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by Ne0801
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #984461
A woman who was born to do nothing but enchant.
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#355869 added June 25, 2005 at 7:01pm
Restrictions: None
It Begins
The sounds of children playing filled the air, as summer neared, and the days got longer. Young Sophia Renald ran after the boys, in an ongoing game of Tag. Her long and curly hair flew after her, as she ran faster then anyone else playing the game. Her and Kiara Yobald were the only 2 girls, in a game involving roughly 20 people. They were the only TomBoys in the neighborhood, and stuck together, no matter how tempting it was to cross over to the other side of being a girl.
The boys welcomed them, and happily, as the girls were easily the prettiest around. Sophia wore her long jet black hair out every day, and it fell down to the middle of her back. No one knew how long it was straight. Her eyes were a peircing green and her skin was on the darker side of olive.
Kiara had icy blue eyes, and she had long, icy blond locks. It was somewhat straight, curling over at the ends, as if she used a curling iron every morning. Her skin looked tanned all year round, and her eyes sparkled at all times of the day. They both developed faster then most of the other girls too. They wore loose fitting clothing, and didn't try to flaunt their "goodies" but it was obvious they were the pick of the bunch.
The other girls seemed jealous, and threatened by the twosome. Because they hung out with only boys, the other girls were afraid their boyfriends wouldn't be happy with what they had anymore. Even if they did want to cross over, they couldn't, ecause every girl resented their beauty.
Sophia's mother, Gabriella, didn't like her TomBoy attitude, and hated the fact that she didn't use her beauty for anything. Her father was unknown to her, and her mother preferred to keep it that way.

"SOPHY!!" Sophia heard her mothers loud voice from all the way at the end of the block. Her and Kiara was beating the boys badly in a game of Hide and Seek, but that was soon to end, because it seemed as if she was in trouble.
"Gotta go," she whispered to her best friend, and sprinted to her house. "Yeah, mom?" She stood at the foot of her stairs, out of breath, and sweaty.
"I have to talk to you, come inside, clean up, and change into your nice clothes." Sophia rolled her eyes.
"What's wrong with these clothes?" SHe said this as she began stomping her tired body up the stairs.
"I didn't buy you a whole heap of new clothes just for you to let them gather dust, and not to mention wrinkles, in your drawers." Her mother seemed to be getting aggravated, so she did as she was told. As she was walking down the stairs her mother stood at the bottom, smiling at her daughter.
"These clothes are to SMALL!" Gabriella's smile quickly turned around, and her mouth became a thin line.
"Go into the livingroom and sit down. I need to talk to you, and then you can go back out."
"Can I change my clothes before I go outside?" Sophia's voice got breathy, and she knew exactly what her mother was about to say.
"No." Sphia frowned, and stomped to the livingroom.
"Sophy, I need to talk to you about yours and Kiara's behaivior. You girls have been hanging around boys an awful lot lately. And don't worry, her mother is talking to her right this instant as well, and she has new clothes too. You girls don't realize how lucky you are to be so beautiful, and you don't realize how far beauty can get you." Gabriella wasn't talking with any sense. She kept going on and on about how both Sopha and Kiara had to change, and Sophia listened. SHe knew if she didn't do what her mother asked her to, she'd never hear the end of it. "Am I understood?" This question marked the end of the speech.
"Yes, your understood." With this Sophia walked out of her house in her close fitting shorts, and her shirt with only one shoulder.
As she stepped out of her house she saw Kiara standing on her porch with the same outfit in a different color. "Our parents are nuts," Kiara said, and the girls walked together to resume their game of Hide and Seek. As they walked down the side walk all 18 of the boys they were playing Hide and Seek with came out of their hiding spots and watched them in shock. The boys that were playing ball in the street also took an eyefull.
"I feel like a fool." Sophia mimbled to her friend, and Kiara nodded. They started walking slower, with their eyes darting across the faces of all the boys, until they stopped. SOme girls that were sitting on their porches telling gossip stepped down their steps, and watched the two.
"Hi, umm, Kiara, do you want some icecream? My mom just went food shop[ing and bought some. And, uh, Sophia, do you want to come too? My twin, Jonathan, asked me to ask you." The girls looked at Justin, then back at eachother. Before they never got an offer like this.
"Sure." They followed the boy to his house, and was hit with cool air because his air conditioner was running full blast. While they were there the boys threated them like Queens. They let them watch anything on the t.v., they got them anything they wanted, and they stared at them every chance they could.
The Bottely brothers (Justin and Jonathan) also got many visit from just about evey boy that lived on the street, who were trying to steal glances at Kiara and Sophia. When the girls left (around 3 hours later) they discussed their newly found power.
"I like it," Sophia said, and Kiara nodded.
"I say we dress and act like this every day. And I think the Bottely brothers are our unofficial boyfriends." Kiara said with uncertainty.
"Maybe, but what about their old girlfriends,uh, Chistine and Laura." Kiara smiled, and stopped in front of her house.
"In the words of my sister Rena, 'they can't hate us cause we're beautiful.'" The girls luaghed, and Sophia continued walking home.
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