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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #924185
Welcome to the war between the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell...
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#321285 added January 5, 2005 at 12:06pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four
Chapter IV
...Evolution of the hybrid, eerie winds on the battle field…

“Are you ready Osirius?” Damien stood a yard away from his student in a ready battle stance.
Osirius nodded, his build had grown exponentially, and he was about the size of the average demon colonel. A year and a half of training had made him wise and strong in the art of fighting. He wanted to be trained with weapons now.
He took his own stance and readied his fists, wanting so badly to strike his teacher with all his might.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather take your armour off first so you can get more speed?” Damien rose an eye brow at him.
“No, I’m fine.” Damien made his student train with heavy armour on so his body could get used to the weight and build his body faster. Osirius however, was used to the weight and barely felt its force upon his body. He wasn’t about to let his being a little heavy interfere with his performance. Besides, he had grown just as tall as Lucifer, and had a much longer reach at his advantage now.
“Alright then, let’s go.” Damien rose his right hand up signaled the demon to come at him.
Osirius bent his knees and shot forward, moving at speeds no other demon could surpass. He lunged toward Damien and began to jab at him with punches that moved at such a rate they could be mistaken as illusions of the mind, transparent and blurred to the naked eye. He let out yells as he tried to throw solid hooks, but Damien dodged them with ease.
“Come on!” Damien shouted, still avoiding each thrown blow.
Damien started to throw a few swings and Osirius dodged his as well, moving from side to side, losing little breath.
But without any sudden change in body movement, Osirius blocked one of Damiens left hooks with his right forearm, and blocked the other with his left. And with one big huff, he gave Damien a fast head-butt winding him a little, Osirius then threw a connecting right hook into Damien’s cheek, making him falter back.
Damien touched his cheek and gave Osirius a startled look, and smiled. “You’re ready for weapons training.”
Osirius then got into a relaxed position and smiled at back at his teacher, giving him a small bow of his head.
The rest of that year Osirius was taught how to use not only the battle axe, but all the weapons with skill and grace. Though much of his effort went into the skills with his battle axe he still put effort into learning them all.
Meanwhile, Titan had been teaching him the history of all their civilization and of the species of beasts that were breed by both the kingdoms of Hell and Heaven. He had been taught how to ride a cerberus, a three-headed dog made for their cavalry, and how to ride every type of dragon.
He took most interest in the Onyx dragon, a beast whose skin had scales of onyx stones that covered its entire body. A circle of large stones grew from its head, making a crown that allowed it to head-butt its opponent with great force. Unlike the Crimson and White Plated dragons, the onyx dragon did not spit fire, it emitted powerful sound waves from its mouth that allowed the dragon to manipulate the rock beneath the ground, giving it the freedom to easily make its way with the enemy ground troops beneath it.
Osirius had also been taught how to use one of his divine powers which allowed him, when his feet had been plunged into the ground, the ability to also manipulate the rock formations from beneath the ground. Like Damien he could unleash rivers of hard-rock spikes toward his enemies, the ability was only limited in sandy areas or when he could not concentrate enough to use the power given to him.
The last year of his training had gone by swiftly, and he was ready for his arrival onto the holy battlefield, hoping to have his enemies quake in fear at the very sound of his name.
Finally his graduation day had come, he was given four dagger medals, two for each collar, sealing his new rank of an honorable colonel in Hell’s army. Lucifer held a big ceremony in honor of his accomplishment in the same large hall Osirius had first witnessed his king rallying a fleet of demon soldiers in. When he faced the entire crowd they all gave a small bow to him, and Titan and Damien came up on both his sides, and escorted him out to the front gate of Hell, where an army of ten thousand soldiers were put under his command.
“You are ready to bring us victory, Colonel Osirius.” Titan stated proudly smiling.
Osirius stood up straight, wearing only thin tights that came down from his torso as two demons came to help him suit up.
Osirius now had a body only a little smaller than Titan’s, yet with the ability to do much destruction nonetheless. His hair had grown but two inches off his head, and was black and spiked like that of his king’s. The black-ruby armour placed upon him covered his entire chest and the right side of his stomach, leaving room enough for him to use his battle axe with his left arm freely. His horns had grown up to the tip of his ears, displaying his young age to any who glanced upon him. His legs only had armour that covered the front of his thighs and calves, leaving the rest vulnerable so he may have better mobility on battle. He had a large black shoulder guard on his right side, so he may use it to block an attack when his left was preoccupied. He had black war-makeup painted on the borders of his eyes that came out into elegant tips on the outskirts of them, making him look like the legendary sphinx written of in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Damien approached Osirius from the side and presented him with a weapon wrapped in a black sheet.
Osirius unwrapped it to see a beautiful battle axe crafted to perfection, with a black cross on each broad side of the double edged cleaver. In the center was a large well-cut diamond that glittered in the brief flashes of lightning that beamed throughout the skies.
He was ready.

Osirius’ army journeyed for many days until they reached the troubled front lines of Hell’s army. He glanced to see the army had just been victorious against a frontal assault made by the archangel menace, but was badly wounded and fatigued from the fierce melee. The land was torn apart in the wake of their battle, and still smelled of fresh blood.
Osirius lead his fleet down to the scattered troops of their army and looked about to see only dead bodies and exhausted warriors, some were still swinging into the air feebly, the psychological effects of war had already taken what was left of their minds.
A limping colonel approached Osirius with a look of disbelief and gave him the best bow he could fester up in his bad state.
“I am happy you are here, my forces have dwindled, and scouts have reported a company of archangel dragoons upon unicorns are coming to finish us off.” He panted hard, putting much effort into regulating his breathing.
Osirius heard the howls of the approaching enemy and signaled his troops to be ready. All of them drew out their weapons and gave a shout to confirm that they understood.
Just then the young colonel’s ears twitched and he heard sharp whistles coming from behind the hill before them. A row of spears leapt over the hill in a straight line towards the front of his fleet. Some penetrated into the group dropping a few of his men, and a straying spear was coming in his direction. Osirius saw it approach and the wounded commander beside him let out a yelp just as it closed in upon him.
The commander closed his eyes expecting his death was upon him, but as a couple seconds passed by he felt no evidence that he was dead. He opened his eyes and looked above himself, to his relief Osirius had caught the spear just inches above him.
Osirius tossed it aside and looked down into the tired commander’s eyes from his dwarfing height and said in a demanding tone, “Leave.”
The wounded commander nodded nervously and ordered what was left of his troops to retreat, allowing Osirius room to work.
The young colonel looked up at the top of the hillside to see a fleet of about five thousand riders, what would seem to be an even challenge against ten thousand foot soldiers.

Alexander looked down upon the calm face of his enemy fleet’s commander with frustration. “They are now releasing newborn colonel’s after me? That’s insulting, just who the hell does he think he is.”
“St. Alexander, shall we fire another volley into them?” His second in command asked his commander in an unsure voice.
“No, order a full charge on my signal. Yah!” He let out a short cry and kicked his stallion in the sides lightly.

The whole fleet of archangels charged with swift speed with Alexander at the front, coming right towards the calm Osirius and his army who stood stationary, waiting.
Just as the archangels got into sure enough range, Osirius let out a fierce cry and all his soldiers let loose a volley of giant fireballs into the arrogant Saint’s army, obliterating many on contact.
Osirius saw his opportunity just as Alexander got but a moment away from him, he unsheathed his battle axe and charged into the opposing army, his troops charging with him. He quickly met with Alexander on his winged stallion and Osirius slashed straight through the horses’ neck, making it falter to it’s side and crushing Alexander’s leg.
He let out a cry of pain and Osirius gave a swift stomp into his fallen enemy’s face.

Osirius’ army made waste to their opposing forces in only a few minutes time. His soldiers cheered at their victory with joyous roars, while Osirius only kneeled down to bask in his own achievement. He felt happiness all throughout his body and soul. This was it, he has proven himself to all his fellow soldiers, and he could not wait until word spread to the ears of Titan, Damien, and his gracious king.

Matthias and his troops were all resting after being victorious in a large skirmish to the west when he felt an odd breeze pass through him. He stood up and looked to the south east where the front lines were being reportedly pushed back by his archangel brethren. Something felt different however, it gave him a feeling not of dread, but of curiosity.
“What’s wrong sir?” A soldier asked his commander with concern in his voice.
“I sense…change.”

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