Well, it is tuesday and I was supposed to be back on my own by Sunday. That didn't happen. I didn't handle the pain meds or antibbotics well. i think It was just the blood in my stomach. I was really out of it and sick to the stomach the first few days. Saturday morning I threw up and had to get of all the pain meds and antibotics. I have been out of it and in pain on and off. I feel a lot better today. I had to take half a pain pill last night becuase it hurt really bad. My faily was so great! I couldn't even believe how much help they were and how well they took care of me I am so greatly for them (especially my sister) I don't know what I would have done with out all of them. I really love them. It was also a week of no fighting on any ones part so I am really happy. I got to do some fun stuff to. I went to a movie with my sister and her boyfrends, I went to the pumpkin patch with my fam and my neighbors. I stayed at my dads one night and we had a movie night. Last night I got to hand out candy to all the little kids. My fam def went above and beyond to make it a good situation. The only thing bad that came out of it is the whole conversation of Vegas. I have been really looking forward to the vegas vaction and this weekend found some really cool hotels but after talking to people I relize that the trip is not going to be what I thought it was. I really don;t even want to go andI am not looking forwaed to it. My mom still wants the trip so guess we are going but i am not really happy about it. It is going to turn into ever vaction that we ever had and for this vaction I wanted the oposite. I would rather stay home home if im gonna be by myself. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |