Ok so today was unbelievably bad! I feel SO sick it's not even fun. I can't balance really well when I walk. My head keeps getting sharp pains everytime I move it. There is just so much pressure in my head!But I got up and went to class. the walk from my car to my first class had me so tired that I had to take a 10 min nap before my class started. Then I had to study and take my mid term. I then slept in my car for a while to try to regain any energy I could. I had to go to work to do orientation(even though I told them I am no longer managing so I shouldn't be doing orientation). Roger(a manager) is a complete asshole and starts a hugh fight with me where I am screaming at the top of my lungs at him. Then I start to ball. I haven't cryed that hard in YEARS!!! I think it was just cuz I was pissed off, sick, pmsing,tired and broke...IT WAS SO BAD!! Then once I started crying I couldn't stop which made it even worse!! It was a really long and bad day. I almost walked out and quit right then. The only reason I didn't is because I need $700 more for my bills that are due at the end of the month and I am getting my wisdom teeth out next Thursday so I need to get the money now. I have no passion left for this job. Yesterday the team leader for the next t3 invited me back to do it in Novemeber which is a big deal. I said yes, but I think i need to call her and tell her i can't because i have no passion left to give new trainners and i don't want to dissapoint them and I don't know If I will be working there by the ennd of NOvember! Tried and sad. I hope i feel better tomorrow because let me tell you...right now I am an emotional reck! Goodnight. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |