life and other extraneous info |
Today I want to do nothing. I want to thrive on nothingness. I very rarely get bored. If I want something to do, I always have plenty. When I want to do nothing, I revel in it. I want to revel in nothingness today. Life is very busy right now. It was my first full week back at work, and I spent three days this week at M.D. Anderson visiting my father. His surgery went well, so we are hopeful that the cancer might actually be gone. He is living minus a bladder and a prostate now, but they made him a nice new shiny bladder. We're crossing our fingers that it will work. Mom's a little put out these days. Her dog has changed allegiance since she's been gone so much. Maggie (the demon dog) has no loyalty at all. Whoever has an available lap is her favorite person in the world (for that moment), and since I've been taking care of her, she's joined herself to my hip. Dad tried to talk me into sneaking Maggie into the hospital. I don't know why we like her. She's not a good dog and she's spoiled rotten. Anyway, now I'm debating on how to spend my day. I finished the grading that I considered a priority yesterday, but I still have tons of it to do. I would much rather start my laundry and watch "Northern Exposure." Hmm. My computer is making strange processing noises. I accidentally pushed a combination of buttons that set some kind of major action in motion. I wonder if everything I'm writing will be converted into Russian? Or maybe I launched some kind of rocket at NASA? Maybe I just rerouted some mob money into my account (and they'll send Bruno after me with a big stick to get it back). Maybe I jammed all the computers that store the exorbitant gas prices and we can go back to paying a buck a gallon... I know, I just got too silly with the last one. FYI: If you put bigslime intstead of bigsmile, you get nothin'. I think that was a sign--it's a day for nothingness! |