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Item #649466
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Item #649466
February 15, 2005: storytime

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

noticing newbies - newsletter header

Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com

We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

Your host this week is esprit

Word from our sponsor

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workshops based on your interests. Work with experienced and published faculty.
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Click here to get more information!

Letter from the editor

noticing newbies - newsletter header


I absolutely love writing this newsletter. I try to have something fresh and interesting for all, but this month I thought I'd better go back to basics.


Are you able to find your way around this site without getting lost? It seems very complicated to new members, and it is. It doesn't take long though to find your way.

When I first became a member, it took me a week or so to figure out how to put a favorite forum into My Favorites. I thought it was referring to IExplorer Favorites. I laugh now, but it wasn’t funny at the time.

A member told me to click on the fist. Sure enough, it worked! The fist beside an author’s signature is for saving a Favorite Author. Go to the upper right to find the forum’s fist.


When I posted a question on a forum, I didn’t know I had a record of all of My Posts in Member Tools to help me get back to it. Have you ever posted on a message forum and then forgot the name of it, and couldn't get back to see if anyone answered you? All you have to do is click on 'MY POSTS' to find it. Most everything is that easy, once you know how. *Laugh*

I clicked on the links and explored. I suggest you do the same. Click and explore, it won't take long for you to learn how to get back to your favorite places.


is where you go to create a new item, look at your feedback, and the reviews you have sent to other author's, and learn more about Writing ML.

Soon, everything will make sense and it will be much more fun.

Most of you have already learned all this; however, I know there are one or two out there like me, who are afraid to ask for fear of seeming stupid. For full enjoyment of the many things to do on writing.com, ask the question! Every one of us was once a newbie, and we all remember how it was.


*Telling Instead of Showing

"Like", "as if" and "seemed" can make writing sound passive instead of active. "Tom picked up the puppy, who seemed as if she was afraid." This is lazy writing, because the author relies on the reader to fill in what "afraid" means. "The puppy was curled up in a corner of the sofa. When Tom picked her up, she let out a soft whimper. He could feel her trembling as he held her close to his chest." By giving concrete details, the author shows the reader exactly how this puppy acts when she is afraid.

by Laura Backes, Children's Book Insider

Thanks for reading and I'll be back March 16th. Ah, the Ides of March.

** Image ID #715135 Unavailable **
Logo for Writing.Com Moderators - small.
noticing newbies committee sig


Editor's Picks

** Image ID #830174 Unavailable **

My Picks For Newbies of the Month of February *Exclaim*

My first Newbie of the month was invisibleink Most of you know she is leaving us. I wanted to let her know she will be missed by all who knows her. She is one of sweetest people I have been blessed to know.
We'll miss you, Nance.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#938278 by Not Available.


Take care of one another,
Keep shining bright and strong.
You're the music to the lyrics
That complete this website's song.

highlighted newbies

Editor’s Picks

Sugarbear *Thanks Anonymous!*



 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Cold, doughnuts, and writing  [E]
An attempt to write like Hemingway. Is there anything good here?
by Emma

 The Mission  [E]
This is a flash fiction story for class.
by Super Dave

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Remember to read your neighbor’s work too!


helpful links

I gently urge you to check out this link. It covers so much I couldn't begin to list them all. animatqua does a very good job of doing that for us. I suggest adding it to your favorites by clicking on the fist on the right side of her page.

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  [E]
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
by Writing.Com Support

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Monthly newbie contest.
by Tammy~Catchin Up~

Submitted Items

Submitted By: Davy Kraken
Submitted Item: "The Ins and Outs of In & Outs
Submitted Comment:

I thought this might be a helpful resource for newbies

Wow! I think you're right, thank you for the time you spent doing it.

Submitted By: superwomanshy
Submitted Item: "Invalid Item
Submitted Comment:

I just want to be noticed. I know my work is worthy.

I know your work is worthy too, you will be noticed. Let's all read her work, okay?

Four items were submitted By: leisure time

We can't use items from members that have been here over 31 days, as a rule. Sometimes the letters are prepared ahead of time and will include those that are over that time limit by the time the letters come out. But that is the exception. You can submit to any other newsletter that fits the genre though. Thank you for thinking of the Newbie Newsletter.

Psst! I hope you receive lots of reads from this even though I can't highlight your work.


Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer


Submitted By: Wannabe
Submitted Comment:

This line cracked me up:
They love it when the author doesn't proofread, because it means their job is secure. Hey, I'm kidding!

Oh my God it brought back visions of being a newbie on the site when the only thing I received in a comment was a spelling or grammar error. I used to think well thats great but what did you think about what I wrote?

I learned as most do on the site in time, that if you proofread your work it gives you the advantage to receive reviews that look at what you wrote and not how you wrote it.

Great newsletter by the way, it gave a true breakdown of the types of reviews you will receive on the site and why.

Thank you! *Smile* And you are so right about the proofreading!

Submitted By: Puditat
Submitted Comment:

Another wonderful editorial Esprit. You summed up the different styles of reviewing so well. A new, fresh angle on the subject of reviewing! Your writing style is so friendly and appealing.

PS. I love your response to my last feebdack "pan of freshly made fudge"

Thanks! - and I loved the fudge! You know it works, right?

Submitted By: Gen
Submitted Comment:

Another well done NL, Lady Esprit. You certainly pegged all the types of reviewers. You are really quite the sharpshooter. Excellent eyes! You should take all of these NL's of yours, tie them all together, and call it "The Do's and Don'ts of Becoming a Professional Creative Writer". You SUBMIT it. You've got most of it written. You're a saint. Do what you do best; helping people. Take it up a notch. You have an innate and God-given talent in this. SUBMIT this stuff.

SUBMIT? Is that an E rated word? And another thing, no one has ever accused me of being a saint! You take that back! I'm grouchy, complaining, opinionated and irritating. I've worked hard to earn this reputation and I intend to keep it. Youngsters!

Submitted By: Cubboo!
Submitted Comment:

Awesome newsletter, Esprit! You did a fantastic job sorting out the different kinds of reviewers. You are so totally right. Being an avid reviewer in the Public Review forum, I've noticed that many of us are very different in our reviews, like you pointed out. And that's good. What I touch on, may not be brought out by another viewer, and vice versa. I've even read reviews where some reviewers mention they won't go into the technicalities (typos - spelling, punctuation, etc.) since another reviewer had already made suggestions in that area for them, and so the reviewer comments on other aspects of the item. Now that's teamwork, lol! Anyway, if it were possible, I'd give this newsletter an awardicon! Since it's not, I'm sending you a newsletter merit badge for being such a commendable editor!
Love, Cubby ")

Ahh, Cubby. Thank you! I love the Badge!
Didn't you know I have my letters in my port? An Awardicon would fit beautifully. *Laugh*
Hold on, I'll find the id number...wait, it'll only take a sec.

I spend a lot of time on the Public Review page too, and I see all types of reviewers. The truth of the matter is it is teamwork, and we have the best team around. Agreed?

Submitted By: Davy Kraken
Submitted Comment:

Just wanted to let you know that the number of members listed on the front page is the total number of members who have ever joined Writing.Com, including those who are long gone. The total number of current members is at somewhere around 50,000.

And you, my dear Kraken, are the winner!! This was a secret test to see if the whole letter was being read. I'm glad to know it was. Thank you!

shoot! I told myself to proofread better last time! There's always a smart-aleck in the crowd.

Submitted By: charm1
Submitted Comment:


Your talent is obvious through your writing, but more importantly, your care of people is the shining point of light. I always enjoy your news letter, for more than just the new writers, also, the editorials that you submit. Thank you for your time and dedication to the art.


Thank you, Deb. *Blush* I appreciate your words. And yes, I do care for my newbies. I feel like some are 'mine', because they are so special. I love to watch them grow. I may upset a few but it's for their own good. Just like Mother always said.

Submitted By: PastVoices
Submitted Comment:

Thank you again for an editorial whose time has come. If my daddy was right, you take opinions of all 299,001 members and they will add up 299,001 different opinions!!

I realize it, but I think it is good to remind all of us that no two reviewers look for the same characteristics. I still feel extremely underqualified to review poetry. I make myself, because practice helps me get bolder.

Oh, and btw, I got the "quid pro quo" and he got the DSL line!! Yeah!!

That's right, it takes a community, (and lots of feedback) to make a good story work.
Hey, good for him! Give him a hug from me and tell him to keep it up. Does he cook too?

Submitted By: mckenzie
Submitted Comment:

Very good newsletter; I enjoyed it.

Thank you, Mckenzie. It means a lot to all of the editors to hear these words each and every week.

Question of the Month

I have two questions this month, for a little fun activity.

A famous Writing.Com author once said, Some monsters draw their strength from a cucifix.

My first question is: What is the name of the monster?

Second, two-part question, same prizes, different subject.

Who made the quote: That was then, this is now. Or vise-versa, and when did he say it?

This is another test to see who reads the complete letter. The Authors will receive 500 GP's. Each member who correctly answers will receive 200 GP's.


Thank you all for your great comments. I love them, and I love replying to them. It's wonderful to laugh at silliness sometimes, isn't it? You all make editing this letter so much fun!

The Editors of the Newbie Newsletter are:

NEXT WEEK - Cubboo!
HEAD'S UP, the schedule has changed.

esprit March 16, 2005
Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

Maintained by The StoryWitchress   
Created: 03-03-05 @ 11:36pm | Modified: 03-03-05 @ 11:36pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/332426-February-15-2005-storytime