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Item #649466
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Item #649466
January 4, 2005: kiwiangel

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

*Reading* Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! *Reading*

You come across this site, by accident, or perhaps following a link from some entrenched Writing.com'mer. Soon you are drawn into the supportive community who all share a common dream and passion - writing.

After that initial excitement of finding Writing.com there comes the need to make the most of the many opportunities afforded. This newsletter is to welcome you, our 'Newbies' and to help make you experience here an exciting, friendly and rewarding time.

In this newsletter we will showcase some of our talented Newbies as well as providing handy tips and advice. We welcome you to submit questions, ask for help or say hello. We are here to help.

Many non-newbies read this newsletter to. A warm welcome to them and a huge thank you for helping to make our new members feel welcome and supported.

Your host this week is: Puditat

Word from our sponsor

Passionate about writing?
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workshops based on your interests. Work with experienced and published faculty.
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Letter from the editor

noticing newbies - newsletter header


It seems that the most sought-after knowledge, the majotiry of queries are all related - "how do I get reviewed?" This has been a topic covered many times and although this question is often answered, the fresh influx of people means it will remain as one of the most often asked questions on this site.

I was wondering what to write about, and frankly, the thought of writing about reviewing again, bored me. But then I changed it around and looked at it as a challenge. How can I make it interesting, fresh, new, yet still be informative and helpful. This same thought process, is something YOU can apply in the hunt for reviews. Good luck! *Smile*

*Star* Start at home - with your portfolio.

         *Idea* Post a bio block to welcome visitors to your port. Got to the My Account link near the top of any page, then Change Account Text & Special Items.

         *Idea* Post a short bio of yourself as an item. If you do not have an upgraded account, leave it there until you need the space for new items. If readers can grasp a sense of you as a person, they may follow that up with reading some of your creative works.

         *Idea* Attention to detail. Have the correct spelling on titles and brief descriptions. Look as if you have pride in your work and your on-line "home".

         *Idea* Add your writing to the Highlighted Items list in your portfolio, even if they are found on the first page of your port. More links means more chances of being read. Or better yet, find someone who is willing to highlight your items in their port, in return, you highlight their items. To highlight items in your port, is it in the same place where you do the Bio block.

         *Idea* Update your portfolio regularly to bring it to the top of the recently active portfolios.

*Star* }Be ACTIVE on the site! Participate.

         *Idea* Read, rate and review, other people's work. This is THE biggest way to get reviews - people here love to reciprocate.

         *Idea* Post in forums, fill out surveys, review polls, images etc, most will garner a return review in appreciation.

         *Idea* Visit Scroll, scrolling poetry or scrolling stories. Add a line, chat to some people. Get your NAME out there. If you are visible, people will visit you.

         *Idea* Enter contests, quite a few will allow non-upgraded members to put their entry directly into the forum.

*Star* Self-plug

         *Idea* Put a link to your latest work at the bottom of your signature. Under My Account, click on the Change Signature(s).

         *Idea* Trawl the site for places that accept plugs for items and use them. There are a couple of place in the drop down "Item Jumps" menu on the left of your screen but there are a mulitude of others - search the forums.

Here are a couple of different links to help get yourself noticed: *Bigsmile*

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This item number is not valid.
#919836 by Not Available.

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This item number is not valid.
#383811 by Not Available.

Story Cafe  (ASR)
All invited, Speak your mind, got a New Story?, Opinion?, Need help?, Like a story?.
#101179 by The Milkman

ACRO*BATICS [Round Over]  (13+)
I supply an acronym; you make up what it stands for. My favorite entries win gift points!
#921363 by Davy Kraken

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This item number is not valid.
#165147 by Not Available.

Happy hunting; happy reviewing!

Thanks for reading.
noticing newbies committee sig

Editor's Picks

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#921449 by Not Available.

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#922064 by Not Available.

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#922478 by Not Available.

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#922495 by Not Available.

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#922562 by Not Available.

 White a la Seuss  (13+)
The rhythm of Dr Seuss was in my head, and these words just came out.
#921258 by adagio

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This item number is not valid.
#922552 by Not Available.

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#922464 by Not Available.

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#922456 by Not Available.

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This item number is not valid.
#922363 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Hi, Puditat. A great newsletter this month. Titles are not always easy, and you gave some good tips. If a title catches my eye, I'll read the item. The same with the Brief Description.

Yes, I agree about the brief description too. Both the title and B.D. are windows to our writing.


Titles are indeed very important! Sometimes I think of a great title before I write the story or poem. Other times I write a piece and ponder for days on what I should name it. When looking for a good book to read, it's the title that captures my interest first. For example, Shadow Divers intrigued me with its name, so I brought it home from the library. I began reading and realized it was about deep sea diving and u-boats, which I never would have picked out for myself as topics, but guess what? I couldn't put the book down and I learned so many interesting things. If the book would have been called Missing U-boat Found in 1991 by Deep Sea Divers, I would not have looked at it twice, (but I must admit my husband would have, lol!) I order all the books for the library I work in. Though I usually read the summary and reviews before ordering, it's the title that attracts me first. And Happy Holidays!*Bigsmile*
Love, Cubby ")

You make a good point. The title needs to be suitable for the target audience and type of book/story/poem. A non-fiction item can have a more technical or formal title than a piece of love poetry might have. I also agree about the title helping to choose. I recently went looking in a book store for a novel to read and the title was exactly what I searched for in the first instance. *Smile*


great newsletter......good job
very informative and interesting
keep up the great work

Thank you! *Delight*


Hi Puditat, Great NL. Very helpful as usual.
I usually read newbies in the NLS and also some
which I see that come up on the left hand side of the site.

Thank you again and compliments for your work!
Take care AuntyNelly *Smile*

I am thrilled to hear that you help our Newbies by reading them. Keep it up. *Smile*


Thank you for another helpful newsletter with delightful new authors to read. I look forward to this newsletter and reviewing from it! Thanks, Puditat !

You are welcome. Thanks for the feedback. *Delight*


Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

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Created: 03-03-05 @ 11:35pm | Modified: 03-03-05 @ 11:35pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/332420-January-4-2005-kiwiangel