Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/326253-Chapter-Twenty-Three
by seetah
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #935207
Caught stealing a wizards money pouch, Theo must work off her debt.
#326253 added February 3, 2005 at 4:47pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-three

“Hulda, we’ve been here three weeks and I haven’t seen anyone but you and Alfred.” I pace in front of the door looking out.

“The inhabitants of Arkell are very shy, since there is people here we won’t see them.” Hulda explains.

I stop pacing and look at her. “Then how do they get work done with the wizard here?”

“I don’t know how much of them Rance has seen. I do believe that he was in the process of earning their trust before he messed up. The wizards usually just stay in the house provided for them but his first few weeks here were probably very lonely which would be really hard for a big headed wizard off on his first assignment.” Hulda lies down.

I pull my brush out of my pack and go over to brush her. “What are the people of Arkell like?”

“That feels good,” Hulda neighs. “I didn’t say people, I said inhabitants.”

I stop brushing, “excuse me?”

Hulda nudges me, “Keep brushing and I’ll explain.” I start working on the mess of her mane.

“The inhabitants of Arkell would most resemble large lizards. They are three feet tall with soft scales, that is why a windstorm is hard on them it hurts their scales. Depending on the lighting, the scales shift color. Their eyes are placed wide on their heads and they can follow you without moving their heads. If you ever get a chance to watch them eat it is disgusting. Their tongues dart out of their mouths and grab their food. Naturally they are cold blooded that is why the dessert is a good place for them they love living in a hot place. Let see, what else, Oh yes, they choose their tribal leaders by who wins the game.”

I interrupt. “They pick their leader by playing games?”

“Not like you’re thinking.” Hulda lets out a loud bray, I think should would be laughing if she was in human form. “The games are of strength, wit, and wisdom. Only those who really want to lead do, not just because they are born into a family but because they have the skills to lead.”

“You know something Hulda, you don’t remind me of a princess.” I begin working on her tail. “And not because you are a mule right now either.”

“That’s because I was lucky enough to be daughter number twenty-six. That far from the throne, I didn’t have so much duty pressure.” Hulda rolls on her back so I can brush her belly. “My oldest sister was destined to be queen, the next two also have to go through queen training just in case something should happen to my oldest sister or a marriage can be arranged between another kingdom.”

“You have to train to be a queen? I thought you were born one and that is that.” I take a rag and pour some cool water on it; I use it to wipe my forehead. I put more cool water on a rag, Hulda rolls back over and I put the cool rag on her forehead.

“Being a mule is hot, I think the Council knows I am a donkey or mule or whatever and thought it would be funny to send us here.” Whines Hulda.

“They wouldn’t do something like that.” I protest.

“Ha, you’ve lived with a wizard for how long, you should know them by now. They act nice to each other but really they are only out for themselves. This would be the perfect thing for them to do to humiliate us.” Hulda’s head droops.

“Is that why Alfred won’t teach me magic? Is he afraid I will humiliate him in front of other wizards?” I look at Hulda her head is dripping lower and her eyes are drooping.

In a low voice she answers. “Magic isn’t an area that women have been able to get into much. Most wizards believe that a woman can’t have any magical ability. That is why there has never been a woman on the council.”

“That’s stupid,” I cross my arms.

“There are a lot of stupid things in this world. You will have to prove them wrong. They believe that the only thing a woman is good for is cooking and cleaning unless you are a noble with an education.” Hulda tries to get up but falls back down.

“What type of education does a queen have besides reading and writing?” I ask.

“A queen has to be trained in ways of money management, talking to other countries, keeping the people in her kingdom fed and happy. There are also court rules and rituals. Me on the other hand, I got to read for fun.” Hulda shakes her head.

“What kind of things did you get to read about?” I pour some water into a bowl for Hulda to drink.

Hulda takes a long drink of water. “Would you mind cooling the rag and putting it back on my forehead?”

I rewet the rag on her forehead; I also dip the brush into the cool water and begin to brush her. I notice that her sides are heaving; it appears that she is having trouble breathing. I need to take her mind off the heat, the longer we are here the harder it is on Hulda. “Tell me about one of the book you have read for fun, that should take our mind off this heat.”

“This head does remind me of something I read about. It is the funniest thing. I asked Alfred to take me to see it but we’ve never had the time.” Hulda’s head begins to droop again.

“Look!” I interrupt; Rance must have finally got the rain spell right, Alfred said he was going to try it on his own today. Maybe this will help cool things down.”

Hulda snorts, “don’t count on it, Alfred won’t think to cool the temperature down. He wants Rance to get the rain spell right for a change. Simpler the better, not to many things to worry about.”

I dip the brush in the cool water and brush Hulda. She isn’t even lifting her head. “I won’t go dancing in the rain until the temperature comes down. Tell me about the book.”

Hulda opens her eyes halfway. “I once read a book about a frozen land.”

“A frozen land?” I get up and open the door to help get a breeze.

“All the water was frozen into ice it was so cold you didn’t dare go outside without being wrapped in furs.” Hulda mumbles.

“You mean your body can turn into ice?” I ask in amazement.

“No your body doesn’t turn to ice it just freezes solid.” It takes Hulda a while to lift her head.

“Does it rain there?” I ask

“That’s the neat part, it doesn’t rain the book called it snow.” Hulda shifts positions.

“What is snow like?” I put away the brush and get her more water to drink.

“I can only tell you what the book said. It isn’t completely frozen rain that would be ice. Snow is flaky white stuff which is more wet than frozen.”

I imagine myself in a land were it is cold outside and instead of sand everywhere there is snow. “I think I’m cooler just thinking about it. I can see it so clearly. We must get Alfred to takes us to see real snow.”

“Um, Theo,” Hulda is struggling to stand up, “I think we are in big trouble.”
© Copyright 2005 seetah (UN: seetah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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