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Are temperament and Mental Health at all related? A positive, spiritual view of self. |
In the next nine entries, I will go into the fruits of the Holy Spirit, then I will, if anyone is interested, go into how you can exhibit those fruits in your life, for we can't do it all on our own. The fruits of the Spirit are outlined in Galations 5:22-23, and it is written that there is no law against such fruit. Each temperament has a natural tendency toward some of them, and some must be incorporated into their lives, though the Spirit. The fruits are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (self-control). First I'll write about love, which is outlined very well in 1 Corinthians 13. ![]() People with the Sanguine temperament do love themselves with this capacity, but Spirit-filled Sanguines have a passion to help other people. Their focus is changed. When a Sanguine get passionate about helping other people, then there is nothing that is going to tear him/her from it. I know a couple of Spirit-filled Sanguines, and they just go on and one about their lives in Christ, and about the joyful experiences they've had in ministering to other people. They are not gossips, but rather build other people up, while speaking with them, or by speaking about them to someone else. People with the Choleric temperament need this fruit in their lives in abundance. These are the people who have their hearts in the right place, but have their sights so far away on their goals, that the don't often notice the other people who helped them along the way. This changes, of course, when the Choleric becomes Spirit-filled. They are great motivators and compassionate leaders with a passion for other people. They don't always full credit for reaching a goal, but let others share in the glory. Their biting remarks toward other people are softened into motivating ones, helping others see that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to. They will use their powerful leadership skills to to push others ahead of themselves. People of Melancholy temperament should strive for this fruit with full force, for it might possibly save their lives. They often center their thoughts on themselves, so looking outwardly and using their self-sacrificing nature and tender hearts to reach out to someone else, will help them see that the big picture that God has for them is much more beautiful than the the small inconsistencies they seem to dwell on. Melancholies have a tremendous capacity to love others. Phlegmatics have issues with trust and hiding in a shell of self-protection. The fruits of the Spirit give them new confidence. We are great observers and counselors, if we have the right foundation in our lives. With love as a driving force, we can be that calm in the storm when others are frantic, and we can look at others with a sense of trust, knowing that we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Our humor will not lose its edge, but it will lose its stinging bite, when it comes to antagonizing others. The humor will change, not go away. ![]() That's all I've got to say about love, for now. |