Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/326260-Chapter-Thirty
by seetah
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #935207
Caught stealing a wizards money pouch, Theo must work off her debt.
#326260 added February 3, 2005 at 1:58pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

The monk screams in agony as the chord is cut. He falls to the ground. The dragon rears up and lets out a loud roar. The monks in the room all fall to the ground and cover their ears and heads as the dragon rears up again and hits the top of the cave causing rocks to fall. The chord snaps like a rubber band and hits the dragon. He roars and rears again.

“Theo, were are you?” Shouts Alfred.

I walk over to him. “Right here.”

I follow the monk as he brings the crystal in the black velvet and lays it at the dragon’s feet. I believe this belongs to you.”

The dragon looks down at the crystal; it seems to be glowing with magic. He puts one of his huge claws on the crystal and presses down. The crystal shatters, the dragon quickly absorbs the magic.

“I’m sorry, “I bow my head to the dragon. “I didn’t mean to cause you any pain when I cut the chord, we just didn’t want to give him any notice.”

Alfred comes up behind me. “I see we have a monk to thank for saving you, Great Dragon.”

The monk looks at Alfred. “It wasn’t me, I couldn’t see the chord, it was young Theo who figured it out, and I just went along.”

“I can’t take you anywhere without you getting into trouble.” Complains Alfred.

“I don’t try to get in trouble, honesty,” I protest.

“Enough! Growls the dragon, “Thank you Theo for helping solve this problem. I will go to the farmers and straighten this out. The next time the raiders come you can bet that they will be in for a big surprise. Theo, why don’t you go and find something to eat, I want to talk to Alfred for a while.”

The dragon turns to Alfred and the two begin to chat. I follow the monk out of the room to the kitchen.

I push back from the table. “I am full, I don’t think I could eat another bite. That was excellent.”

“Thank you,” replies the monk who does the cooking.

“Could you help me find where Hulda is staying?”

“Not a problem,” I was just going to bring her some dinner.”

We were on our way when we ran into the monk from earlier. “Theo there you are, the dragon would like for you to join him and Alfred. I will show you the way if you don’t remember.”

“Thank you,” I follow him down the hallway. “I’ve seen so many of the hallways but I don’t think I could find my way anywhere.”

The monk laughs, he stops in front of a door “They are in here.”

I pause before I open the door. “Why am I always getting into trouble? Why can’t I just be a normal girl?” I push the door open.

“Theo, I’m so glad you could join us.” The dragon greets me.

“I would just like to apologize again for any problems I might have caused.” I stand with my head bowed.

He dragon snorts and a cloud of smoke covers me. You saved me Theo, you didn’t cause any problems.”

I look at the dragon in amazement. “You’re not angry with me?”

The dragon snorts again and another cloud of smoke covers me. “How could I be angry with you? I want you to ask me anything you want and I will grant it.”

I look at him skeptical. “You would tell me about Dragon magic if I asked?”

The dragon shakes his head. “You don’t have to use this payment to ask me about dragon magic. You come back for a visit and we’ll talk about dragon magic to your hearts content.”

Alfred lets out a gasp. “You will discuss dragon magic with us.”

“No,” the dragon looks at Alfred. “I will discuss dragon magic with Theo.”

Alfred steps backwards. “What?”

The dragon ignores Alfred and looks at me. “Make a request, anything you want and I will grant it."
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