Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on... |
Using my blog as Public display of what I have been reading about the History of Tobacco. Seems Tobacco bans are nothing new... even a Pope once reversed a smoking ban. Yea, I'm pissed that smoker's are being blamed for all that ails America. It just ain't so, and that's a fact. State's tax tobacco products. Tobacco taxes benefit non-smokers'. Don't see any non-smokers' boycotting any of the Tobacco tax supported goings on... roads, bridges, teachers' salaries... Oh, and gambling is healthy. Yeah, right. Just get off my back. I smoke. I'll just stay home and smoke, and if I can figure out a way to grow my own tax free tobacco - I will. Go ahead. Ban smoking. Ban cigarettes. Your smoking ban will only create a black market, as prohibition created The Speak Easy, where everybody drank and smoked - in peace I might add. As far as I'm concerned there are certainly more important issues that threaten the lives and well being of our Nation, and our world... Partial list, in no particlar order: Corrupt local, state, and Federal Politians Drugs like Crack, Meth... War Patriot Act NAFTA CAFTA Terrorism Illegal Aliens Stupidity Ignorance Medical Costs Our Nation's dependancy on Oil Equality - we are not all treated equally, or provided for equally, or protected equally... those entrusted with enforcing our Constitutional Rights are NOT protecting Americans equally... want to argue about that fact? Racism Recession Employment Education etc. ... and the list goes on and on, and Smoking and Smokers' are not even in the top 500. Links: http://smokingsides.com/docs/hist.html#aa2 http://www.historian.org/bysubject/tobacco1.htm http://www.historian.org/bysubject/tobacco2.htm http://www.historian.org/bysubject/tobacco3.htm http://www.historian.org/bysubject/tobacco4.htm About the consumption of Spirits (why not?): http://www.historian.org/drunkeness.html Oh, and for fun, just Google the word "FAILURE". |