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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/360955-Trip-to-Toronto
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#360955 added July 20, 2005 at 11:58am
Restrictions: None
Trip to Toronto
Friday morning Mark's sister, Michelle, Mark, Tre and I packed up the rented Explorer and headed off to Toronto. I was excited, but a little nervous knowing how controlling and superior acting Michelle can be.

The car ride was going well, only had to roll my eyes a few times, but nothing major. We find the hotel and are all relieved because the seats were not all that comfortable. We walk into the room and I was slightly disappointed. Michelle picked out the room and boasted how great it would be with a full kitchen, pull out couch, marble bathroom, etc. Full kitchen my ass! It was a refrigerator 1/3 the size of a normal fridge, small sink and two burners all squished in a space smaller than my dresser. The entire room could fit in my living/dining room (NO, that is not a large area). The marble bathroom...it was marble, but it was the length of the bathtub, which was standard size, and wide enough for one person to stand at the sink while another one squeezed behind them. I laughed to myself since I had no part in picking it! The worst part about it was the air barely worked...each night we all had coveres on and off all night. Oh what fun!!

Friday we strolled around a bit stopping at a few bars that had patios. Awesome place for people watching. Later that evening we went to the room to get ready for our first venture to a local club. Made it two clubs that night that were very fun. The people there are very interesting to listen too and watch...huge mixture of cultures.

Saturday we went to their Partygra, which was supposed to be similar to the one they have in New Orleans. It was nice, but it was more like an event we have here in Michigan called Arts, Beats, and Eats. There were 3 or 4 stages of different music going at the same time, with plenty of stands carrying a variety of food and various items to buy.

Being it was my birthday we decided to hit the town. While we all showered and got ready I went through our list of clubs to go to and chose one that was free to get in, but also near a group of others in case it wasn't fun. We hailed the cab and Michelle told the cabby to stop in the middle of the area the clubs were instead of listening to me. As we walked around looking for a club I only knew the name not the address of she got irritated. I told her I mentioned the name and thought we were taking the cab to it; however, she chose to get out sooner. She shut up. Ended up at a different club, which seemed pretty cool...until it got a little later. There were way too many people there. I also found the European woman are viscious! There was a little stage in the middle of the dance floor that could easily fit 20 people on it. There were 5 woman on it and another girl started to get up there. One of the girls already up completely shoved her off it...good things she had balance. She did this to two other girls. BITCH!! I told a bouncer about it and he threated to throw her out. After being bumped one too many times we decided to go to another club. By this point I was annoyed...Tre was drunk and ALL hands. I'm not a big PDA person as it is,but to have someone continually touching me drives me NUTS!

At the end of the night Michelle and Tre took a cab back to the hotel while Mark and I roamed the streets. We found a married couple playing in a fountain...so we joined them. We eventually got back to the hotel, but were not tired. We hung outside for a while then went up to our room. There was a guy passed out in the lobby area by our room that woke up long enough to invite us to his suite for a party. After being in the room a few minutes we decided to roam again. In the elevator the drunk guy was there with a friend. He took my picture, pretty I'm sure, and invited us to his suite again, but on a different floor. HUH? Drinking and new hotels do not mix! *Smile*

Sunday it was raining so we walked around the Eton (sp) Center (a HUGE mall) for a while. Tre was irritated and said he was going back to the room to sleep. LIAR!! The next day we found out he went back to the hotel to the bar and drank all day and even that night he chose not to meet up with us. WHATEVER! Although, Mark was pretty upset about it. We spent the day walking and stopping at bars. We passed a Thai festival, an area that promotes grafitti on its walls (very talented people there), and then we found a very poor area that had homeless people sleeping everywhere...middle of the side walks, stoops of store fronts, everywhere. At that point we turned around! *Smile*

The trip all in all was very fun. I was able to finally stand up to Michelle, which I was pretty proud of. She always picks on Mark and I for being indecisive. Like Mark has told her before...that is they way we are...get over it. I had enough on Sunday and when she made the comment yet again I finally said, "when I have an opinion on or about something I express it, otherwise I don't give a shit what we do or where we go!" She shut up because she knew I was pissed...it is rare that I swear.

© Copyright 2005 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/360955-Trip-to-Toronto