Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on... |
77. I am really good at Freecell, but it is only because I have dial-up and I can't just sit here and do nothing... 76. I don't think I am basically lazy, but the people that live with me tell me that I must be a reincarnated Princess or some kind of Royality. 75. I nursed all four of my children, and despite what anybody else says it had nothing to do with be lazy. I read ALL the books, searched out and interviewed nursing mothers, and made a decision based on the information. 74. I was not always fat, just like I have not always been OLD - life is cruel like that... 73. I use to like staying in hotels... but not since I really spent good money on my own bed... good matress, high threat count sheets, and featherbed - can't be beat. LOTS of good pillows... LOTs... when I go to convention I am bringing my own... 72. I am impulsive. I can be ready to take a road trip in a heart beat. I have ALWAYS been impulsive. If you have children it is good to be able to make plans "as you go"... if I was hard set in my ways - my kids would have driven me crazier. 71. I have discovered that the best times I remember with my children are not the same best times my children remember. I find that odd... 70. I have never fainted. I have wanted too. I have prayed to faint... but OH NO. I am all too calm in "the eye of a storm". I end up with a panic attack some time after... and nobody can imagine why... 69. I don't feel "Special", but I know I am lucky... maybe lucky is not the right word. I am a tough old bird, and I got to be a tough old bird, by being a strong, tough, calculating, young bird... 68. I don't do math well, unless there are dollar signs involved, then I am exceptionally good at math... almost crimminally good at math. 67. If I was ever to commit a crime, it would have to be a seriously, major Federal Crime... I hear Federal Prisons are better than State Prisons... hope I never have to find out. 66. I have lived in Cajun Country for well over thirty years, and I know words that I can't begin to spell... and neither can any of the Cajuns that I know that use these words. I know, because I have asked. LUNCH TIME. To be continued... |