hyena close by with a bloody face. Kimera stood up, “Andrew, run. Save you self. Forget me. I must kill hyena!” “NO!” responded Andrew. “I have just obtained something that is going to save both of our lives. Lightning, strike that ugly hyena killing it but keeping Kimera safe!” When Andrew spoke, his stone glowed which only meant good news. Then a bright light came and struck the hyena. It kept striking over and over again until there was nothing left of the hyena. Andrew ran over to help Kimera up. “Yo, Kimera. Are you OK?” “Hoo Hoow How you do dat? You be next witchdoctor? Yes Yes you be next witchdoctor!” said Kimera. “WO, hold your horses. It is a very long story. You see, my friends can do…” “You friends do same thing?” “No. They control wind and animals. We must be special and needed for something.” “So you no witchdoctor?” “No, sadly I am not a witchdoctor.” “You sure? Be a witchdoctor and you be bery bery special.” “I definitely am not a witchdoctor!” “OK, OK, I just wanted be sure.” “Let’s go back to the village. I bet you tomorrow there will be another good ceremony better than the one today with much better food.” Andrew laughed and walked with Kimera back to the village. On the way back they saw Cashma running with twelve of the village dogs to go find Kimera. “Cashma, don’t worry. Kimera is safe now. Return the dogs to the village. All he needs now is a long rest,” said Andrew. Cashma then asked, “How you save Kimera?” “Uh, a little friend helped me.” When Andrew said this, he clenched the stone in his hand and smiled. When they finally reached the village, everyone was delighted to see that they were all OK. The witchdoctor recommended some sleep and the ceremonies will be done again tomorrow. The next morning Andrew woke up to a very happy tribe. There was singing, dancing, and even the occasional howl from the dogs. As he walked closer the fire was lit even though it was daytime. People were dancing around the fire. Andrew later decided to join them. Then, the time came for people to present Kimera with gifts. Andrew however didn’t have a gift, but he remembered that dangerous things can be very beautiful. He was the second to last person to give a gift but his was sure to be the best. He said, “Kimera, you are one of the bravest kids, I mean men I know. Nobody back in America would go near a hyena especially if it were trying to kill you. Let alone, nobody in America would have done such a selfless act as to tell me to run away from the hyena. They wouldn’t care if I lived or died, all they would have cared about is their own life. For that, I will show you something you most likely will never see again.” He then commanded, “Lightning, fall from the sky in thin streams and dance around the fire!” His stone glowed and then the lightning came down and began to dance around the fire in thin streams. Everyone, yes everyone was in complete awe. A lion could have jumped into the village and nobody would have noticed. They stared at it for a few minutes and then Andrew commanded it to stop. Then came the final gift. It was Cashma’s gift to his brother. It was a bow and a few arrows so that the next time he went hunting he could be more efficient and kill the hyena. Sadly though, Andrew’s trip had to come to and end. He was even able to see Kimera kill his first predator, even though it was a jackal. His friends took him back to the airport. He promised to be back next year. When he got on the flight he was in a very all too similar position. This time instead of one fat person and an old lady, it was too fat old people. The good thing was that he was able to have fun. The old people fell asleep quickly and when they did he would shock them to see their reaction. As he got off the plane, he couldn’t wait to tell his friends about his story. |