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Hope is here. By hope i mean university life. |
Coach Carter... what can I saw about it. Well, I didn't see it in cinema, I watched it at home on DVD. But I think the experience would've been the same. Did I think it was good, yes. Did i think it was great... not really. I'm not saying the movie wasn't inspiring and all of that. Hell yea it was! Samuel Jackson did a very good job in that role he played as K. Carter. All the speeches he gave was very moving and it really made you see his point of view and the lessons he was trying to convey to all of the boys. The movie taught alot of values and hopefully everyone picked up the many lessons it was trying to teach. I think this will hit home to poor people/people trying to make it in the world. With hard work + determination you CAN make it. Just keep at what you're doing and you CAN make it. Those boys came from nothing to champions (well not OFFICIALLY champions, but you know what I mean.) And another thing I liked about this movie was that it really mirrored real life. Like you could watch the movie and relate to some of the situations and to some of the people in the movie. Life in the ghetto is hard... I mean I don't live in an area like that, but I know enough about it to stay away from it. Movies like these let people who aren't accostomed to surroundings like that take into a peek as to what happens on a daily basis. And this movie in no way was an exaggeration. Also, the attitudes of the parents and teachers weren't an exaggeration. That's how the world/society is, a very closed minded and ignorant group of people. Not having vision and not looking at the future. Along with a good and clear storytelling, the audio was good. Good rap + r&b songs were playing at the right times and along with some tense moments where you just HAD to watch the movie and couldnt turn away (hell, i was vacumming the house and i stood glued in front the tv for about a whole 10 minute scene). All of the actors, not only Sam Jackson did good. They made their character be felt, some more than others. The camera wasn't superb, then again it wasn't like it was an action movie with lots of fast scens or anything.. i guess the camera was okay enough for the movie. All in all, i give it the two thumbs up. Definitely check it out. Is it worth buying? ..... I would say... yea it is |