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My first ever Writing.com journal. |
whew! that took some bravery. finally bit the bullet and deleted the two weakest items in my portfolio, both of them from writer's cramp prompts during that week when i entered just about every day. they're gone; how freeing; i don't have to look at them and cringe anymore! thank god. at twelve minutes to eleven pm i am trying desperately to write a paper on gilgamesh, protagonist of the sumerian epic that for two weeks has gradually destroyed whatever interest i may have once had in classic international literature. not that i really had any to start with; the class is for a department requirement and i was unexcited to begin with, but now it's turned into something positively bloodsucking. dr. warner, hear my plaintive cries--i have nothing to say about mesopotamian ANYTHING, including textually corroborated modern gender dynamics. especially that, in fact. and my room is a mess; clothes are piled three feet high on the floor, which smells laughably like pine-sol; caseless cds and dvds are stacked on every square inch of available surface space; the bed hasn't been made in days... i'm not a slob, i'm really not. krystle says the state of one's living space reflects one's state of internal peace, and even if that's putting it a bit dramatically, she might be right. last night i swung from one end of the mood spectrum to the other--happy to be at the symphony with marcus, livid to get trapped at a drunken soiree for four hours afterward, thrilled to wind up in his arms till six in the morning anyway--and the room, likewise, is spotless in one or two places and disastrous in others. and i can't clean it because of gilgamesh. plus i'm itching to post something and none of the contests in effect right now are quite what i'm looking for. plus i'm thirsty. |