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Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #1012075
The charges, trial and conviction of a young mother.
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#374156 added October 5, 2005 at 7:03am
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Kim's Story 1992


March 6 1992 Tom Perna from Ottowa County Protective Services contacted Detective Hopkins of Holland Police Dept. Mr. Perna was advising Mr. Hopkins that he and another co-worker Carol Nash were investigating an alleged sexual abuse case. The alleged perpetrator was Kim Hodge.
She was allegedly sexually abusing her children amber, and Brandon. Mr. Perna stated he believed there was penetration and that the male had been penetrated at least 20 times. He also believed that Kim was having her son penetrate the daughter.
Mr. Perna did not have all the pertinent information just yet, as Nash was not present and she was obtaining the information on this case. Perna’s reason for contacting Mr. Hopkins was to have the children taken into protective custody since Hodge had returned from Florida earlier than expected and was presently at home.
Mr. Perna stated there was no time for a hearing in Juvenile court and he needed police authorization for emergency placement of the Hodge children. Perna also stated that he had talked to Dale Hodge, the children’s father, ex-husband of Kim Hodge and he apparently gave information supporting the children’s allegations.
Mr. Hopkins asked Mr. Perna if it was possible that Mr. Hodge may have coached the children reference these allegations and he stated it was always possible however he believed the children and their allegations against their mother. Since Mr. Hopkins believed the information from Mr. Perna he agreed that the children should be placed into protective custody until a hearing in the court could be held, however Mr. Hopkins did relay to Mr. Perna that he would need a written report on the investigation along with Nash’s investigations. Perna stated that this would be done as soon as it was available. Mr. Perna stated he would contact Ms. Hodge and advise her that the children would be taken into custody.

Mr. Hopkins then contacted Karen Miedema of the Holland Ottawa County Prosecutors office to inform her of the information he had received from Perna. He also advised Karen that Mr. Perna had mentioned a dildo that Ms. Hodge allegedly used on her children, they agreed there wasn’t enough for a search warrant and it was decided that Hopkins would contact Hodge to attempt to receive permission to search for the dildo.
Hopkins later contacted Kim Hodge at her home. Ms. Hodge was on the phone with Carol Nash of the O.C.P.S unit and was already advised her children were going into protective custody. Hodge handed the phone to Hopkins and he spoke with Carol Nash and she stated there would be a hearing on 3/6/1992 at 4:p.m. and that she advised Hodge that she had a right to be there but did not have to be. Hodge was trying to locate a ride to the hearing. Hodge did make numerous phone calls to obtain a ride.

Hopkins advised Hodge that there was talk of a dildo that she may have and she informed him that she did have one for personal use. She walked into her bedroom and got the dildo from her dresser drawer and gave it to Hodge without him asking. She again stated she used it because she didn’t want guys around her children. Hopkins took the dildo and later placed it into evidence. Dale Hodge showed up while Kim was on the phone. She walked onto the front porch and pointed a finger at Dale and said “you’re dead why did you do this to me?” and turned and walked back into the house. Hopkins told Dale to leave and asked him where Perna was, he stated Perna was getting a coke nearby. Hopkins advised Dale to tell Perna to come to the house immediately.

A short while later Perna appeared and Hopkins advised him that he had briefly informed Kim of the hearing. They walked up to the door and Hopkins asked Kim if they could come in and she stated the door was unlocked. Perna explained to Kim about the hearing and stated she could go and if she was going he would contact the court and have them delay the hearing until she got there. Kim stated she did not have a ride, however a bout this time a friend of hers named Gary showed up. Hopkins asked Gary if he could drive Kim to Grand Haven for a court hearing and he stated he could. Hopkins briefly explained that P.S. has the children in protective custody and that Kim should be taken to Grand Haven immediately.

Hopkins informed Kim that she should leave right away as Perna would contact the court for her and advise them that she was on the way. Later Perna contacted the court.
Also during the conversation with Kim and prior to Perna arriving Kim had walked out the door to the porch with a box and threw it into the front lawn. Hopkins noticed when the box hit the ground that there were clothes coming out of it. He informed Kim that she should not do this that she could get into trouble and she stated it was her house and she didn’t want her ex-husbands things there. Kim threw another bag and Hopkins again advised her she could be charged with this and she should leave Dales property alone until he could pick it up. She continued and this time taking a stereo and putting it on the porch. When Hopkins contacted Perna he advised him that some of the clothing and Mr. Hodge’s personal items were on the porch that he should pick them up as soon as possible.

Perna stated that he had already done so.
Kim gave Hodge her date of birth and pertinent information along with her children’s dates of births. Amber 8/21/1985 and Brandon 8/15/1986.
Complaint open pending investigation and receipt of a written report from Ottawa Co. P.S.


Hopkins contacted Carol Nash P.S. worker for O.C.P.S. and left a message on her answering machine requesting written reports and information on the medial exam for the Hodge children.


Nash contacts Hopkins and advised that the children would be examined at Dr. Chamness office on Thursday 3/12/1992. She also advised that she was going to re-interview the children about the incident and asked if Hopkins wanted to be present. He stated that unless she thought it was necessary he would not be present. He asked that she advise him of the outcome of the interview and any written reports. She stated she had no written reports at that time however she had some notes that she would share with him. She also stated that she would attempt to contact Kim and make an appointment for an interview at HPD for Monday 3/16/1992.

Hopkins advised her that they should interview Kim within the next day or two. Nash stated she would get back to him with additional information.
Hopkins contacted Perna requesting written reports for the complaint against Kim. He stated he would check into this and see what he could do.
Complaint open.


In the original report dated 3/6/1992 it should be noted that during the time Hopkins was at Kim’s house she informed him that the allegations filed against her were not true and she did not sexually abuse her children in any way nor did she use or let the children use her dildo that she had previously turned over to him. Hopkins again told Kim that if she wanted to come in and talk about the matter she could, as of 3/9/1992 she had not contacted Hopkins.

Hopkins was notified from Juvenile Court that Kim did show up for the hearing on 3/6/1992 at 4:p.m. however Dale Hodge did not show up. A petition was authorized to place the children into temporary foster care until P.S. could investigate the case. As of 3/9/1992 personnel of O.C.P.S. unit have made no contact to Hopkins.
Complaint open pending receipt of a preliminary written report from O.C.P.S. unit so that HPD could proceed with a criminal investigation.


Hopkins received a call from Attorney Richard Persinger informing him that he was representing Brandon and Amber Hodge. Mr. Persinger advised that Dr. Chamness examined both children. Dr. Chamness found evidence of child abuse on Brandon Hodge. Nothing was mentioned about Amber Hodge and no written report had been issued yet.

Mr. Persinger said that he was going to contact Kent Engle, assistant Prosecutor Ottawa Co. requesting that if the children were to be re-interviewed the same person do it. Carol Nash said she was going to re-interview them on 3/11/1992, which she apparently did. Mr. Persinger stated that Kim would be unlikely to come in for an interview since she obtained an attorney herself.


On 3/13/1992 Hopkins contacted Dr. Chamness office requesting information on the physical examination of Brandon and Amber Hodge. The doctor was not available, however the nurse said she would attempt to find out the information. Nurse called back later and said that Brandon was examined and there was some evidence found on Brandon however she could not give out details. She said the doctor had not examined Amber as of this date.
Hopkins called Kim and asked if she would stop in for an interview and she questioned the reason. Hopkins said due to the allegations of sexual abuse and he would like to talk to her to get her side of story. She stated she would check with her attorney Mr. Giddy.

A copy of this report was sent to the prosecutor’s office in Holland for their information and review and they were told that as soon as Hopkins had additional information he would forward to them.

Hopkins ran a criminal check on Kim on 3/16/1992 and turned that report over to the prosecutor office. Kim had an outstanding bench warrant for DWLS 2nd offense from 10/29/1989. Hopkins verified that the warrant was valid and contacted patrol division to have Kim picked up.

Hopkins contacted Nash, and again requested some written reports. She stated they were not typed yet but would attempt to type up the information. She also stated that Dr. Chamness examined Amber however no evidence was found after the examination. She informed Hopkins that on Brandon Hodge Dr. Chamness found the anus was dilated and he believed this was caused by child abuse. Nash said that Amber stated that her mother allegedly stuck her thumb into Amber. Nash said criminal prosecution should proceed. Hopkins informed Nash that he still needed written reports of the statements given to her by Amber and Brandon. And what she learned from Dr. Chamness. She stated she would work on this and attempt to get something written up as soon as possible.

When these reports are received Hopkins will turn them over to the prosecutor.
Hopkins stops by Kim’s house he asked her if she was planning on coming in or if she had contacted her attorney. She said her attorney had tried to call Hopkins, he was not in, and he did not leave any message she stated. Officer Ferenz arrived at Kim’s house to arrest her on the bench warrant. She was taken to HPD and arraigned in 58th district court. She was held without bond and transported to O.C. jail.

Hopkins contacted Susan Jonas assistant prosecutor for O.C. and informed her that Kim was in jail and that he was having a problem receiving written reports from Ottawa Co. Dept. of Social Services regarding the allegations of child abuse by Kim to her children. Jonas said she would contact Nash and try to get additional information for a warrant. Jonas asked Hopkins to contact Dale Hodge and interview him.
Hopkins also contacted Tom Perna supervisor of O.C.P.S. unit and advised him he was still in need of written reports from Carol Nash. She was suppose to fax them and still had not done so. He also requested the address of Dale Hodge. Perna did not have an address or phone number for Dale Hodge.

Jonas informed Hopkins that she learned the dates of the occurrence of the incidents and that one incident had occurred while Hodge (Kim) lived on Lakewood Blvd. And another while she lived at South Shore Dr. Mrs. Jonas gave Hopkins the address of Dale Hodge.
Jonas stated she was preparing a warrant for Kim Hodge for the alleged incident and she would complete it on 3/18/1992. She stated she was only going to charge Kim with the incident that occurred on S Shore Dr. at this time.

On 3/18/1992 a warrant for Kim Hodge was authorized for two counts of CSC. She was to be arraigned on 3/20/1992. Hopkins left a message for Carol Nash.
Hopkins interviews Dale Hodge:
Basically Hodge advised that he had been officially divorced from Kim since April of 1991. He told Hopkins there was not any custody questions between him and Kim regarding the children and they had been in her custody since their problems began and their divorce in April, and he was not interested in obtaining custody.

Dale said Kim and her friend Jeff Smith were in Florida for the first week of March and Dale was taking care of Brandon at Kim’s house on S Shore Dr. and Amber was being taken care of by her Teacher. Dale said he had been staying at Kim’s house since January of 1992 and slept on the couch and there was not any type of sexual activity going on between him and Kim. He just needed a place to stay until he obtained a job and got an apartment of his own. He said on occasion this Jeff Smith would come over and visit Kim however to his knowledge Jeff did not stay overnight.
Dale was concerned that Brandon and Amber shared the same bed but apparently nothing was done about it. Dale said he thought something was wrong with Amber and Brandon about a month before Kim went to Florida because Brandon was wetting the bed, upset irritable and Amber was having nightmares. Dale said that some time ago Brandon told him about an Edna and LeRoy spanking him and touching his private parts. Kim was also present and asked Brandon if anyone else had touched him and Brandon said no. at this time Brandon didn’t want to talk about it anymore and Kim seemed to stop the conversation.

Dale said that 2 weeks ago he observed Brandon on one end of the living room couch and Kim on the other and Brandon was putting his feet under Kim and Dale told him to stop. A few days after Kim and Smith left for Florida, Dale stated Brandon seemed more depressed, would sit by himself and play. Dale said on Wednesday March 4 he talked to Brandon about Edna and LeRoy and asked Brandon if anyone else touched him and Brandon stated he didn’t like Al who apparently Kim went with some time ago.(3years?) Dale identified Al as Arnold Hamel. Dale again asked Brandon if he remembered Al and Brandon stated he was touched by Al.
Dale said Brandon allegedly started a fire about 3 years ago because he didn’t like staying with Al and Kim. Dale aslo said that on March 4 he asked Brandon if mom ever touched him and Brandon cried and didn’t want to talk about it. On March 5th Dale again asked Brandon if mom touched him and he said she did and he cried and hugged Dale. Brandon allegedly told Hodge that mom touched him with her hand and pointed to his privates. Dale stated that Brandon told him mom made him touch her with the toy wiener, his penis and put the toy wiener into his anus. Dale asked Brandon where this happened and Brandon allegedly stated in everyplace they lived. On numerous occasions Dale became emotional, cried and had to stop talking for a minute or two.

Hodge stated that Brandon told him that he and Amber were in bed with Kim and Al and they touched each other on their private parts. Dale stated that Brandon said they made him touch Amber also, dale stated this happened at S Shore Dr. probably between Sept. or Oct. 1991 until he moved in the second week of January 1992.
Dale stated that Brandon told him Brandon done things to Amber and mom touched her privates also.

Dale said he remembered very well now when Kim returned from Florida and walked into the house, he looked at her and stated I want to talk with you and decided against it and at the same time she looked at him and said I haven’t done anything wrong. He stated this incident occurred on Friday March 6,1992 when she returned home unexpectedly.

Hodge stated he believed Kim drank excessively but did not know if she was doing any type of drugs recently. He stated a long time ago she use to use cocaine. Hodge stated he was telling the truth about this matter and the only reason Kim was going with Jeff Smith was because he was awarded a large amount of money through some type of suit and she was just using him to get the money. Hodge stated that Kim was not working and did not have any money in the bank that he knew of.

Hodge stated that prior to this incident coming up, he never seen the dildo that Kim Hodge allegedly had but recalled hearing about it. He stated after Brandon told him about using the toy wiener he looked around and found the dildo in Kim’s top dresser drawer wrapped in a wash cloth and hid it. Hodge stated he also found two brass, he described as bed posts and a pornographic magazine. Hodge stated he hid the dildo so Kim wouldn’t find it and then later when talking with John Stafford, case worker for the P.S. unit who was the worker on call when he reported this incident, told him to bring it in. apparently the following day, Tom Perna contacted Hodge and told him to place the dildo back where he found it so the police could find it. Hodge stated he placed the dildo back in the dresser drawer, however brought the brass pins and magazine and turned them over to Perna.

3/19/1992 Carol Nash contacted Hopkins and stated that her written report was complete and she would fax it to him in 20 minutes, which she did. Hopkins asked her about the two brass pins and the magazine and she stated she had them in her possession however she did not mention them in her report.

Hopkins also asked Nash if she was aware that there may be more than one perpetrator and she stated Dale had mentioned it but she did not believe this was true and she was going to talk to Brandon about it later.
Hopkins gave Dale Hodge some blank statement forms and asked him to write out in detail what he had told him the best he could and as soon as it was done to contact Hopkins so he could pick it up.

Hodge contacted Sgt. Koopman of the OCSD and asked if he would attempt to locate Arnold Hamel on James St, and have Hamel contact Hopkins for an interview regarding the incident.


Kim Hodge was arraigned in 58th District Court on two counts of CSC First Degree. She demanded and examination. A defense attorney would be appointed later, and a $20,000 cash assurity bond was set. A preliminary examination for this matter was set for March 27th 1992. This would also be the date for her hearing on the alleged violation of probation charges she was being held on with no bond.
Kim was instructed that there would be no contact with her children Brandon and Amber Hodge except at court appearances.


Hopkins was contacted by Mr. Monroe Chief Probation Officer Ottawa County, Mr. Monroe advised that Mr. Hamel was listed as a prisoner and in jail from May 1991 until March 23 1992. Mr. Hamel was apparently out of jail on or about 5/30/1990 and before.
Hopkins left a message for Nash requesting additional information such as:
Statements from the re-interview3 of Brandon and Amber Hodge reference other perpetrators.
That she FAX him a copy of Dale Hodge’s statement.
A chain of custody evidence report reference the evidence she is presently holding.
The address and phone number of Edna and LeRoy last name unknown, if she has that information.
Address and phone number of Julie Peterson, Amber’s Teacher.
If she is planning on having the Hodge children present at the preliminary examination on 3/27/1992, are the foster parents bringing the children in?
Address and phone number of Jim Gunn father of Kim Hodge.
Information and an update of the hearing held in Juvenile Court on 3/20/1992.

On 3/24/1992 Nash contacted Hopkins reference the request of information she received from him on 3/23/1992, she stated she had been extremly busy and it was almost impossible to obtain all the information on those items. She did state she would fax the copy of Dale Hodge’s statement she had received on March 6, 1992. When that fax came to Hopkins he forwarded a copy to the prosecutors office. Nash also gave Hopkins the address of Julie Peterson. She also gave him the name of Kim Hodge’s mother, Linda Joswick however she did not have an address or phone number.
Jonas contacted Hopkins to inform him she would be interviewing the Hodge children on 3/26/1992 and that the re-interview that Nash said she did on 3/20/1992 had never taken place.

On 5/13/1992 Hopkins attended the Hearing for Juvenile Court. At this hearing the jury had to decide whether or not the Hodge children, Amber and Brandon should be under the jurisdiction of the Ottawa County Juvenile Court or not. After testimony was taken and certain evidence produced, the jury decided that the children should be under the jurisdiction of Ottawa county Juvenile Court. The evidence introduced was the dildo that Kim turned over to Hopkins on 3/6/1992 and two anatomical correct dolls that were used in the preliminary examination of Mrs. Hodge.
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