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Hope is here. By hope i mean university life. |
Hey readers out there. Time for another installment of 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'. Well, for all of those who are students out there it's coming to that time of the year again when it's SUMMER VACATION or for those of us who don't have summer it's time for AUGUST VACATION. Oh how we can't wait for that last day of school when we never have to return to school for 3 whole months!! Or in some cases 2 months. But TWO MONTHS WITHOUT SCHOOL! Holidays!! oh yea! Oh yea! Everyone looks forward to it. Pure relaxation... just hanging out with your friends.. lots of misadventures... For others it's a time to get that paper, the moolah, the $$$, the CHING CHING, if you get what i'm trying to say. But!!!!! But! Before you could get to all that you have to go through..... FINAL EXAMS!! This brings me to today's topic....How do YOU prepare for your finals? There are several techniques that are used, but which one is most effective for you is up to you. Studying is a very serious thing. It takes ALOT of willpower and dire concentration. Some people can naturally study for long periods of time and not let anything distract them. Other people by the slightest noise or anything moves they would be distracted and would either begin to daydream or do something else other than their studies (procrastination). Which one are you? I'm sure you know this ever popular studying technique. Studying in the library. Studying in a cold library while other people walk in/out, some people are talking loudly on other desks... it's good YES because there are alot of textbooks around you for utilization. It's also good because in most libraries there are those little cubicles you could sit in and bury yourself in your work. The coldness sometimes work FOR you instead of AGAINST you at times. It helps to create an athmosphere that's like an artic wasteland where it's only you there and all you have to survive is you and your books and no one else exists... (heck i think like that!). Lately, i'm beginning to drift away from this technique. I'm not sure why... but i just don't like going into the library. Maybe its because of the noise, maybe it isn't that cold these days, maybe it's cuz i don't like the athmosphere itself. I'm not sure, but personally i disagree with this one. Studying in an empty classroom.The difference with this one and studying in the library is the noise factor is non-existant. So there's nothing really to distract you except for windows (if there ARE windows) and when somebody is passing outside your door. If your class has air-conditioning the coldness factor would be in effect. Whether it works against/with you depends on you yourself. Studying on a park bench. I have NO idea how people do this. Sitting down outside on a park bench and reading over notes/doing questions? That's madness, there's so many things going on i can't be in a studying mood. I'd be too busy looking at someone passing, or a bird flying, or a leaf blowing across the grass or something. Also, if you're not underneath a tree, that sun'll be a factor. There are some positives to this though... It's cool outside. It COULD be peaceful at times. The oxygen from all the flora and fauna around you is supposed to help the brain with remembering (or so THEY say). Studying home. This is a tricky one. Cause they're several different subcategories to studying home. a}Studying home during the day. Studying at home period is a problem (for me in particular. My house is like an amusment. Lots of fun.. can't get enough of it). It's extremely hard to study because of the television, the computer, the gaming console (playstation, gamecube, xbox etc.). If there are other people at home it gets worse... It's like in the library except the people are ACTUALLY TALKING TO YOU!! If it's your mother/grandmother or father etc. they would want to come over to tell you to do something to ask you about something or just disturb you... b)Studying home during the day WITH a radio. This carries the same problems that a) does except it contains a radio. The radio could also be a cd player/walkman or anything like that. Once it supplies you with music. A radio could either be a valuable helping tool or it would be the downfall of your studying efforts. The music could help to keep you focused on the work because by listening to the music it drowns out everything else around you and the only thing you're seeing is the books/papers in front of you. But at the same time, the music could lead your mind elsewhere and it would just distract you more from your work than to keep you focused on the work itself. c)Studying home at night The difference with the day and the night is that in the night you get the quietness of an empty classroom. It is SO quiet at night it's unbelievable. So you have NOTHING at all to distract you. Nothing making noise (except for crickets), nothing moving, just you on the couch/chair/table and your books/papers. So much quiet... there's no way you should be distracted. It should be noted though that the time of night i'm referring to is at twelve in the night to four in the morning. With everyone sleeping it's the perfect time to get some serious work done... This poem i learned in Primary School will always stay with me to help me study "As all of the others slept blissfully in the night, one scholar was up toiling upwards through the night. Not wasting the hours of sleep, took advantage of the meek that wasted their time with sleep." Do not waste the time you spend sleeping. Those are precious hours in the day. I find this option one of the best. I particularly love to use this myself. But the problem is actually waking up at one in the morning to study. It's hard to tear yourself up from that comfy warm bed... into the cold hard world to read some stupid book/papers. d) "Studying in the night with a radio". I recommend this. Because after you get up feeling all sleepy and groggy the music helps to keep you active/keeps you awake. Most of the time it benefits you. That's all for tonight folks. Going to watch me some Smallville now. Not sure what tomorrow's topic will be... When i figure it out i'll post on it i guess... I'M OUT PEOPLE'S. KEEP CHECKING IN AND KEEP SPREADING WORD! TRYIN TO GET EM RATINGS UP! |