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Item #649466
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Item #649466
December 21, 2004: grcubby

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

*Snow2* Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter!*Snow2* Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com.

*Snow2* We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

*Star*Have a wonderful and safe Christmas Holiday!*Star*
*Snow1*Your host this week: Cubboo!
Word from our sponsor

Passionate about writing?
Take your passion to new heights - with an online Master of Fine Arts in
Creative Writing
, available only from top ranked National University. Choose
workshops based on your interests. Work with experienced and published faculty.
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Click here to get more information!

Letter from the editor

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The ‘P’ Word

Okay, raise your hand if you are a procrastinator? Hmmm? Be honest now… My hand is raised higher than anyone else’s, I’m sure. I have two hours to get this newsletter in and here I am, not quite finished. I’ve struggled for two weeks, wondering what I should write about. All this time it’s been right there in front of me…Procrastination.

Why is it that we procrastinate? There are various reasons creative people put off their work. I’ve mentioned just a few below, which you might notice are extremely big ‘P’ problems for me.

-Are you disorganized? (Cubby raises her hand.)
-Are you overwhelmed? (Cubby’s hand stays in the air.)
-Are you setting your standards too high? (Yes, yes…)
-Do you doubt your abilities to produce something worthwhile? (Cubby’s hand is still up there.)

Some people are afraid of rejection, while others are afraid of success. Then there is always finding the time to write. Or is it lack of incentive? We can always blame it on good ol’ Writer’s Block, right? *Laugh*

So how do we break this ‘P’ curse, anyway? Ready for some New Year’s Resolution ideas?

-Get organized! (Cubby’s favorite, but hardest task.)
-Learn how to say “No” so you are not overwhelmed. (Bad Cubby!)
-Write first, edit later. (Cubby is way too picky about punctuation, grammar and spelling. She needs to get into the meat of the story and cut the fat later.)
-Don’t expect to be the next John Grisham or Shel Silverstein overnight. They received rejection slips, too, as most famous authors have. Write, write, write… And let the publishers decide the rest. (Cubby slumps in shame… She wanted to be the next Shel Silverstein overnight. **sigh*)

Will we always be procrastinators? I know I will. But it’s something I need to work on continuously if I ever want to succeed. I don’t know about you, but I’d really like to see my name as the author of a published children’s book someday.

Love, Cubby “)

Editor's Picks

*Snow2* Tis the Season for cNotes! *Snow2*
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#914735 by Not Available.

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#789872 by Not Available.

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#553753 by Not Available.

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#535062 by Not Available.

*Snow2* Things to Do for the New Year! *Snow2*
 Let's Celebrate the New Year!  (ASR)
Post your New Year's quotes here.
#597769 by Kenzie

 New Years Eve Word Search  (E)
How I see New Years Eve...
#313678 by Red Writing Hood <3

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This item number is not valid.
#300249 by Not Available.

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*Star* Here are a few sites that should help answer many of your questions...

Getting Started: Table of Contents  (E)
Visit here for a tour of Writing.Com and learn about this vast, exciting site!
#168945 by The StoryWitchress

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#794007 by Not Available.

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#741058 by Not Available.

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*Star* ~~~A Stocking Full of Newbies!...~~~ *Star*

Holiday Watch  [E]
Spending the holidays in service. Published 12/04, EQ
by Dystopia

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

 A nine months to remember  [13+]
A new and interesting twist on the Christmas story and Mary
by green_notebook

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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*Snow2* Winner of "Invalid Item *Snow2*

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This item number is not valid.
#907344 by Not Available.

*Note1* Sara Jean entered four items in this contest. Since she was they only entrant, there could not be a 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention given. Congratulations to Sara Jean! *Heart*

Come on, Newbies, and take a challenge! Write the best children's poetry you can and enter it in my contest. You may submit as many poems as you want but can only win once in each round. Come on! Make me happy! Go for it!

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*Star* Great Places for Newbies to Check Out! *Star*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#844409 by Not Available.

Noticing Newbies  (13+)
A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com!
#126963 by The StoryWitchress

Monthly newbie contest.
#530577 by Tammy~Catchin Up~

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#822284 by Not Available.

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#837496 by Not Available.

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#908140 by Not Available.

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Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

*Snow1*~ Yeah, Feedback! ~*Snow1*

*Star* schipperke
*Snow2* Dear Cubby:
I love your newsletters! How do I come up with names for my characters?
I go on the internet and query the top names for boys and girls of the year my story takes place.
I also use names from people at work since I work in a large, diverse enviroment.
My heroines usually have names that I wish my mother had named me!


Thanks, Schipperke! That's a good idea about searching for the top names of boys and girls. I read somewhere, that when writing for kids, it's best to use common names. I've always liked the uncommon names, myself, but there are so many out there right now, and it seems like a dozen different spellings for each one, lol! I can see why it might be best to keep names for children familiar... especially when there are several characters involved. Could you imagine a book with all the character names being Kraton, Beema, Alusha, Diato and Mulger? Hmmm... maybe those aren't too bad, do you think? *Laugh*

*Star* animatqua
*Snow2* Great job on the Newsletter!

Is there any way you can put your suggestions into an item? They're perfect for the Newbie section (and "How To", for that matter) in the "Writer's Resource".

Thank you! Yes, I will definitely do that. I've been so busy lately, I'm lucky to get this newsletter out this month. *Bigsmile* But I promise I'll get to it soon and let you know when I've completed it.

*Star* esprit
*Snow2*Cubby! This is a beautiful letter! You've put a lot of time into this formatting, and it looks good. You're very creative. You've given me inspriration to jazz mine up a little, thanks!

Your helpful hints were right on target, too. You always do such a fantastic job.

Esprit, you are always so sweet! *Heart* Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad I've inspired you, though you've inspired me many times, too!

*Star* princess
*Snow2* hi, i really love this newsletter and i was wondering if i could print it out and add it to my classe's writting handbook because it has a lot of helpfullllll things and i love the quotes.

Just to let you know, I double-checked with The StoryWitchress who informed me that it is against the copyright here to use something from Writing.com in such a way. *Wink* With that said, I'd like to say I'm very honored that you think so much of our newsletters. *Bigsmile*

*Star* megsie2584
*Snow2* You have some great tips and suggestions here, but I have a small gripe with one of them.

You said, Try not to over-use words, especially in the same sentence or paragraph. A thesauraus is a great tool to have. If you don't own one, go to http://www.thesaurus.com for easy access to one.

I agree that you should try to minimize repitition (unless you put it there on purpose) but a thesaurus? Put a thesaurus in the wrong hands, especially a newbie writer out to impress readers... and you have a story which is filled with words which don't make any sense in context.

I suggest bouncing ideas off of friends on how to reword things, or asking your reviewers to help you with that aspect of the piece.


Thanks, Megan, and you bring up a good point. I've read items before that were peppered with words which obviously were found in a thesaurus. Not every word is an appropriate one to use, just because it's there. Perhaps I should have been more detailed with that tip. I don't use my thesaurus unless I absolutely need to, but it sure does come in handy. Proper use of it is important. Your suggestion of bouncing ideas off of friends is a good one, if you have friends you hang out with. I only hang out with my hubby, and believe me... it's a good thing I own a thesaurus, lol! No offense to him, but he's much better with tractors and backhoes than he is with supplimenting words for me! *Laugh*

*Star* Ann Ticipation
I just wanted to say that I think this edition of the Newbie newsletter is great. I find the information so helpful.

I think that I am still a Newbie I joined writing.com on 19th September. So perhaps I'm a fading Newbie.

I feel slightly out of place today because you are all discussing characters for fiction and I have only posted poetry on the site so far.
I have some ideas but have to pluck up the courage to write my first ever short story.

Anyway I'd just like to add that I hope every person who joins writing.com gets as much pleasure from writing and reviewing as I do and receives as much support from the authors and readers as I have.

Thank you for a wonderful newsletter.

*Laugh*You may have only posted poetry so far, but as I write this, you have 69 poems in your portfolio!!! That is awesome! Please don't feel out of place because you have not written a story (yet). There's something here for everyone, believe me, lol! As far as still being a Newbie, you are pretty new, but look how far you have come? When we showcase Newbie Items here in the newsletter, we try to feature the Newbies who have been here about a month or less. I'm so glad you enjoy the newsletters and I'd also like to say you are doing a fantastic job! Keep up the good work. *Bigsmile*

*Star* Pass it on
*Snow2*Great advice. Well done *Smile*

Thank you so much! *Bigsmile*

*Star* Laart1-Season of the Heart
*Snow2*Cubby: Can you turn the above advice into a static item so we can use it? I provide links when I can when i am reviewing. This advice includes so much and would turn out to be a God-send as a link. Let me know if you do so I can add it to my advice links list. Thanks, Lin *Smile*

Yes, I will be doing that. I've been so busy this month, I'm falling behind a bit. *Pthb* Imagine that, lol! I've had others send me the same request. I promise I'll get to it at least by January!

*Star* Mitch
*Snow2*Character naming isn't the hardest part of writing but not the easiest either. Generally I decide what the character would be like and then find a person from sometime in my life that fits the description.

Hmmm... That's interesting! It doesn't sound like you dwell on it too much, which is good. I find myself getting hung up into character names. It can be very frustrating!

*Star* robmartin
*Snow2*Hi Cubs,

First, I have to thank you for plugging that newsletter of girlbythesea 's. It's starting to get some interest. Second, I have to say thanks for editing a newsletter--I've discovered it's a lot more work than people might think.

Last, I'll take a stab at your name question. I used to try and make names meaningful--like Dickens. That drove me nuts. Now I choose names that feel like the character I'm creating. It's completely subjective, but I find it works--after all it's hard to like your protagonist (and you should in some way, even if they're horrible) if you hate their name.

That's very true, Rob. Naming the bad guy (or gal) a name you don't like, makes sense to me. I'm glad you brought that up. *Smile* And it sounds like you have discovered what goes on behind the scenes of a newsletter editor, lol! You are right... It's more work than what people might think, but it sure is worth it and it's great experience!

*Star* princess
*Snow2*great newsletter.....keep up the good work

Thank you so much. *Heart*

*Star* wrensh
*Snow2* i have an idea about something-- wouldn't it be nice to like assign a mentor to noobs. the mentor would be someone who has been here a while, u can decide on the exact criteria, and he/she would just guide a noob through the loops. the mentor could also read material the noob puts in his/her portfolio.

There use to be something here like that. I was not involved, as I was pretty new at the time. If anyone that's reading this knows of a forum like this, please either email the info to wrensh or post it in the feedback window at the end of this newsletter and we will post it next month. *Smile* If there isn't anything, perhaps there should be. You have a great idea and thank you for sharing it. Also, never be hesitant about emailing a Mod or Senior Mod with questions. We're a pretty helpful bunch of blues and purples. *Wink*

*Star* ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM
*Snow2*Hi. I just wanted to say that I'm glad the "Newbie" newsletter is going strong. I've been on here (w.com) for about 2 years now, so I'm not a newbie. This newsletter helps me find new authors to read, rate, & review. Keep up the great work.

Thank you so much. I agree with you; this newsletter is a great place to discover fresh talent and greet new members with open arms. It's people like you that are actually teaching/mentoring the newbies by giving them well-rounded reviews and honest feedback. *Bigsmile*

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Quote: Hemingway, when asked what was the most frightening thing he ever encountered, answered: "A blank sheet of paper."

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*Star* Cubby's Question of the Month*Star*
Do the holidays inspire you... or take away your inspiration because you are so busy? I'd love to hear your feedback on this. *Bigsmile*
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*Heart* Next week's editor...esprit
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Have a question or comment for the Editor?

Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, go into your account and remove the check from the box beside the specific topic. Be sure to click "Complete Edit" or it will not save your changes.

Maintained by The StoryWitchress   
Created: 03-03-05 @ 11:35pm | Modified: 03-03-05 @ 11:35pm      

Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/332418-December-21-2004-grcubby