Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on... |
After spending all day yesterday reading and researching to write and entry for the
... I wonder why in the world I ever thought that I could WRITE? As for my attempt at the Monster Maker Challenge, I discovered that I have too many REAL MONSTERS that I believe in, and fear exist, to go around trying to make one up. LOL! I don't know how Writer's ever wrote a word before the Internet. What I mean by that statement is I still marvel at the seemingly endless amount of information available on the Internet when doing research for a story. Before the Internet, the ability to gather information had to be limited by a Writer's financial resources, and the time constraints needed to travel to where the information existed, or was collected. Like yesterday, I lost count of how many University Websites I visited... absolutely incredible. I believe in interweaving truth in fiction... that is why I enjoyed Dan Brown's book, The Da Vinci Code. In his book there is so much reality blended with his fiction that it almost seems real, very possible, and likely, doesn't it? And isen't this blend of truth and fiction that makes an Internet hoax so believable? Either way, regardless of rather a story is true, or fiction, making an attempt to bring a storyline to life, in an orderly fashion that makes a story believable - is evidently beyond me! I have a tendency to get bogged down in unnecessary details and subplots... at least that is how it appears to me the next day when I review what I wrote the day before... aaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh. I feel like I am all over the place... like a shotgun blast, and I lose track of the central focus of the story, every story... and then my mind implodes like an atomic bomb. I've tried just writing and sorting it out later... I've tried using an outline to stay on topic and focus on direction... Then there is this creepy voice inside my head that taunts me constantly, "What do you think you are doing? Who do you think you are? You know, this really sucks, don't you?" And when I have discussions and debates with this taunting muse, (yes, outloud, doesn't everybody?) my family thinks I am insane! What I think I fear most is that my muse and my family are both right in their conclusions - AND THAT REALLY SUCKS! |