Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/348441
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
#348441 added May 20, 2005 at 10:33pm
Restrictions: None
Decisions by Surprise
Around seven forty-five, Clavel made her way down stairs. She was dressed up with all her best diamonds on. She found her father, Steven Emwar sitting in his favorite leather, massage chair in front of the television in the family room.

“Daddy?” Clavel approached the man well into his fifties carefully. The last time she had seen her father she was legally an adult, but still his baby girl in her heart and mind. Somewhere in the time, she was away at school she had grown up. Now here she was standing before the man who raised her clearly a woman in every sense of the word and a little afraid of his reaction.

“Oh, my goodness, look at you.” He said getting out of his chair and flicking off the T.V. “Your mama told me you had a big date tonight, but I never would have thought….wow!” Steven took a few steps towards his daughter. Clavel walked over to her father and wrapped her arms around him. They held on to each other tight as though the world were about to end and neither wanted to let go.

“Daddy, your gonna mess up my outfit.” She told him. His arms began to loosen around her, she stepped back and fixed her dress, and jewelry until it was perfect. “Dad, its real good to see.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and stared him in the eyes.

“It’s good to see you too, honey.” They stared at each other for a little while longer; she gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room towards the kitchen. Clavel picked up her purse on the table and went to wait for Michael in the hallway. She was going to do a last minute check of her make-up and clothes in the hallway mirror before heard a loud knock at the door. She thought to herself, “It can’t be Michael, he’s never early.” However, she was wrong. She started walking towards the door, but it swung open just before she got there. She could hardly believe it, there standing in front of her were three people that filled her heart with so much joy, and she could hardly contain herself, but only one she could not wait to greet.

“Hi, baby” She said as sweetly as she could. The tall, dark haired, broad shouldered, obviously fit young man stepped into the house. He was dressed in a clean cut, crisp black situ. Clavel thought he looked a bit like James Bond and she didn’t mind at ll. He scooped Clavel up into his arms nearly lifting her off the ground, looked deep into her eyes and softly said,

“Hi.” Without hesitation, their lips met in the sweetest, warmest, most loving way. You could almost hear their hearts enchain. At the height of their embrace a voice from just behind them said,

“Just ignore us. Go ahead and make out, but the least you could do is let us get into the house.” Clavel and Michael; broke their kiss and looked around as if the walls of the room had just crashed around them. After realizing they were blocking the doorway, Michael let Clavel rest her feet on the floor.

“Look who I picked up in the driveway.” Michael said. He stepped out of the way between Clavel and the door. She looked up at the two tall blonde-haired people standing there. Clavel had always thought her brother had the shape of a football player in full uniform, as a child she had found him very intimidating. He was 27, five years her senior. Even now at six feet, 5 inches tall with his serious face and that goatee he was growing, he still looked a bit scary. The other blonde-haired person, Laurie, looked about as harmful as a thimble full of water. As much as Clavel hated to admit it, she actually looked quite plain. Her hair hung just passed her shoulders, she had dull blue eyes and it was no secret she bought all her clothes at K-Mart. Laurie was a wealthy woman, she came from old money, and for that, reason money meant nothing to her. That was Luke loved her so much. Luke and Laurie were quite the odd couple, but they loved her each other as if they were the only two on the planet.

“How you doing, little sis?” Luke asked Clavel in an almost teasingly way.

“Just fine, big brother. How are you?”

“Oh, you know. Still hanging in there.” Luke stepped into the house, a long duffle bag thrown over his right shoulder. Laurie stepped in behind him with a few smaller overnight bags in each hand. Luke started making his way to stairs.

“Let me just put these upstairs.” He said grabbing a hand full of bags from Laurie.

“Oh, don’t think you’re going to walk pass me Laurie Farland. I see you trying to hind behind my brother.” Clavel said loudly.

“You know I wasn’t trying to hide. The big lug could hide a ship behind those shoulders. Two women squealed in excitement. Laurie dropped what bags she had left and threw her arms around Clavel. Michael picked up the bags and followed Luke upstairs.

“I’m her brother and she’s happier to see my girlfriend than me.” Luke told Michael jokingly. Both men chuckled and continued upstairs. Breaking their hug Clavel asked,

“So how long are staying for?”

Just a couple of days, you know you can’t keep Luke away from the restaurant for long.” Laurie took a step backwards and closed the door just as Michael and Luke returned from upstairs. Both men were laughing as if one of them had just told a joke.

“Oh, I know. He is that way.” Clavel said to Laurie, just to make the men curious as to what they had been talking about.

“He who is what way?” Michael asked to no in particular, but looking in the direction of the young women.

“Nothing, never mind. Are we ready to go?” Clavel asked Michael walking over to hold his hand.

“Sure, the chauffer is waiting.” Michael said smiling at the woman he loved.

“You rented a car. Oh, Michael you didn’t have to go and do that.” Clavel said trying to be modest, but really loving the idea.

“Wait, where are you two going?” Luke asked grabbing a piece of gum out of his pocket and stuffing it into his mouth.

“Well, I’m taking your lovely sister her out for a nice, quiet, romantic dinner.” Michael wrapped an arm around calve and smiled down at her.

“I thought the whole point of this get together was to have a big family dinner here at house. If I had known you weren’t going to be here I would have stayed in the city.” Luke almost seemed upset by the news.

“Well, we can have that family dinner tomorrow. I’ll be here then. I just need this one night because Michael’s working the rest of the week. Try to understand.” Clavel pleaded with her brother as if she had some say over weather she went or stayed.

“I could have spent an extra night in the city” Luke felt a light hand on his shoulder.

“You know what honey, if Clavel wants to go run the street with her boyfriend instead of spending time with her family, let her.” Laurie said to Luke, but at the same time giving Clavel a somewhat playfully daring look. Luke gave Clavel and Michael a half smile that was part amused and devious. He knew he had won.

“Oh, that’s not fair. You two are evil!” Clavel gave in to defeat. She looked up at Michael and gave him those puppy dog eyes that always meant I’m sorry. She didn’t even need to ask; Michael looked her in the eyes and told her,

“I know your family means a lot to you, so it’s ok if we stay.” Clavel thanked him for being so understanding gave him a kiss and looked at her brother.

“Happy now?” Clavel grabbed Michael’s hand and walked back towards the kitchen.

“Hi, Michael.” Marie said from across the kitchen. The place smelled of fresh baked pizza and she was setting the table for five.

“Hello, Mrs. Emwar. How are you doing this evening?” Michael seemed to be in a cheerful mood despite the sudden change in his plans. He let go of Clavel’s hand and put arms around Marie’s shoulder.

“Oh Michael, I’m just fine. But how many times have I asked you to call me Marie? There’s no need to be so formal in this house.” They both smiled at each other. Michael shook his head and called her Marie. With his arm still around her shoulder, Marie keep talking and setting the table.

“So, I heard you two have big plans for tonight. What are you doing?” She asked them like a little girl spying on her older sister. Michael just laughed and excused himself out of the room. As Michael went to tell the chauffeur the new plans and to cancel their reservation, Clavel answered her mother’s question,

“Well, mama. I know you’re gonna hate me, but there’s been another change in the plans for this evening.” She paused to let her mother think then went on. “You see Luke got a tad upset about us leaving you tonight. So out of love and respect for my family, Michael and I are gonna stay in for dinner. That ok?” She threw in the love and respect part to lessen the blow. She stood there for long minute while her mother finished dressing the table, the she heard her sigh.

Marie stroked Clavel’s cheek with the back of her hand. “It’s perfectly fine sweetheart. The more the merrier. I’ll just set two extra places and order another pizza.”

“Mama, there’s no need to order another pizza. What you got will do just fine.” Clavel headed over to cabinet to get two more place settings.

“Ok, then. If that’s it, I guess everything is set. Call everyone to dinner.” Marie told Clavel as she removed her floral print apron and placed it on the counter top.

“Dinner!” Clavel yelled, bring her family together for the first time in quite a while.

All at once, a stampede of familiar footsteps filled Clavel’s ears. After a brief greeting frenzy at the doorway, everyone found there places at the table. They all folded their hands and Steven, as head of the family began to pray.

“Oh, Lord, thank you for the opportunity to bring this family together on such joyous terms. Bless them and keep them safe through the journeys in their lives. Lord, we thank you for the many blessing you have placed upon our families and the food you have placed upon our table this evening. We appreciate all you’ve done for us. We pray all this through Jesus name, Amen.” In unison, the rest of the family followed with an Amen.

“So, Laurie. We haven’t seen you in a while. What have you been up to? Are you still working at the library?” Car asked slapping a steaming hot slice of pizza onto her plate and arose to get a beverage from the refrigerator.
“Oh, yes. I just talked my boss into giving me a promotion to head librarian on the day shift. The pay isn’t much better, but the work is a lot easier.” Laurie managed to say before she took a big bite out of her slice. Everyone had assumed Laurie would go to work for her father at the bank he owned, but her love of literature and helping the public outsoared her need for money.

“Cat. Just bring the whole jug over. I’m sure everyone wants some.” Steven called to his middle child who was now pouring herself a glass of milk.

“Oh well, that sounds wonderful, Laurie. I’m glad you’re happy.” Marie said pausing for a few seconds to flash Laurie a quick smile. Marie had always loved Laurie sine the first time Luke brought her home. Marie once expressed that she thought Laurie was just the kind of sweet, home-body, sensible girl Luke need to keep his head from falling off. At the time, no one would say anything, but everyone agreed. They all hoped Laurie would be the one to lasso Luke for a lifetime and make him leave his wild ways. Marie looked around the table, poured herself a tall glass of milk and continued, “I hear your doing pretty well in your business too Michael.”

“Yes, actually, this week my father and I are opening up another chain not too far of town. You are all invited to the opening if you like. I’ll give you V.I.P treatment.” Michael said grabbing his second slice of pizza.

“Isn’t that wonderful? Thank you Michael. I will surely look into our coming. What day this week is it?” Steven asked with great interest. He loved the fact that Michael was so successful at such a young age. He did however believe that his daughter was far too young to be in such a serious relationship, but nonetheless he liked the young that had stolen his daughter’s heart.

“Well, it’s on Thursday at one o’clock. We have renovated that old bakery down on Route 47. We put some tables out front, painted, and enlarged it. The place looks nice. I think it’s going to do well.”

“That’s really great. I hope everything works out for you man.” Luke said shaking his head in obvious approval from across the table.

It was quiet for a while. The only sounds in the room were that of mastication. Then Michael cleared his throat, wiped his mouth and pushed his chair from the table a little bit.

“Since I did help with the negotiation of the property agreement and oversaw most of the renovations, my father decided that we should have control of the branch.”

“Who’s we, you and your brother?” Clavel asked. She knew that Michael and his twin brother, Tony had gone into the supermarket business with their father after college.

“No, you and me.” Michael said with his hand over his heart as if he were protecting something. The room went deaf. Clavel looked as if she was confused by his words, and she couldn’t thing of any question to help clarify her confusion. The rest of the family, if they weren’t paying attention before, were now completely focused on their conversation that their chewing had become almost non-existent. The y didn’t want to miss a word on the account of them chewing too loudly. “Well, actually, my father gave the store to me and I’ll be running it from the get go…but he also knows how important you are to me and since I had expressed some feelings to him about you and me that made him think. He decided the next and best move in my future would be to take control.” Michael said smiling.

“What feelings did you express to your father?” Clavel asked cautiously. Michael paused for a moment to think, pushed his chair back a bit more and grabbed Clavel’s hand. At that moment, Michael knew what he had to do.

“I told my father I love you more than anyone I’ve ever known. I told him that when I imagine my future I always see you standing beside me. I told him I always wanted to take care of you and make sure you’re happy. Clavel, he gave me control because when I told him those things, he knew I was thinking of doing this…” Michael reached into his inside jacket pocket, took out a small black velvet ring box and held it out for Clavel to take. Clavel had been staring at him and concentrating on his every word. She looked down at his hand and gasped at the sight of the box. She put her right hand over her mouth as the other went to grab for the box.

Tears swelled up in her eyes and she couldn’t speak. Her family watched on in silence, Laurie gripped her chair as not to fall out in mists of all the excitement. Luke paused mid-bite to stare in complete fascination as Cat sat with a big smile on her face. Marie and Steven Emwar watched their daughter and Michael closely in disbelief. Both Marie and Steven knew what was coming next, but they were more shocked and frightened of the answer than angry or sad. After a minute or so, Clavel finally took the box out of Michael’s hand. She looked him in the eye and shook her head no at the same time she slowly opened the box. There she stared at a Tiffany one-carat diamond engagement ring. Being no stranger to diamonds Clavel knew a Tiffany’s engagement ring of that carat started at ten thousand dollars and went up from there. Michael had invested so much money in her, no way was she going to say no.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my.” She whispered to herself. Michael took the box from her and pulled the ring out. He placed the box on the table and grabbed her left hand. As he placed the band on her ring finger, he softly said,

“Marry me.” It didn’t come out as a question, but as a statement. Clavel needed no convincing. She began to cry harder as she stared at the ring then at Michael and back at the ring again. She shook her head before the words could come out of her mouth.

“Yes.” Michael pulled her in close and smothered her head in his shoulder. Clavel, in obvious shock, lacked the ability to attempt to hug him back. She just stared across that table at Laurie, who was clapping joyously. Before Michael had fully let go of Clavel, Cat hugged her from behind. She let go only a moment to let Clavel stand and turn around, then hugged her more intensely. Cat whispered in her ear,

“I’m so happy for you, I could cry.”

“You are.” Clavel managed to get out a few words at last.

“Oh, yeah.” Cat laughed to herself. She wiped he tears from her eyes and cheeks and moved to her side. Laurie, in tears, smiled at Clavel and gave her a hug and kiss,

“You too are gonna be so happy together.” Michael at the same time acknowledged Laurie’s greeting while shaking hands and hugging Luke. Luke jokingly told Michael,

“You’re a brave man; Dealing with these women ain’t easy.”

“Well, I think I can handle it.” Michael assured him. He smiled over at Clavel who was moving towards her parents.

“Mama, I’m getting married.” Clavel told her mother as if she had not been there for the proposal.

“I know baby.” Marie said, with so much emotion it almost seemed hard for her to say it. She gave Clavel a hug, but held her for a while. “My baby girl is all grown up.” Marie whispered in her ear.

“Mama, I’ll always be your baby girl.”

“You better be.” Steven said fro behind the two women. He smiled at his daughter and took her hand to look at the ring. “Sure is a pretty thing.” He stared at it very closely as if trying to see the flaws. “Must of cost you a pretty penny too, eh Michael.” Steven gave him a friendly slap on the arm. Michael just smiled back and nodded. Steven looked deep into Clavel’s eyes, looking for any hint of dissatisfaction. He shook the ring on her finger and asked, “Is this what want?” Still looking for a hint, he waited for her to respond. He loved his daughter dearly, all he wanted was for her was to be happy. Even though he thought she was too young to be married, he knew Michael was a good man and would take care of her. However, before he could give hid blessing he had to know Clavel was marrying Michael because she wanted to out of love and not for any other reason.

“Yes, daddy. I love Michael and want to spend the rest of my life being his wife.” Clavel tried to assure her father. She put her arms around him and squeezed him tight. “Daddy, I love you too and I will always be your baby girl.” She stepped back and looked around at her family. She gave one last hug to her big brother whom, before that night, was sure he would marry before her. Clavel walked over to Michael, lightly pecked his cheek with a sweet kiss and as sweetly as she could asked, “Mother, may we be excused?”

“Oh, of course sweetheart. I think we are all done here. You two run along now and have fun.” Her mother answered as she began picking up plates off the table.

“Thanks for dinner. It was delicious.” Michael said as Clavel pulled him by the hand out of the room.

“Oh, it’s not a problem Michael, anytime. You’re always welcome here.” Steven called back to him, but Michael; and Clavel were already out the front door.

Clavel rushed Michael out to the front porch,

“What did you think you were doing?!” Clavel shouted in his face as though he had done something wrong.

‘”What?!” Michael was in shock to say the least that Clavel would be upset at his proposal.

“That was supposed to be one of the most amazing moment in my life. I should have been excited and happy to tears, but you had me stunned like a buffoon. Surprising me like that, how could you?” Clavel gave him a light slap on the arm.

“I’m sorry honey, but what was I suppose to tell you, I’m gonna ask you to marry me tonight, so act surprised?” He laughed and gave her the look a man gives to the woman he loves, even though he knows she’s crazy. Clavel gave him in return the look that meant don’t be so smart and chuckled to herself as well. She looked into his eyes and shook her head as if she couldn’t believe what had just happened.

“I love you very much, Michael”

“ I love you too, Clavel.” Clavel leaned forward on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. She stepped back, smiled and excitedly said,

“We’re getting married?!”

“Yes, Baby we are.” Michael with a big smile on his face just stared at her. He couldn’t believe that this beauty before him had just agreed to marry him. Clavel stepped into his embrace and held on for dear life. She never wanted that moment to end, so they stood there together, holding each other for a while. Dreaming of their long life to come
© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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