Just Jul Lee is just me. I write my thoughts and observations. |
No More Monkey's Jumping On The Bed DATE: February 23, 2005 Well, I decided that the Monkey fest of naming all my journal entries "monkey" has come to a sad, but not at all untimely, end. Okay, you can stop cheering. I keep getting emails telling me to update my blog and I keep deleting them. I am not entirely used to being reminded that I neglect my journal. This may be a good thing...eventually. Anyway, here it is, my updated blog, as it were. And, of course, I ramble. It is the safest thing for someone of my mental capacity and state to do. Ramble. Or not safe but definately easy. Okay. So, I was thinking earlier that I would write something deep and meaningful in my blog today. Of course, that was at around 9 am or something and it is now a few minutes to 5 pm and about time to leave for home. So, I will begin the deep and meaningful entry but don't expect it to be either deep nor meaningful. I have never been in love. Sure, I've had crushes that I'd like to call love, Kiahle and dancer from Hastings (see one of the monkey entries if confused, he's in there somewhere) but I've never been in love. I'm not worried or depressed or anything. It's just something I realized and it was definately a "hmmm" moment. I don't have many of those. I wrote a new static item today called "Julie's Marriage Rant" or something like that. Everyone whose responded believes that I'm pining after some forced agenda. Only genuine believers understand that God's will is the only will. If I can't have all He has then I don't want anything. It's all or nothing. But I digress. I love being single, marriage, love and all the inbetween nonsense, frightens me. Allow me to pause here a moment and apologize for my bad grammer. Today, I don't rightly care. So, no love for this puppy. That's fine, for now, but I can't very well be a Pastor's wife without a husband. A SAVED husband, not the nearest male to me at the moment. There happens to be none. You know, the last date I went on was my freshman year of high school. That, in itself, is quite odd, wouldn't you say? I am an odd person. I'm twenty-five, in case you're wondering, and that makes it eleven years, for those of you non-math people. It actually may be ten years... We were just saying that women tend to say 'actually' more than men. Interesting... But, once again, I digress. Okay, so the D.L. for those that don't get it (myself included). I'm not depressed or longing for some romantic fantasy unobtainable. I'm just pondering the weirdness that is me. And is me. Will be me. Always has been and will be and blah, blah, blah! Hey! Thanks for listening. BLOG!!! |