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My first ever Writing.com journal. |
for like the past four days tbs has been showing a string of mid-nineties jim carrey movies and i'm really starting to worry that he died today or something. i really hope not. right now we're on the cable guy,a nd even though this one was always one of my least favorites, it's really taking me back to a time when i literally thought jim carrey was as good as it got, actor-wise; that that string of slapsticks heput out all in a row (ace ventura, ace ventura: when nature calls, dumb and dumber, liar liar, the cable guy, the mask--probably a couple others, but those are the ones that left their mark) was everything the world could want, cinematically speaking. i had a huge crush on him. i have a huge problem with that, with developing crushes on the worst people: namely, the freakish, the geekish, the insidiously droll and the notoriously gay. my four biggest on-screen crushes of the past ten years? in order: jim carrey (freakish), val kilmer (geekish), michael ian black (insidiously droll), moses jones (notoriously, indubitably, tragically gay). i don't exactly swoon over them (except maybe moses, who is pretty enough to make me blush), but then again, i also don't swoon over the brad pitts and george clooneys, who everyone agrees are the last word in unattainable male objectification. all that is to say, what exactly? nothing. that and the fact that i've blabbered on about this in both of my online journals today leads me to think i need to be writing more, in a non-blog sense. i seem to be starved. i have three new journals but they are constantly getting shuffled to the bottom of a pile of papers that's overtaking my desk, and the same deal wtih all nine million of my once-precious spirals. i guess the problem is i need something to write about again. also, i must have seen it a dozen times and i STILL don't understand this movie. |