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Item #649466
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Item #649466
April 27, 2005: kiwiangel

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

*Reading* Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! *Reading*

Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com

We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

Your host this week is: Puditat

Word from our sponsor

Passionate about writing?
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Creative Writing
, available only from top ranked National University. Choose
workshops based on your interests. Work with experienced and published faculty.
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Click here to get more information!

Letter from the editor

noticing newbies - newsletter header

Making the Most of Your Item

There are several things you can do to ensure that your item will reach its target audience more readily.

Item Rating: Ensure this is correct. Some members are very young and others simply do not wish to read certain types. Similarly, avoid rating your item too high unnecessarily. This will cut out your item for those that would otherwise might read it. Be honest!

Title: You may not be able to think of a title for your piece, but I recommend that you give a temporary one at least. "Untitled" does nothing to attract a reader. Nor does it give them any idea of what the piece is about.

Brief Description: A commonly under-utilised facility. Avoid being apologetic in your Brief Description (eg. "It's not good"). If you have a twist or surprise ending, don't give it away in the B.D. Write your description so that it entices a reader into the piece. Perhaps leave them with a question, or something that intrigues, excites or mystifies the reader.

Spelling and grammar: Pay special attention to the spelling and grammar of your title and brief description. An extra bit of time checking that it's as correct as you know to make it, will entice a reader more than one that is obviously uncared about.

Genre: If you can, choose three appropriate genres that your item will fall into. If you only choose one (which, for some items, is all you might be able to do), then you will get less hits than if you choose three. Be honest - don't assign erroneous genres.

Keywords: Put as many as you think could apply. Think of alternatives too. Say your story uses, starlight, a keyword could be star, to attract a higher response rate.

I hope you find these tips useful.

Thanks for reading.

Editor's Picks

For your reading pleasure:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#963894 by Not Available.

 Simple Pleasures  (ASR)
Baking, writing, and everything in between. A humorous process essay, at least I think so.
#963857 by pointaken

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#963856 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#963516 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#963265 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#963213 by Not Available.

And special items to help readers:

Utilising the Brief Description:
 Why Bother???  (E)
An ineffective introduction can inhibit the quantity and quality of feedback recieved.
#897285 by thea marie

Help on what the content ratings are:
 Content Rating System (CRS)  (13+)
Detailed information regarding our Content Rating System, its guidelines and rules.
#197141 by The StoryWitchress

Still not sure what to content rating to give your item:
Content Rating Support  (18+)
The official Writing.Com Content Rating Support forum: questions, rating adjustments, etc.
#430933 by Writing.Com Support

For help with titles:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#891030 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

In response to my last editorial, lots of people have created their very own guestbook. Check these out:

Did you already have a guestbook, or perhaps made one that I didn't know about. Add it here (just click the image to go to the register).

** Image ID #957141 Unavailable **


I was just reading through your Newbie Newsletter. I hadn't realized that there were guestbooks. What did I know! I'm getting ready to add a second piece to my port today or tomorrow so I'm feeling pretty good! Finished something last night and I just need to do a bit of editing on it! Thanks for all the encouragement in the newsletter! It is appreciated! :)
Meg: Writes Daily in 2006

         You're welcome. I'm thrilled to have intriduced something new to you. *Smile*

I like to hear from the experts. Thank you for the great tips.
August Impressions

         Oooo, I like being thought of as an expert. *Laugh* But really, I just love the site. When you find something you really love, it's only natural to find out the things you can do.

Hello Puditat,
Thanks for adding my poem 'Time and Chance' in the Newbies Newsletter.

I'm very happy to see other talented writers and their original works appearing online by means of Writing.Com and of course through the Newbies Newsletter.

Keep on encouraging people to read and write.

Grace to you,

         Thank you! And you're most welcome for the feature.*Smile*

tried several times to send a message back to the newbie newsletter, never worked...what id # is it they want? *good thing to tell newbies* lol...anyway, wanted to thank you for featuring my poem!!!

         You're welcome Fyndorian. A giid question. For anyone wanting to submit feedback to a newsletter, the Number ID is the number for one of your items that you would like to submit for consideration to the newsletter. It is not required - you can still send feedback without it. *Smile*

Great newsletter this week! I love the idea of talking about guestbooks...we need to see more of them. A guestbook is a nice welcome into a writer's port -- I know personally, it's wonderful to know who has been visiting my port.

         Thank you! I was thrilled by the response to my piece about Guestbooks.

Another Noticing Newbie Newsletter where i learned something! I guess I will just have to check out your guestbook, won't I?

         Of course! *Bigsmile*

Again with the great advise. Also the newbies's work should be tip-top. Paragraph breaks, edits, etc. More time on a piece, not just instant posts, like instant oatmeal. This will be noticed! Teffy
April Sunday

         Thank you for the feedback Teff. Yes, we should all aim for good writing, but there are a lot of ages and abilities represented here. We are, all learning, everyday. *Smile*

And a special message from a new member, to whom it may concern:

Actually I want to thank the angel(s) who up graded me. I have met some great people in this community. Thanks.

Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

Maintained by The StoryWitchress   
Created: 10-18-05 @ 3:49pm | Modified: 10-18-05 @ 3:49pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/380189-April-27-2005-kiwiangel