Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/323178-Chapter-Twenty
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #909432
A historical romance about Lindsey and Ashton
#323178 added January 17, 2005 at 11:09pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty


It seemed that night would not hurry enough, not for Lindsey or Ashton. Both had heavy hearts and vastly important things to do. Lindsey paced the library until the maid commented on how she would end up having to replace the rug as she set the dinner tray on a near-by table. Below the house Ashton had twisted the paper in his hands so much that the paper had become soft and limp from the sweat of his hands. The time just seemed not to be moving quickly enough for either of them. Once Lindsey had asked the butler if the clock on the mantle was indeed broken or at the very least keeping poor time only to find out it was not broke and the time was correct.

Slowly drifting through the hours Lindsey had thought of all sorts of devious plans on how to deal with her husband. Her mind was filled with doubt and many what if’s. What if their plan didn’t work or what if something happened to Ashton or even worse what if something happened to her children and Ashton. That thought kept racing to the front above all other thoughts. One thing she did know was that if she kept on her present course of thought she would drive herself mad and then what good would she be?

Lindsey knew the answer to that question without a doubt, she would be absolutely no good to anyone, not even herself. So she tried her hardest to get her mind off of their plans and onto something more pleasant. She remembered Ashton saying that he had met her before, she thought hard on when that might have been. He couldn’t have possibly been formally introduced, that she would have remembered or at least she would hope. How was it that he had fallen in love with her so quickly, she wondered. This was one more of the many questions she needed answered.

Standing from her chair she walked over to the window and gazed outside. It was turning into a most beautiful evening. Finally the sun was making its descend leaving a full rainbow of colors across the sky. She wondered if Ashton missed such simple things as a beautiful sunset or maybe walks in the park during spring when all the trees were in full bloom. She sighed as she watched the sun fully disappear before her eyes, it was such a lovely sight. Surely he would miss such things as this, how could one not? Or had he grown accustomed to the other pleasures the world had to offer, such as moonlit walks under the stars. Her eyes fluttered shut with the vision of the pair of them strolling along a dark path with only moonlight acting as their sun.

It all seemed extremely romantic, them under the cover of darkness with the sounds of nature being their music. It was indeed a beautiful picture in her mind, one she hoped one day would come true. With Ashton all her dreams seemed to be close at hand, even the dream of getting her children back where they belonged.

Lindsey jumped at the sound of the door coming open. Not that it had been unoiled but the twist of the knob had brought her back to her current time and place. Turning to see who had opened the door she saw Ashton watching her. She wondered what his thoughts were but before she could even ask he began to walk over to her speaking as he went.

“I received word this afternoon that we are to expect guest, unwanted guest this is.” he said just as he stopped in front of her.

She knew exactly who it was, she could tell in the tone of his voice, he was not happy with this new turn of events. Not that she was either, of course. Then it came clear to her, just like a bolt of lightening from the sky above. The plan she was unable to perfect earlier now seemed clear as fresh water. This would be her chance to get the children. He was on his way here as they spoke, they in turn could be traveling to his new home and retrieve the children. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, since it was plainly written all over her face, now would be the time to clue Ashton in on her thoughts. That is if he had not read them already.

“Please, do tell why our impending company has you smiling so?”

“It is because all day I have tried to think of the perfect way to gain access to Robert’s home without his notice and you have just given me the key to perfection,” she said.

“And what exactly was this key?”

Not that he truly needed to know, all he had to do was venture a guess to know what her plan was.

“We would need to leave without any delay, time is truly of the essence,” she said as she stood and was just about to walk through the door.

Ashton’s hand on her arm stopped her just as she opened the door, “do you not think this idea of yours will have no risk to it?”

“Of course not but you will be with me, will you not?”

“Yes I will be with you. I will always be with you, you know that,” he said as she stood still for a moment.

“I do know and that is why it is utmost important that we leave immediately. You might tell your staff about his coming. It would be most unpleasant for them to have that sort of surprise.”

He thought for a moment, what would he tell them exactly? That his lover’s husband was chasing after her? That his intentions were to hurt not only her but most likely anyone that stood in his way? No, that would not do at all, he would not put them at risk. It would not be wise at all. Then with a flash he knew exactly what he should do.

His friends were already on their way and if he knew them they would not rest until they arrived, which meant soon. Robert might be in a mad dash to be here but even he would take in the pleasures of a warm meal and a somewhat comfy bed. During his study of Robert he saw that he was over the top in most things but he would not go without a hot meal or the pleasure of a card game.

“You go ahead and prepare your things, we will leave tonight. As you said time is most important right now,” he winked at her as she rushed up the stairs.

He, of course, had other things to take care of before he would be able to leave. Going into his study he sat down at the desk and wrote some letters that were to be sent right away by special messenger. He also summoned his butler and explained to him what was about to happen without giving too much detail and that he was to take all the servants into the next town for the remainder of the week. He would not see any of them hurt.

Now he only hoped that all would fit into place before Robert had the chance to arrive.

Only moments later everything was in place and Ashton and Lindsey were on their way, setting their plan into motion. Ashton could only hope that it would work to their advantage.


“My lord, we are making good time. If you wish we could be there by morning if we only carried on through the night,” a stick of a man said taking his dirty hat off and placing it over his heart.

“No, I will not be forced to endure the hardship of resting in a carriage only to make good time. What I have ahead of me will still be there tomorrow evening. I will rest and take in the enjoyment that this establishment has to offer,” Lord Payton said with a gruff voice.

He didn’t care how much he hated Lord Manning he was not going to be tossed around in a carriage all night just to get to him faster. No, instead he would take a room at the inn and with luck find a game, if one was to be had. One thing that made this trip less of a rush was the simple fact that he had one very important thing. The element of surprise.

Robert smiled lighting the evil fire that burned in his eyes. This was one game he was not going to loose to Lord Manning. He would treat it as he did everything else he wanted. He would take it. If it came down to it he would murder for it. Desperate times had hit him before and he was able to get his way. His marriage to Lindsey was proof of that. It still shocked him that her father had came to him and refused her hand to him.

He smiled, “all that was taken care of, wasn’t it old chap,” speaking into the air.

One thing he hadn’t planned was losing the house in the card game or it catching fire. He was unsure about the events surrounding the fire but he had been there. In a drunken rage he had gone to torment Lindsey but she was not there. Matter fact, no one had been there. No lights filled any of the windows, no one came to open the door after he tried to handle to walk in. It had flamed his rage into something darker than he could ever remember. Once inside he had stumbled his way around until he found a comfortable place to sit.

Taking a cigar out of his breast pocket he lit it with one of the matches from his match box. He could recall nothing after that. It only took a educated guess to know the match fallen on some lace that had been laid on the table under the vase of flowers. He awoke with a struggling gasp of air. The room was ablaze with flames, not even taking time to think of what had happened he rushed out of the house and found a hackney. He had wanted to be as far away from that house as he could. In truth it didn’t matter that the house was gone, it had been nothing but a pain for him anyhow.

His eyes were set on the money that would come from the fire. It was his right. No matter what happened or would happen he would see that things fell the way he wanted. Smiling smugly, they always did. Tonight he would rest and enjoy the entertainment to be had and tomorrow he would see that he got back everything that belonged to him.

Then it hit him, a sudden change in his plan, instead of facing Lord Manning himself he would do as he had before and leave himself out of site. It had worked before and so it would again. Tonight he would rest, no need in making a hasty trip back to London if not needed and tomorrow he would find the same man who had helped him before.

“Hmm,” he mumbled, “this will work out much better, two birds, one stone.”


The carriage rocked back and forth lulling them into a sleepy state but neither could fully commit to rest. Both their minds whirled with thoughts of how things would be handled and what exactly was to take place. It had been decided that given the length of their trip it would be wise to rest the night or day in Ashton’s case, before they struck so they would have a fresh mind.

By Ashton’s thinking, Lord Payton would arrive the next day only to find no one there. He would be red with anger but then he would turn and head home, which meant they were at the very least a full day ahead of him. Knowing his no-rush ways, it might even be two days lead. Either way he had hoped that all this planning turned out the way they had wagered at this point the pot was full of riches neither of them could afford to loose.

Ashton looked over at Lindsey, half asleep, her features tight with anxiety and fear. Something he hoped, no he knew, would change after this situation was resolved in her favor. She hadn’t said anything to him but he knew she was afraid to fail, afraid that she would try and loose. For her sake and the children’s they simply couldn’t.

Just then her head bobbed forward. He wasn’t sure if she was fighting sleep or if it just didn’t come easily to her. Soon enough she wouldn’t have anymore restless nights or days if he had his way. She would spend them wrapped in his loving arms, he would protect her always. Always and forever, he vowed.

Settling her head back against the cushioned wall Ashton could see that instead of the blue that he loved so much she had chose one of her plain grey gowns. It truly did not suit her at all. He knew that she had new gowns, he had paid for them. Yet he wondered why she didn’t wear them as often but instead chose to wear her older gowns.

For now this was acceptable but if and when he gave her the new life, his life, he would shower her in all the best gowns. He would give her everything she could ever want for or even hope for. Smiling inwardly, he would be sure that most of the gowns were blue, since that was the best suited color to bring out the depths of her eyes and just enough contrast against her skin without being gaudy. He would enjoy bathing her in the finest of bath salts, clothing her in the best silks and wrapping some of the brilliant of jewels.

Indeed, his sight turned to her neck, so creamy soft, he could well imagine a thin silvery toned chain draped about her neck with tiering layers of tear drop sapphires. All of stones would be petite except the center stone on the lowest last layer landing just at the Y-curve of her breast, it would be doubled the size of the others. Which would leading the eyes downward in a most seductive fashion.

Bringing his inward smile to his lips he decided to seek out a jeweler to make such a piece. He could only hope that she would be wearing one of the blue satin dresses that had been made for her. Not that she was lacking in beauty now but the image in his mind took his breath away, he could only imagine what his reaction would be if his thoughts became reality.

Laying is head back against the cushions he filled his mind with the images of the necklace he would present her and what her response would be. A soft grumble of a sound caught in his throat at the image. It would be glorious. Now he just had to find the perfect opportunity for such a thing and how he would go about making it the surprise of her life.


The murmur from across the carriage caught her attention, luring her out of the daze she had been in. She opened her eyes and glanced over at Ashton, he had his head resting against the cushion but she could tell he wasn’t asleep. Taking a close look at his features she noticed a small scar just under his chin, toward the left ear. It was very small hardly even noticeable unless you were searching for it. She wondered what had caused such a scar, maybe some childish horse play by an unruly boy.

With that thought she wondered what his childhood had been like, what he was like at a young age. Had he been a joyful, carefree boy or perhaps one that had been seriously involved in his studies. Looking at his face again she would wager that he was carefree and full of life. No doubt a nightmare for any governess. Perhaps one day she would ask him of past, before he was changed into a vampire.

Looking at the way his hair softly laid on his skin, she wondered how he much he had changed from his ways to the man he was now. She also thought of how he had lived all the years as a vampire with all the changes of the world. Had he had many loves of his life or had he decided long ago to live in his own hell. He had told her of his love but had he told other women the same line or was she to be the first.

Resting her head back against the side of the carriage she tried to fall asleep. Knowing of the events to take place she needed as much rest as she could get. With a heavy sigh she could only think of how things were about to develop. For the better or worse she still didn’t know but either way it was all about to come to an end. She could only hope that after all was done she would have her children back and Robert would at last be out of their lives.
Robert’s fate was one thing she hadn’t thought on. What would become of him? How would she keep him from tracking her down after she took the children?

A tense look crossed her face as she thought hard on what would become of him. Would she and the children be forced into running for the rest of their lives. Maybe there was chance that they would find a pleasant home where Robert wasn’t able to find them. One way or another something would have to be done with Robert to prevent him from following them to the ends of the earth. She would never wish death upon anyone but in all truth she could think of no other way to stop him.
If it came to such measures there was no way she would be strong enough to take another persons life.

Exceptionally that of her husband, abusive as he was, he was still the father of her children. A man she had even at one point loved and even thought the feeling was returned. She knew his love for her was a lie but she still didn’t have the heart to take his life. Or anyone else’s for that matter.

How was she to make it through this. That question she didn’t know the answer and hoped she never would but it seemed to linger in the front of her thoughts, plaguing her of any rest she might steal.
© Copyright 2005 Haven Rich (UN: havenrich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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