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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #925182
Samira is reaching adulthood. Can she give up Moon's Shadow when she's asked?
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#322419 added August 1, 2006 at 3:04pm
Restrictions: None
Into the Desert
Samira was laying on her blanket in the sand, playing her pipes. It's sweet tones seemed to attract and entertain the herd of foals that were in her care. It was her turn to mind the foals while everyone else finished their chores. Sorin even volunteered to do hers. Samira sits up as her tune ends. She liked being among the frisky fillies and the moody colt. She knew them all by name and color now, as well as who each belonged to. Samira moved between them easily, brushing out their manes and tails until they shone. Her brother appeared, walking through the herd easily.

"Samir, Riama Sadir wishes to speak to all of us." He says as he offers his filly some desert fruit.

"Okay. We'll be ready shortly." Samira says as she folds her blanket and ticks her pipes into her belt. Moon's Shadow was just a few paces behind her.

"Why are you taking Moon's Shadow? She will be fine here with the others." Sorin asks, a puzzled expression on his face.

"It may not matter to you, Sorin, but she likes to be with me. As long as Sadir has his talks outside where we canboth be, there is no problem. You can leave Morning's Glory behind if you like. We have amde our decision." Samira replies, walking towards the other end of the village not giving Sorin a chance to argue with her.

"Well, I suppose you have a point." sorin says as he pulls a rope off the corral gate and ties it loosely around his filly's neck and hurries to catch up to his sister. Morning's glory balked a few times, tossing her head imperiously and neighing. Samira stops and looks at her brother.

"Sorin, why do you lead her with a rope? She will follow you without it, besides, she doesn't like the rope." Samira scolds gently.

"Well to be truthful, I can't handle her the way you do. Surely the Horse Lord himself favors you. I feel in control holding her this way." sorin admitted, feeling a little guilty that his charge was not happy.

"Well, taking care of her is not a control issue Sorin, it is trust. You need to trust her like she trusts you." Samira responds removing the rope and tossing it down.

They walked in silence until the reached the edge of town where some stools have beed gathered and the other children where there waiting. Kirel waved to them and patted the stools next to him, he had saved them a spot. The scouting party was there as well, and Samira felt a little guilty aout being late. Sadir smiled back and nodded as Samira and Sorin took their seats.

"Thank you for joining us Samira and sorin. I was just telling the others that they should never forget their horse. That you and your horse are one. I am glad to see that you two do not need to be told." Sair says, as the other children look puzzled.

"Riama Sadir, I do not need to be told either. Hunter's Pride sleeps in my tent! He has cool crisp water whenever he desires. He is never far from my thoughts." Kirel counters, as the children nod. His parents had allowed the frisky colt into the tent.

"What you say is true Kirel, but if he is not far from your thoughts, why is he not with you right now?" Nasira asks with a smile. The simple question had its affect, Kirel looked like someone filled his waterskinw ith sand. His jaw dropped open as he struggled for something to say.

"Riama Nasira, I beg forgiveness. I didn't know we were required to bring the horses." Kirel protests feebly.

"Listen well children to what your task is. Thes animals are your charges, your responsibility for the next 2 years. No one will help you with their care, save they fall ill." Sadir speaks, looking at each child to make sure they understand his meaning. "This is your first step towaqrds adulthood. How you handle your charges and tend to their needs is important.


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