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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #910058
How far would you go to save a friend's life?
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#378781 added November 15, 2005 at 10:51am
Restrictions: None
Early Discharge

Angela wearily returned from an IV chemo session with nurse Nikko helping her walk. She was tired, and felt sick and just wanted to lie down as she made her way to her inviting hospital bed.

But there was something very different about the familiar little room. All the children seemed upset about something, and Angela had no idea why. Nikko was acting extra protective over her too, and she gripped the nurse tight as she made her way inside.

But what had happened? What was going on?

Tomoya was still sick but he sat up in bed looking confused and pained. Robbie cuddled with his mother, sucking on his fingers, while Maria just looked bored as usual. But Arcadies had buried herself in her mother’s dress, and held her around the knees looking angry and hurt. Angela looked to Adrian, and was surprised to see him fully dressed, sitting in his wheelchair surrounded by his two parents.

“Welcome back, Angela.” He smiled at her like he always did after she’d had treatment and needed some cheering up, but she was still very confused over the mood that had set in over the room.

Something was happening. She could tell from the colours she saw that changed all around her. Orange, yellow, brown. Pain, sadness, confusion.

Adrian’s parents were a wreck, she noticed. They looked like they hadn’t slept in days, and they had definitely been crying. Angela grew scared. Was something happening to Adrian? Had his illness worsened? A cloud grew over her head and she felt her heart start to pound.

“I’m going home, Angela.” Suddenly the boy said to her.

“What?” she asked, unsure if she had heard him right. Didn’t he live too far away for home-visits?

“I get to go home.” He repeated.

“W-wow.” She stammered, doing her best to smile although she still felt strange. “How long?”

Adrian looked down, and then back up at her.

“I’m going to stay at home with my family now. I’m not going to come back here.” He was smiling a little, but his eyes looked sad. Angela’s breath caught in her throat and she had to sit down as the meaning of his words sank into her.

Adrian was leaving. Her one peer, her confidante was being discharged. And then there was the true meaning of suddenly being discharged. Angela knew it, but she didn’t want to believe it. And she guessed the others were too young to know the truth of the early discharge.

Angela felt tears in her eyes, but she knew she had to be brave; for the others’ sake.

“I’m so h-happy for you.” She stammered, leaning down and hugging him. “I’m glad you get to be home with your family.” She managed, a tear falling down her cheek, and as she held him closer she heard him whisper in her ear, “Shhh, Angela, don’t upset the others, OK?”

Instead of honouring his request though, Angela only cried more.

Adrian smiled, and shook his head. “Don’t worry, Angie. I’ll write to you. Ok?”

Angela nodded, and smiled, holding back her tears for the time being.

“Adrian, I’m going to go get the car.” Adrian’s father spoke up, and his mother, a light brown haired, small woman, bent down to his wheelchair and put her hand on his shoulder.

“I’m going to wait outside the room for you. You take as long as you need with your friends, OK?” she said to him.

“Thanks, mom.” Then both his parents left the room.

“We were waiting for you to come back. I have to go soon; my brothers and my sister are waiting for me.” Adrian turned back to Angela.

“You have brothers and a sister?” Angela asked, surprised she had never met them before.

“I have two younger brothers who are twins. They’re both 13, and I have a 12 year old sister. They’re staying with relatives right now.”

“I’m really going to miss you, Adrian.” Angela struggled not to cry anymore.

“I’ll miss you too, beautiful.” He grinned.

Angela wiped at her eyes, and smiled also.

“You can flirt with a local girl now.” She managed to giggle, which Adrian had always loved.

“You’re going to have to take care of Arcadies for me now. Sorry if she’s a handful. She only listens to me because…” he paused, and leaned closer to Angela, who noticed the little girl watching them. “She’s got a crush on me.” He smiled, and Angela smiled back.

“No!” Suddenly Arcadies shouted, turning away from her mother. “I don’t want Angela! I don’t like her!” she cried, angrily.

“Arcadies don’t say such a thing.” Her mother scolded her. Arcadies whined, and dug herself farther into her mother’s dress.

Angela didn’t let this upset her, she knew the little girl was just upset herself.

“Come on, Arcadies, I’m not going to forget you. You’re my little lady.” He smiled at her.

“No I’m not. You’re gonna forget all about me! I don’t like you either!” she cried, and Adrian sighed.

“Go talk to the others. I’ll work on ‘Cadies for you.” Her mother said, and then Arcadies kicked her. “I’ll get back to you.” She struggled.

Angela guessed Arcadies was even a troublesome child for her parents, and watched numbly as Adrian made his way over to Tomoya and Maria.

“Guess this is goodbye, baldy.” Maria mumbled. “Sorry for causing you headaches and all.” She added.

Adrian laughed. “You never gave me those headaches.”

Angela swallowed. Adrian had a brain tumor. That was why he had headaches. And that was why he was…

“Well, whatever, have a good life.” Maria said.

“You too, kiddo. Don’t let me ever hear about your patented diet.” He grinned.

“What? The Cancer Diet? Saw a kid down the hall. It doesn’t work.” She grinned.

“Well, take care.” Adrian said.

“You too.” Maria wouldn’t hug the boy but at least she seemed somewhat sincere.

Adrian came over to Tomoya who looked so confused and unwell it broke Angela’s heart.

“Adurin, kaeru?” he asked, weakly.

“Yeah, buddy, I am ‘kaeru’.” Adrian replied.

All the children in the room had managed to learn some of Tomoya’s foreign language. After all he barely ever used sentences; just one word that they could pick up on. Like Adrian had just done.

Tomoya smiled.

“You no sick?” he asked in as much English as he could manage.

“I’m going to be sick at home now. I’ve been here too long.” He told the little boy.

Angela felt a lump grow in her throat.

“Ooo..” Tomoya mused.

“Thanks for teaching me Japanese.” Adrian smiled.

Tomoya nodded.

“How about a high five?”

Tomoya held out his palm and Adrian slapped it. “There you go. Now you try it.” He said, and grinning, Tomoya reached over and slapped Adrian’s hand back.

“You get better little guy, and take care of Angela for me.” Adrian added.

Un.” Tomoya nodded.

“Can I rub your head for good luck?”

Un!” Tomoya sounded more excited then, and leaned over so Adrian could rub his soft little head.

“Bai bai, Adurin.” The little boy seemed sad, but he didn’t cry.

Adrian moved on to Robbie who sat up.

“Heya champ, sorry we had such a short meeting.”

“Do you really have to go away?” Robbie whimpered.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, Spidey.”

Robbie was wearing his Spiderman hat but he took it off and handed it to the older boy. “You can have this now.” He started. “I don’t need it anymore. I’m not afraid.” He reached over and put the Spiderman hat on to Adrian’s head. “I’ll wear the bandana you gave me, k?”

“Oh, Robbie…” Adrian said, tears starting to come to his eyes. “You don’t want to be a hero anymore?”

“I’m not a hero.” The little boy started, looking down. “You’re my hero.” He stood up and hugged Adrian who finally let himself cry.

“Goodbye little hero.” He whispered.


Arcadies and Angela were the next people he had to say goodbye to and poor Adrian was starting to have a hard time. He was especially saddened that Arcadies was being so difficult. He was really going to miss her.

“Arcadies, now what do you say?” The stubborn little girl’s mother told her.

She turned to Adrian, and he saw the look of longing and sadness in her eyes, but he knew she wouldn’t give up that easily. She was angry he was leaving her. He didn’t blame her. But he really wanted to say goodbye.

“Good-bye.” Arcadies grumbled, and her mother shrugged sadly.

“I’ll write to you, Cadies.” Adrian said, but the girl still ignored him.

“I can’t read, so don’t bother.” She mumbled.

“I’ll read them to you, honey.” Arcadies’ mother said, stroking her hair. “Now, come on, Adrian’s your friend. Give him a hug goodbye.” She tried to reason with the little girl but she shook her head.

“It’s alright, I understand.” Adrian smiled, sadly. “Goodbye Arcadies, try not to get into too much trouble.” He grinned, but then his expression grew serious. “I won’t forget you, little one. That’s a promise.” Arcadies looked at him but said nothing, not even offering him a smile.

Angela was last. She was numb, and had watched Adrian say his goodbyes in a sort of trance. Now she stared vacantly at Adrian’s empty, stripped bed.

“I’ll probably miss you most of all.” Suddenly she was pulled into the arms of someone. Someone who was taller then her, who felt warm and comforting. It was Adrian. He had stood up just for her.

She put her own arms around him, and struggled with tears. “I’m going to miss you too.” She stammered.

Adrian was too weak to stand long, and he paced himself back down into his wheelchair.

“I’ll pray you get your transplant and get well.” He said a little breathlessly.

“I’ll pray for you too.” Angela promised.

“Say goodbye to Marissa for me. She’s been a good friend.” Adrian paused. “to all of us.”

Angela smiled through her tears. “I will.”

“I’ll always remember you, Angela. You’re like no one I’ve ever met before.”

Angela leaned down and wrapped her arms around the boy. “I won’t forget you.” She whispered, and lightly kissed him on the cheek.

Adrian smiled, blushing a little, and Angela did too.

Then Adrian turned around in his wheelchair and waved goodbye to everyone.

Tomoya, Robbie, and even Maria followed him out the door with Angela and Arcadies’ mother who picked up the little girl and brought her to the procession of nurse and doctors there to say goodbye. Somewhere was Adrian’s neurologist, as well as Dr. Alba, and Nikko.
Arcadies cuddled in her mother’s arms, every so often peaking over at Adrian and his mother as he made his way to the elevator. He waved one last time as the elevator doors started to close, and then he was gone.

It was Nikko who brought Angela away as she stood in front of the elevator with tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked into the kind nurse’s eyes and then buried herself in her arms and sobbed.

Because an early discharge didn’t mean that Adrian was going home; it meant he was going home to die.
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