Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/326246-Chapter-Sixteen
by seetah
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #935207
Caught stealing a wizards money pouch, Theo must work off her debt.
#326246 added February 3, 2005 at 4:32pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen

“Hulda what do you want?” calls Alfred as he crosses his arms.

All is silent, Hulda doesn’t answer. It is as if the whole room is holding its breath knowing how mad Alfred is at being interrupted. No one wants to make the first sound and have Alfred wrath turned on him or her.

“What do you want?” Alfred snarls a third time as he stomps over to the door but still being carefully of his chalk drawing. His robes are flowing behind him as he grabs the door and throws it open.

There is no one in the hallway. Alfred looks to the right, looks to the left the hallway is empty. Alfred looks down the hallway. “Where did she go?” He starts to close the door. “Ow that hurts, “ he yells. We both see the mule at the same time. The mule has a chunk of Alfred’s robe in its mouth.

“Very funny Hulda,” mutters Alfred. “I can’t believe she would interrupt a spell just to leave a mule at my door.”

I’m laughing so hard that I snort like a pig. The harder I try to stop laughing the more I snort. The look on Alfred’s face is so funny but the look on his face when the mule begins to talk is unforgettable.

“You old fool,” the mule bays, “it’s me Hulda.”

Alfred again looks down the hallway; he doesn’t realize it is the mule talking to him. “Hulda where are you? You know I’m in the middle of a spell, stop playing games.”

The mule butts him in the leg. “You crazy wizard, you turned me into a donkey.”

“You’re not a donkey, you’re a mule.” Alfred pauses and scratches his head, “a talking mule at that.”

“Umm Alfred,” I interrupt, “remember when you first heard her calling? You stopped in the middle of the spell and said that she was a stubborn mule.”

“You called me what?” The voice is definitely Hulda’s coming from the mule.

Alfred cringes at the sound of Hulda’s voice. “I didn’t call you that, you startled me. How many times have I told you not to interrupt me when I’m working on a spell?”

“Fine, the next time a letter comes from the Wizard Council marked urgent I’ll set it aside until you have time to look at it.” Says Hulda the mule.”

“A what?” Alfred’s face is wrinkled in

“A letter came from the Wizard’s Council and it is marked urgent so I thought you would want it right away. Next time, I’ll just hang on to it. “Says Hulda the mule.

“Why didn’t you say so?” Huffs Alfred.

“Lets see, it might have just slipped my mind when I found myself as a mule. Now put me back as myself.” Demands Hulda the mule as she stomps one tiny hoof.

Alfred walks around the mule looking it over from all angles. He stops and put his chin in his hand. “What spell should I try first?” he muses.

“Get on with it, and stop trying to show off,” snaps the mule. “You know how much I hate magic!”

Alfred walks around her a couple more times. He stops scratches his head, mumbles to himself then snaps his fingers and goes over to his worktable.

He rummages around, pushing bottles of different color liquids out of his way. He finds what he is looking for and holds up a blue velvet bag. He puts his hand into the bag and pulls out a handful of blue glittery dust.

As he walks back to Hulda I can hear him muttering. “How on earth did she turn into a mule? There is no part of my spell that would have turned her into a mule. This just isn’t possible.”

Hulda sneezes as he sprinkles glittery dust all over her mule body. I’m not sure what I expected to happen. I slowly let out my breath but there is no big flash of light, in fact there isn't anything.

Alfred walks around her again sprinkling more dust on her, he waves his hands and utters a few works that I can’t make out and then stands there waiting.

“That’s strange,” he mutters, “that should have worked.”

“What else can we try?” he asks as he walks over to his worktable and picks up jars filled with different things. He looks at each label ad then shakes his head. Finally he picks up a jar hat looks like it is filled with pink jelly.

“Oh no you don’t Alfred!” Hulda tries to back away but she hasn’t mastered walking on four legs. Alfred doesn’t have to chase her very far.

“Do you want to be yourself or not?” Alfred as he smear the pink goop all over her back. He finishes and stand up waves his hand and mutters a few words. We all hold our breath waiting.
© Copyright 2005 seetah (UN: seetah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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