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Item #649466
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Item #649466
March 23, 2005: grcubby

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

** Image ID #951443 Unavailable **

Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com.

We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

*Flower3* Happy Spring! *Flower3*

*Flower4*Your host this week: Cubboo! *Flower4*

***** ***** ***** *****

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

***** ***** ***** *****


This week I would like to encourage all of us to respect our fellow members here at Writing.com, especially when it comes to giving and responding to reviews. Thank goodness, we are not clones and do not review exactly the same way. Each of us has something unique to offer, whether it covers punctuation typos, poetry meter, or perhaps a review with only positive comments. I've noticed recently that there seems to be some confusion about how a review should or should not be written. As long as your review is encouraging, use your own style. Some reviewers prefer colored text while others do not. Some use ML tags, others don't. There are reviewers who choose not to point out ways to improve a piece, but instead, use a style much like a book review on the inside dust cover of a book. There is no wrong or right way to review, as long as you are pleasant and encouraging. There are several items that have been written on the subject here at the site, and if you read them all, you should note they are all different in one way or another. The bottom line is... Be respectful to other members' styles. Let's enjoy our individuality. *Smile*

Here is a list of helpful tips...

Respect any review you receive whether you agree with it or not.
Encourage members when you review them.
Send a thank you to your reviewer.
Positive comments should alway accompany a review.
Explain why you rate anything under a 5.0!
Consider the author's age, if possible, before sending off a review.
Take nasty reviews with a grain of salt; we've all had at least one! *Bigsmile*

Write on!

Love, Cubby “)

***** ***** ***** *****

Editor's Picks

*Flower3* Got some questions? You may find your answers here...*Flower3*

Getting Started: Table of Contents  (E)
Visit here for a tour of Writing.Com and learn about this vast, exciting site!
#168945 by The StoryWitchress

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#794007 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#741058 by Not Available.

***** ***** ***** *****

*Star* ~~~And Now... For Our Featured Newbie Presentation!~~~ *Star*

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by A Guest Visitor

If love alone could save you
You never would have died.

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

The pieces
So many pieces
Too many to decide
On which to pick up first

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Sometimes I think
My pills are my only real friends
I know it's not true, but on the other hand
They take away so much pain like no one else can
And remind me of who I really am
Because you never will

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by A Guest Visitor

After about a half hour we heard the steady honking of incoming geese. I swear to this day that I heard their wings beating the air. I already had my gun up and aimed above the trees. Dad called to them, a fast "Whooo...What", on the call. They must have really been interested because they came at us just above tree level.

 Choices  [13+]
When love comes to"Should I stay or should I leave?"What feeling do you follow?
by birdsongx2

Fire builds from the pit of my stomach. I try to walk away, but is there sense in even trying? If he wasn’t who he at most times appeared to be, I wouldn’t want to know him. Glancing at the clock, I begin to realize how often I do that. It’s almost as if I’m waiting for my chance or some break from this night.

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by A Guest Visitor

The words you scream at me aren't going to make a difference because I won't hear them. You pick out the smallest details and build them into mountains. Our discrepancies will always be.

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

In silent disbelief
I read those granite words
that tell a soldier's tale
and how valiantly he served.

***** ***** ***** *****

*Star* Great Places for Newbies to Check Out! *Star*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#844409 by Not Available.

Noticing Newbies  (13+)
A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com!
#126963 by The StoryWitchress

Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#822284 by Not Available.

***** ***** ***** *****

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

*Flower1*~ Yeah, Feedback! ~*Flower1*

*Star* laurencia
*Flower6* Wow Cubby! Awesome newsletter! I like that you are posting excerpts from members' stories, good idea. Keep up the good work. *smile* --Laurencia

Thank you! I actually got the idea from another newsletter I read a few months back. I thought it was pretty cool myself. *Cool* *Laugh*

*Star* MaryLou
*Flower6* For Cubby: I would say Shakespeare, but what writer doesn't love him? So I'll mention someone else. William Faulkner is one of my most favorite writers. He is a master of the stream-of-consciousness writing style. Go Down, Moses by Faulkner is particularly excellent. I would recommend Faulkner very highly.

I've never read anything by him... Perhaps now I will. *Wink* Did you notice the author of this week's quote? *Bigsmile*

*Star* Puditat
*Flower6* Cubby, a wonderful topic to cover. Great thinking and nicely explained. It's so difficult to follow your example....*Frown**Laugh*

Yikes, don't try to follow my example when you do such a wonderful job yourself, girl! *Laugh* But I do thank ye kindly for the compliment. *Heart*

*Star* Mariposa
*Flower6* I enjoy all of Nicholas Sparks' books. The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and A Bend in the Road have permanent spots on my bookshelf. He's a wonderful romance writer.

My dad practically made me what The Notebook. I have not read the book, but I can say, he is quite a popular author at my library. Geesh, that movie tore my heart out!

*Star* Pass it on
*Flower6* Very nice issue *Smile*

Aw, thanks, Pass it on!!! *Heart*

*Star* Davy Kraken
*Flower6* Hey, Cubby! Good information on folders. However, I'd like to point out that the policy on folder content ratings has been modified. It is no longer based on the ratings of items within the folder, but on the visible contents of the folder. This includes the folder title/intro, the folder description, and the titles/intros of the items within the folder.

Thank you for bringing that to my attention, Kraken! The week I did a topic on Polls and explained there were only five selection options, it was changed to nine. *Laugh* This place continues to get better almost daily, lol!

*Star* esprit
*Flower6* Cubby, this is a great newsletter. Preparing the first folder can be a little confusing, but after that, they're easy. And you're right, they help the visitors, but they also help the writer. Especially when, like you, they have so many! lol Can you imagine scrolling down 250 individual items? *Laugh*

Oh, my, what would I do without my folders??? *Pthb* Thanks, esprit! *Bigsmile*

*Star* April Sunday
*Flower6* You covered a lot of topics. Glad you include new authors and young lit! Superb!

Thanks, Teff! We try to do our best here, and we do have a great group of editors. *Bigsmile*

*Star* laurencia
*Flower6* Your last February newsletter was awesome Cubby! You put a great deal of effort into research and interacting with new members. Keep up the good work! *Smile*


Thank you so much, Laurencia! And I know you work just as hard as I do! *Wink*

***** ***** ***** *****

*Right* Quote: Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.
~~ William Faulkner

***** ***** ***** *****

*Star* Cubby's Question of the Week*Star*

What topics would you like to see covered in future Noticing Newbies Newsletters?
** Image ID #951446 Unavailable **

See you again on April 20th !

*Exclaim* Next week's editor will be... Puditat *Exclaim* 
Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

Maintained by The StoryWitchress   
Created: 03-24-05 @ 11:41am | Modified: 03-24-05 @ 11:41am      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/336750-March-23-2005-grcubby