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Rated: 18+ · Book · Community · #937217
Chrysalis searches for her people, and those responsible for taking them.
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#327328 added August 18, 2020 at 6:23pm
Restrictions: None
Arising from the Ashes
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

By Mary Elizabeth Frye

Death and smoke was all that could be seen as Chrysalis nosed the cooling ashes of what used to be her village. Her silvery white mane blew in the wind as she moved between the corpses of the fallen warriors, their weapons scattered and sometimes still clutched in their hands. Hoofbeats caught her attention. Lifting her head, she sees Corsyth approach, his eyes mirroring the sorrow in hers. They walked among the dead. Wherever her tears fell, Starbells formed. The mourning flowers followed in their wake and stood out in the bleak landscape before them.

“What do we do, Corsyth? How do we move on?” Chrysalis asked, finding her words at last.

“We will prepare the deceased for the endless fields. You know the ceremony, how it must go. Once we have mourned the dead, we will plan for what is next,”

Taking a breath, Chrysalis focuses until her body transforms. Four limbs become two, the spiral horn shrinking until there is only a blue mark on her forehead. Her mane and tail changing into one flowing cascade of shimmering hair. What it leaves is a young maiden, dressed in the acolyte’s robes of the Holy Sect.

Together, they gather the bodies of the deceased. Corsyth lining them up while Chrysalis gathers braided portions of their hair and their horns. As she worked she noticed that most of the dead were warriors. As she worked, it allowed her mind to absorb what she was seeing. She had expected to see dead warriors, but she had seen none of the other castes, no children. Corsyth had gathered their weapons while she had labored to make the death bracelets, saying prayer after prayer. She still didn’t understand what had happened, why her people were attacked. She willed herself to stand when she had finished her task. She picked up her basket, watching Corsyth approach at a faster pace with two more of the clan’s warriors.

“We have found survivors. Let’s hope they can shed some light on what happened here.”

He offers his arm to her; the warriors moving into protective positions as she takes his arm, carrying the basket with the bracelets. Moving quickly now, they approached the only unfired structure in their village. Children herald their approach, running out to embrace Chrysalis, while more restrained adults refrain from running. Their smiles are a balm to the atrocities Chrysalis had witnessed.

She accepted the embraces, and the revered bowing of her people, handing off the basket of braided bracelets. As far as anyone knew Chrysalis was now the only remaining priestess. Chrysalis could not imagine what would happen if there wasn’t anyone to lead their rituals. She was thankful she was with Master Corsyth in the forest learning when tragedy struck. The smell of a well-prepared meal reminds her stomach that she had not yet eaten. She organized the children to help her set places at the circular table. They had divided it into segments for ease of movement.

While Chrysalis and the children were busy, others came bearing hot steaming dishes to place on the tables. The children’s moods seemed improved as they sat down. Chrysalis led the meal in prayer, her voice clear, though steady. Once the meal had cleared away and the children off to bed did she ask what her heart wanted to know.

“Where are the others? I only counted warriors among the dead. No crafters, no priests, no artisans.” Chrysalis stayed seated as others gathered to listen.

“They must be captive. Our scouts have found a trail that leads out of here. They did not walk out on four legs though, they all walked out on two, every one of them.”

“We need to find them, do you have an idea who could have taken them? We are a peaceful people. There was no need for this abduction,”

“We have been complacent, my Lady. Too long we have stayed hidden, let our alliances fade. We will have to revisit our allies and see what they may have to say. I can only say that whoever has done this was knowledgeable about our race.”

“We must take the survivors to the Whispering Grove. It is the safest place to retreat to.” She looked to the remaining warriors. We would need them to guard what was left of their people. “Who will find the others?”

“You will” Corsyth says as the arguments came to a dull roar from the concerned who had been listening. He continues, his voice cutting through it all. “You are the only one connected, the only one who can sense the herd.”

The room went silent. No one else could come up with a viable solution. It was true it connected those born to the priest caste to the herd. Charvis, one of the older stallions came forward. Chrysalis knew him. He was a warrior caste who had been with her while she was training in the forest.

“Honored Master, you cannot send Lady Chrysalis alone. She has no warrior skills and no time to learn them. What if there is a need to fight? She is vulnerable,”

More nods around the room. Charvis was right. She couldn’t go alone. But we would need many to guard the others on the trip to the Whispering Grove.

“I’ll go,” A younger stallion moves forward. He had only just gotten his braids a month ago. “they can spare me to travel with Lady Chrysalis. I can guard her and even train her.”

Chrysalis admired the young warrior for his bravery. She turned to look at Corsyth, giving him a single nod. He sighed, then nodded.

“It’s settled then. After the Ceremony tomorrow, Lady Chrysalis and Gairvin will set forth to find the others. Let’s all get some rest now,”

Chrysalis stood and allowed herself to walk out of the temple under guard and to the makeshift sleeping quarters everyone would share for now. She had noticed many already working to make the Remembrance bracelets for the Ceremony. She smiled and nodded to others as she passed them and finally found her cot. She did not think she could sleep, yet her eyes closed quickly as the humming of those working soothed her to rest.

Chrysalis awakened as soon as the light of dawn broke. After finding something to nibble on in the kitchens, she had a desire to run on four. She had been born to the four feet instead of two, she could not stand to be indoors for nearly as long as others. Her shifting was near effortless and soon the sound of her dainty hooves could be heard tapping the ground, her mane and tail billowing in the brisk breeze. She stopped at the edge of Clearwater lake and drank deeply of its refreshing waters. There were large crystals here that grew here. Chrysalis knew it was from those who had been buried and sung to the Endless Fields. The Ceremony would be held here today, and then she’d be leaving.

She had never left her home, had never really been curious of the world beyond the forest. Now she wondered at what was out there, what people existed. When others gathered, she took her other shape again to perform the Ceremony of Death. It was fairly simple, singing as they buried horns near the lake, chained together by the braided hair she had previously gathered. She could almost see the others moving to the Endless Fields as names were sung and pieces buried. When it was over, Chrysalis waited for Gairvin to join her. He was in his warrior’s armor on four feet. They had determined it would be faster to move out of their lands this way. Corsyth had some things for her. He handed her a package.

“You will need this out of here. It is various currencies used by the people we last knew to be living beyond our lands. It will help you. There are also some books, and some outdated maps. Update them as you travel. Lady Chrysalis, learn to adjust quickly to whatever is out there. People are not as forthright. Deception is rampant, as is cruelty. Please tread carefully. When you find any clues, send them back via birds. I know you have the song of calling, I will watch for them.”

Chrysalis’ eyes watered as she took the package and whispered the words that would let the items stay with her two legged form, while she traveled on four. Corsyth was like a father to her. Parting from him before she had mastered all the forest lore felt more like a test than true parting. With any luck, they would find her people quickly. One cook brought packs for her and Gairvin that had travel sustainable foods for them in it. Gairvin seemed to be just as nervous as she was as she took her four footed form that she had been born to. Corsyth places a hand on her downy muzzle.

“Remember your horn is a versatile tool. A weapon when you cannot get away. I wish we did not have to send you. Your power will come as it will. Be prepared,” He turns to Gairvin, who was nervously pawing the ground.

“This is your first mission, Gairvin. Protect her.” He leans in close to whisper. “There will be a time when she must go on alone, and you must come back. Do not hold her back from that.” Standing back again, he pats the young warrior. “This isn’t about glory, not this time.”

Gairvin nodded to her, and they moved off, trotting in tandem as others trumpeted and cheered them on their way out. Chrysalis knew the way to the path that would take them out of their lands. Corsyth had shown her a long time ago, when she was first anointed. The trail stretched out before them. She didn’t know what to say to him, so she told him the story told to her as a young acolyte.

“Once we lived among other races in harmony. We traded, practiced our trades, and told many stories. It was the discovery of our abilities that changed everything. We were used, exploited, tricked, hunted, and sometimes killed for what we had. We only had one form then, the four footed one with the spiralling horn. Our People are called the Toromos, but Unicorn is what they called our Race. We fled from those who harmed us, retreating into the deep forests. It is then we discovered the Whispering Grove and the Tree of Knowledge. It was the tree that taught us how to change our shape, to better hide ourselves and to start a new life in Echelon. It was so long ago, way before you or I were born. Now we are returning to that world. I hope we can find the clues to bring our people back, and I hope we will not find more tragedy and sorrow.”

She wasn’t surprised that Gairvin had nothing to say afterwards. There was a long way to go on this journey, and not enough knowledge of what lay before them on their trail. There was nowhere to go now, but forward.


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