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Hope is here. By hope i mean university life. |
Well people as i promised in my last addition, i'm going to address the topic of 'Whether or not girls/women with glasses and braces is sexy'. Before i continue i'm putting up a disclaimer: Floyd Banks is no way responsible for what is said. Any animosity or hate gathered in the reading of this entry should not be held towards him. Hate mail would not be tolerated Now on with the show! It's a fact that each and every woman in the world is beautiful. I'm not talking about physically, i'm talking about their personality. When everyone was created/born they were made with a clean conscience with no impurities in their brain or heart. But as people grow up depending on what enviroment and the values that were taught to you when you were young, you would grow up to suit that enviroment. At this point this is where girls begin to get their personality to whether they would become the nerdy girl who is shy and has little or no friends or whether she would become the popular prissy girl who makes fun of other people less fortunate than her and only hangs out with a particular type of peope or whether she would become the dark shady type of girl who is angry at the world and only likes rock music and has gothic friends who also dresses similarly and wears spikes/chokers and are slightly satanistic. At this point you're wondering what the hell does me stereotyping girls have to do with the topic at hand right? Well.. to tell the truth i'm not too sure.. i can't remember the point i was trying to make.. oh right! Now i remember. Silly me.. lost my train of thought once again there. Yeah, i was pointing out that every woman is beautiful even though some of them tend to pick bad habits/bad influences. The stereotypes i called, some people may read them and think.. those kind of girls aren't appealing, i hate those kind of girls, but what people fail to realise is that each and every girl in this world has someone who would like them for either their physical beauty or their sparkling personality. Though they may appear horrid on the outside, they may be beautiful on the inside. Though rough on the edges when talking to them at first, later on you'll realise she's smooth as silk. Girls are precious creatures that should be loved and adored ... though some don't deserve that treatment... but sometimes due to health conditions or other reasons not known to me at this present moment, girls sometimes have to wear glasses to enhance their sight and they may at one point in their life get braces to straighten out their teeth. "But Floyd, girls with glasses and braces? Those are total turn-offs! Because the glasses are sometimes big and jus plain ugly. And it makes them look all geeky and stupid. And those that aren't big and stupid looking, it makes the girl herself look nerdy and sometimes the girl appears to look down syndrome like!!! I'm talking from things i've seen man! Don't get me started on those braces... they're so ugly. Looks jus horrid on girls. Not to mention all of those things they get stuck up in there. Pieces of food that they didn't chew properly, and their teeth are never clean. Metal-mouth is what i call em. Don't forget about their stupid smiles and sometimes they their spit is all stuck on their braces and stuff. Very disgusting...Would never want to get my lip or tongue stuck in one of those things ever. Those two are a bad combo for girls to have!!" How wrong you are stereotypical male... and now, with the power of my mesmerizing and enticing use of the English language i will persuade more than 40% of male readers reading this to re-consider thier view on these females... i'm that confident.. But not today folks! :D I'm completely spent right now, but i PROMISE, sometime in the near future i'll tackle this topic and give you... Whether or not girls/women with glasses and braces is sexy pt.2!!! KEEP CHECKING IN FOLKS!!! CUZ I'LL STILL BE BLOGGING AND TACKLING ALL OF THOSE PREVALENT TOPICS IN LIFE TODAY ... In a future show i'll be tackling the big topic of Being a virgin today is very embaressing |