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My first ever Writing.com journal. |
so that's kind of a copout but i've actually lost track. hmm. anyway t could also stand for tbs, which has shown the same family guy episode literally four times in a row, a disappointment only because i was totally prepared for it to lay down the background for an unusually good night. i cleaned and rearranged my room today, configuring it such that i can finally see the tv from the bed without abusing my spinal column. the only downside is that now everything that was where the tv now is has migrated to my desktop, creating this perilous slippery-slope mountain that stuff keeps sliding off of, landing in the canyon between my desk and wall. so i end up breaking my back anyway, reaching over to dig it out. riveting, i know. t could also stand for "tsk," the sound i make sucking my teeth every time i see another reminder that it's domestic violence awareness month. don't get me wrong, i support awareness of any kind--awareness is, after all, the antithesis to ignorance, which i hate more than anything--just, this particular brand always plucks at my nerves a little bit. the message is always "don't condemn the victims; there are factors beyond their control and your understanding," but then everyone always walks away snickering and condemning the victims anyway, and who needs it? i wait and wait and wait for them to say something that won't make me feel like an idiot, and they never exactly do. and then it's over, and i'm no more at peace than i was two years ago, when it was really relevant. just this once i'd like them to skip it. but that's neither here nor there. i've decided that t will stand for truth, as in what i'm still trying to discern about the hell this week has been. i managed to squeeze out a poem today, something a little weightier than the usual filmy filth, and i have to say i was actually proud of this one. marcus will hate it, because the whole thing is entirely facetious, which he hates, but i have to say i'm proud that just this once i didn't absolutely tailor it to his rigid poetic standards. depending on his reaction, i might eventually post it. still fighting the good fight against writer's block. seems like everyone's on the same calendar, inspiration-wise, and the widespread dry spells really bum me out. i know i've got revisions to make, a sure priority, but then what? |