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A teen mysteriously grows a tail and winds up in a fantasy world where tailmen are hated. |
Chapter 4 That night we didn’t talk much. I just ate. I ate everything that he served me, even the stuff I had never seen before. As soon as I finished eating, we went to bed. So I woke up the next day, in a nice soft bed, in my own room, a change I had gotten used to. It felt good to live in a home again; but then again I had left the Ross’ home only three days ago, but it felt like forever despite that. I put on the clothes I stole from the hospital, five years ago. My tail grew its usual 1 millimeter and I still amused myself with the thought that I was one day closer to my destiny. I walked down one of the staircases the next morning. I searched for the man only a little, I met him in the library. He asked me to make him breakfast, after he explained where some things were and what he wanted. So I did. I was use to making breakfasts for certain people (John and Fiona), but with this man, he would politely ask for some breakfast and you would be happy to. I brought him some ham and eggs with some toast. He commented on my delicious breakfast and then he asked me to sit down and talk with him. I was anxious to get to know him. “So,” He went on, “You are now my slave in exchange for your boarding at my home, correct.” I shrugged, “I guess.” He then asked, “Now what is your name?” I knew I could trust this man, so without hesitation I told him that my name was Herridan. He replied, “Herridan you say? That is a name I’ve never heard of. And I have read of many names.” He took a deep breath, put his hand on his chest and said, “I am Channdis, the Sage of Vinna. I was born in this town of Vinna, so it was an appropriate choice. I research in the fields of the myths and legends of this land.” I half interrupted him to ask, “Um…Channdis sir, what is this land?” He looked a little confused, but then soon realized, “Oh you must have been very poorly educated, this land is called, Golm. “Golem?” I asked in confusion. “No no no! Golm!” He told me. It was strange. The name of the world I had ventured into was called Golm. It seemed familiar, but heck, everything seemed a little familiar. He asked, “So do you know your origin?” I nodded and told him, “I’m from Ontario, Canada. I am 22 years old and I’m an orphan.” He asked with a brow raised, “Is that it?” I shook my head and continued, “I am a former foster child, I am legally dead, I’ve never had this tail all my life and I found Golm by stepping in a rock.” Channdis was absolutely fried. He didn’t know what to think of me. If I was psycho or I had just been hit on the head. He stared at me like the most challenging puzzle, but he was determined to solve it. He finally spoke, “Did you say that you didn’t always have a tail?” I nodded. “It’s true. I was pretty scared when it happened.” He pondered, “How could that be? You are supposed to be born with one.” I shook my head and said, “No sir. I grew this tail when I was in a coma, I mean, when I was a sleep one night, over five years ago, when I was 17.” He again gave me a puzzled look. “Where did you say you were from?” I answered, “Ontario.” He still didn’t seem to know what I was talking about. I told him that it was up north, to the west, it was the 2nd largest country in the world, three oceans surrounded it, and our people said “Eh?” Nothing worked, he still didn’t understand. I sighed. It didn’t look like this conversation was going to end anytime soon. So I said, “Channdis, I have a story.” He listened attentively, “Go on.” “This story will eventually explain all your questions. You say you study myths and legends, so this might be right up your alley. Please listen carefully to my story and maybe we could help each other out.” Channdis leaned back in his chair, as if he wanted to hear my story. I began, “Well you see, I was adopted by these mean people named John and Fiona…” (If you want to hear the story again and go in a continuous loop, turn to page #1. If you don’t want to do this, just keep reading.) I broke it all down to Channdis. I told him everything. I told him about my crash, my family, my dream, my misadventures and how I wound up in Golm, but I didn’t tell him how I felt about my tail, it was a little embarrassing. He was very intrigued by my story. He knew a lot more now about what I was talking about than before. He didn’t give me a puzzled look. No, he gave me a look of excitement and he seemed to want to know more. He then gave me a sad look and said, “That was a great tale, but it unfortunately hasn’t ended yet.” He seemed really sad that my story was over. It had no happy ending so he was left hanging; I suppose that was why he seemed so mopey. But as he was leaning in his chair, he snapped. He got out of his chair and ran over to one of the shelves in his library. I asked him, “What are you doing?” He didn’t want to answer. He was too busy looking for something in his books. I repeated myself. “Channdis, what are you looking for?” He told me sternly, to be quiet or he’d loose his trail of thought. I shut up. He whispered to himself as he skimmed through all the pages of a bundle of his books he had grabbed. I watched him for at least an hour. Then he shouted, “Ah ha!” I looked at him from my chair; he was pointing at the start of a chapter, in one of his books. “This is it Herridan.” He exclaimed. I asked, “This is what?” He answered with a smile; “This is your destiny.” I tried to sound surprised, “Destiny? What are you talking about?” But back in my mind I wanted him to read it. He read aloud to me. “Once in the Middle Ages of Golm, a man named Runar took the place of the Emperor Univ. His greed and lust for power drove him to slay the Emperor. Runar rules the land with great evil to this day. His sword skills are superb, so it seems difficult enough to claim his throne through a duel. Where his reign gains an eternal quality, is that Runar, long ago, had also received immortality as a gift from Fire. I wish I could write this in past tense, but it doesn’t seem like this will ever apply. His evil rule will always continue. “However, there is hope. One day, about 240 years after Runar had taken rule of Golm, there were two Golans, Kridden and Narr. These two despised his method of rule, as most others did also. They loved each other dearly, but one thing odd about their marriage was that Kridden, a female sage, married a warrior tail man, Narr. Both of these ranks were very rare and this kind marriage was unheard of. Runar thought that this marriage was so absurd, that he banished Kridden and Narr from the walls of any city. “They already detested Runar’s rule, and this banishment added to their frustration with him. The only way for Golm’s rule to change hands was either through inheritance or to slay the Emperor. So they decided to change what had become of their lives, the only way possible, they planned to slay Runar. Narr trained under intense conditions, everyday. He would come home with wounds and broken bones from his training. Whilst Narr trained, Kridden played her own role in Runar’s destruction. She used her vast sage knowledge to smith a magical sword that would break through Runar’s immortality spell and slay him. The magical spells infused with the sword were no easy task to conjure. Kridden spilt as much sweat as Narr did, through her sleepless nights by candlelight, searching for the correct calculations and “Kridden loved Narr very much, so the night before Narr left, they expressed their love. Narr left early in the morning and got to Runar’s castle late that night. Narr met Runar and their battle began. The battle lasted hours, but Runar killed Narr. Runar was very badly wounded; he had never been so hurt in all his life. He made sure no tail man would challenge him again. He locked the sword up and he declared from then on, that all tail people, would be the lowest class of Golan. “Kridden had a baby soon after Narr’s death. It was a little tail boy. She knew that her son was special, so she used some magic to keep him safe from Runar’s wrath. She placed a dormant spell on his tail so that it would remain hidden in his body until his was old enough to defeat Runar. Also she casted another spell on his tail, his tail would grow a small pinch every time the sun set. She also gave her son the blood of a true swordsman and extra courage, because she knew he would have a disturbing life. “One night she brought her son up to the great Tolken Door, and she used her last amount of strength to open it. She became the only person to travel through this door. She stepped through the door and brought her son to safety. She never returned. Though legends say that, her son will return, and he will bring peace back to the land.” Channdis stopped reading. “Herridan. If what you tell me is true. Then there is some evidence, that you are the son of Kridden and Narr. You are the one who will kill Emperor Runar.” My mouth was dropped, then I closed it and said, “That’s a pile of bull shit. I’m no super hero. I’m just a guy with a tail, who ran away from home.” I really didn’t know what to believe. It all could be coincidence or it could all be connected. I could be just a freak show, who ran away and found a world in a rock. Or had I come home to make things all better. Was I dreaming or was this my life placed before me. The my life’s fog was becoming thicker rather than clearer. John and Fiona said they knew my parents, but how could that be. Only three people had ventured through that door, Kridden, her son and I. So how could they have known both? The whole new concept was unbelievable. I didn’t know if I didn’t believe it or if I didn’t want to believe it. I was lost though. Through what I’d heard, Golm had a unique life that I didn’t understand. Though at the end of my thought trail, I decided to stick with the possibility of myself being a hero. Maybe I could get some extra respect or something. “Channdis,” I asked, “Something has been bothering me since I got here.” Channdis looked at me and said, “What?” I really didn’t know how to break this to Channdis, in a way that wouldn’t sound too retarded. “Why is everyone all mutated?” As I expected Channdis did not have any idea where I was trying to get at. I explained in a little more depth, “What I mean is, why does every body look so different?” Channdis was beginning to understand, but he was far from where I was. He asked, “Do you mean ranks?” Now I didn’t know what he was saying. I tried again, “How come some people have pointy ears or four arms or are really short or have blue skin?” Channdis knew now what I was trying to ask, but he didn’t know why I was asking it. He then asked me, “Yes, those are ranks. Why do you need to know that?” “Why do I need to know that? I need to know why people are freaks. Ok. You see, where I come from, people look like me, accept they don’t have tails. They don’t have pointy ears or blue skin or anything! There are just boys and girls who look normal.” Channdis was becoming puzzled. He asked, “How can you determine ranks then?” I burst out in frustration, “What are these ranks you keep talking about?” Channdis pretended I was a stupid and explained the concept of these “rankings.” The way things worked in Golm was that every body was judged on their looks. The Golans had no control over how they looked, (besides their hairstyle or favourite clothes, but their significant looks, like blue skin, they had no control over). When a new Golan is born, he/she will have a distinct look. If they have certain qualities, they will live certain careers/lives. As well, other, more detailed differences show personality and attitudes. For example, darker appearance could mean a more negative quality, but being too light means you have no colour making you heartless. Its simple really; you just have to look at a person and you’ll know exactly who they are. I guess here, it would be a lot easier to find the perfect spouse. Here are some examples, it could make things easier. Four arms would make them a servant, because they can do more things. Long ears would make them merchants or other highly educated jobs, because they can hear information better. Short people can used tools and machinery better, because they're so nimble. A quick glance at a person can easily tell you what they do for a living, because, literally, they were made for it! And of course there is my rank, tail man. My kind were farmers in the beginning. Then we were warriors for a short time, and since Runar didn’t want to take any chances, we are now homeless beggars. Wondering the streets, in sectored off sections of town, disliked by all. Tail men were considered vermin and many wanted to exterminate them all. But ethnic cleansing doesn’t work in Golm, because a newborn child is a random rank and every class is balanced in quality and quantity in society. I really didn’t like that idea. The rest of the ranks were pretty much common sense when you think about it. I now understood how the basic economy of Golm worked, but there was more to learn. I didn’t ask about anything else. I was getting very bored listening to Channdis yap about a simple question. When he was done, he asked me, “So how can you determine ranks, on the other side?” I was afraid of this. I really didn’t want to explain something so obvious to an old man. I told him the way our economy worked. We judged people by attributes and attitudes. People wore specific clothing to signify ranks or people didn’t know who they were. Channdis was astounded at my every word. He couldn’t believe that my world was the complete opposite of his. To make a long story short, I told him that his kind had larger differences in appearance and smaller differences in personalities and my kind had larger differences in personalities and smaller differences in appearance. Though I wasn’t empty of questions just yet. One thing had been bothering me for a while. I asked Channdis, “Channdis, when did civilization begin in Golm?” He pondered for a second. He answered, “There has been evidence of our kind thousands of years ago, but we started to really become civilized when Emperor Tolken became ruler. That was about 1500 years ago. Why do you ask?” I thought for a second, then I replied, “Because where I came from, technology is very advanced. We drove around in engine powered vehicles and our food could be cooked in seconds with a microwave. See Channdis, your technology is like our technology in our, year 1500. Golm is similar to 500 years ago in my world.” Channdis didn’t realize what was so important about that, until he thought it through after a few seconds. He then pointed out, “So that means, if I learn anything about the future and apply it…” I finished his thought, “…The balance of time might be altered.” Channdis and I both agreed not to talk about my land at all. For it may just be the destruction of Golm. It was very unlikely and we really didn’t believe most of what we told each other, but its much better to be safe, than sorry. We finally asked all our questions and we were both exhausted; even though it was only 6:00 pm. I cooked our supper and we didn’t talk very much while we ate. I finished the cleaning and both Channdis and I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear some clatter, but I didn’t care about it too much, so I fell asleep again. * * * * * * A few weeks after I had arrived in Golm had passed. I was now the buzz around town. I was “The great Channdis’ slave.” The name really didn’t sound cool, but everyone in town had different opinions about Channdis’ slave being a tail man. I heard that some people thought it was disgusting and nonsense. I also heard (mostly from other slaves), that it was exciting to break Emperor Runar’s laws. Most days I would go into town completing errands for Channdis and sometimes Channdis would have a meeting with other sages and he would bring me along. No one made fun of me, while I was in town. People would just be confused at Channdis’ decision. I didn’t mind being Channdis’ slave, partially because we were friends and he wasn’t to demanding of me. Yes, I was becoming familiar with Golm life. It was a beautiful Tonfare (Tuesday) morning and I was walking down the road from Channdis’ house to the town. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I felt like something was going to change, but the only thing that had changed was my clothing. T-shirt and jeans went to a white shirt under a tunic. I walked to town, doing an errand for Channdis, swinging my tail in happiness. When I got to town, I noticed many people weren’t in their usual spots. I headed towards Town Square and I saw most of the citizens gathered around a stage; the stage the jesters would prance on. At the end of the crowd I met with a merchant I had gotten to know, Fronden. Fronden was a nice, little guy and he knew Channdis very well. He trusted me and wasn’t alarmed at seeing me, a tail man. He gave me discounts on his items, which meant the extra money I had I could buy some things for myself. I asked him, “Why are there so many people here?” He answered, “Their majesties are giving the monthly announcements. You should hide your tail, my boy, you don’t want to be seen with that here.” I agreed and I stepped on my tail, so they couldn’t see it and it couldn't move. A royal clerk (a normal looking person) announced a few things. “First: The Emperor Runar wishes that no more apples should be sold because they make him ill. Second: Flidon of rank 2 wants a tail man dead or alive brought to the police. Please contact him if you were a witness of the incident as well. Third: The sage Channdis is organizing a Legend Meeting, to discuss a new issue of great importance. Anyone wishing to help or discuss please notify him. Forth: A reminder, taxes are to be collected in one week. We have one more announcement and our own, Princess Elesia will be announcing it.” He handed the attention to Princess Elesia. My mouth dropped. As I saw her stepping up to the center of the stage, I was stunned. She was gorgeous! I hadn’t seen anything so beautiful in my entire life. Her hair was thick and black. It bounced and waved through the gentle breeze like it was alive. It came to her neck and reflected all light. Her eyes were blue; a full, beautiful blue; eyes that could instantly summarize heaven. The kind of blue that would make you think you’re a bird, soaring through the blue sky. Her face was smooth, not a wrinkle on it. Her checks had the slightest red glow and her lips had the softening smile inside them. Her body was perfect. She was slim and smooth, the body that the finest artist couldn’t capture. And the thing that captured me the most, were her glorious, heavenly wings! She had wings, made of the purest, whitest feathers that only an angel would have. The wings were very large and she could easily fly with them. She had wings, because the royal families ranks had wings. She gracefully fluttered them to get comfortable when she stood up. I fell in love and I wanted her to pick me up and fly away with me. She spoke, her voice was like herself, beautiful, “Greetings my fellow Golans. You might have already known, but in 4 Wonfares (Wednesday) from now, we will be celebrating our annual ‘Golan Sword.’ As a reminder to you the Golan Sword is a tournament of the sword, with dancing and a feast afterwards. Anyone who can wield a sword may participate. The winner will receive 20 000 GC (Golan Coins) and will receive a kiss from myself. That is all we have to announce, so please live your lives happily.” The crowd had left, but I didn’t. I stayed to watch Princess Elesia leave. She was waiting for her men to prepare her carriage, and then see looked at me. I noticed she saw me, so I turned around. That wasn’t very smart because I exposed my tail. I realized my mistake and turned around again. She called to me, “Excuse me sir.” I looked at her. She was even more beautiful when she spoke to you. She repeated, “Sir.” I stopped daydreaming and replied, acting very polite, “Y…yes y…your majesty?” She smiled and told me to come up on the stage. I did. She whispered to me, “You know sir, you’re a tail man and if one of Emperor Runar’s guards see you here, you’ll surely be hung.” I smiled and said, “Thank you.” Before I could walk away, she spoke to me again, “Excuse me sir, but do I know you? You seem to be familiar some how.” I didn’t know what she meant at first, but then I answered, “Oh, you must mean, that I’m the sage Channdis’ slave.” She nodded and said, “Yes that’s it. You have taken a very large step from your kind.” I nodded. She asked, “I have not heard your name. May you share it with me?” I hesitated. I couldn’t lie to the love of my life, so I told her, “My name is Herridan.” She smiled again as she walked into her carriage; “I will remember you Herridan. I will see you again.” She rode off, towards the Palace just outside of the town. She will see me again, I thought. I want to see her again too. The only way I could see her again was to enter and win that tournament, The Golan Sword. I jumped and danced in excitement. This was the beginning of my life, I thought. I walked back to Channdis’ house with the things he wanted me to get. I also was bringing home a new determination. My tail was making up for the waving it didn’t get to do when I was with the Princess. I knew what I had to do then; I had to learn how to fight the Golan way. |