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My life is about as interesting as the next person's. |
Current Mood: fine and dandy, just a hint of boredom Current Music: Mistakes and Regrets - And You Will Know us by the Trail of Dead So . . . What's happened, you ask? What'd I get for Christmas, you ask? Well, let me tell you. So, Saturday was the big day! Shane and I arrived at my Grandmother's at 11 only to be the second to do so. It was strange how no one was there or even came until after 12. It was so boring. I wore myself out from all the boredom and lack of enthusiasm while playing card games. *sigh* We finally left there at 2 after getting envelopes of money from my relatives because hey! they can't get me anything because they don't know what I like! Grr! All in all - I received $160. Not bad, I s'pose. Better than last year by far. We stopped at the cemetery to honor my father with flowers. But, we didn't stay out too long for the wind chill was excruciating. At his house, I was so exhausted from all that down time at grandma's so we lay down and watched "Napoleon Dynamite" which was by far one of the weirdest moveies I've ever seen. After that, we all opened presents! I got some lovely gifts this year such as: an oak jewelry chest, a bunch more penguin paraphenelia, a scarf with matching gloves, and my favorite: BUNNY SLIPPERS! Hehe. :) Shane loved his gifts from moi which were 2 Aero shirts and a video game. I thought this Christmas was a fine one indeed. Especially the food part. Yum. Turkey. Gotta love Turkey! Of course I didn't like the getting up at 1 1/2 in the morning in severe and utter pain. I was writhing in pain for about 2 hours that morning - I guess because of Tommy's mashed potatoes. It was terrible. It only felt like nausea when I stood up. I threw up and plugged in my trusted heating pad which fought off those nasty tasting things and horrible, sharp stomach pains. So, Sunday, Shand and I decided to go to Wal-mart and stuff even if it was the day after Christmas. I'm sure it was a lot more packed that morning, though. We contemplated on purchasing a computer from there - hp and all - but then decided it would be best to ask the computer know-it-all (aka: my brother). Rachel came later that day at 3 and we watched the worst movie ever if you're still in a school - high school or middle (whatever!). It was "Elephant" and Rachel had been wanting to see it, too, but after I learned what it was about, I started feeling a little less secure with watching it. It was about two guys shooting up their high school and it will probably haunt me until I'm a safe distance from my school. *shivers* Then, everyone opened presents ('cept me) from Rachel and to Rachel. I, too, liked mine once I got home. I got "The Used" cd and Rachel liked her gifts. :) That night, we decided to replace a terrifying movie with a comical one: "Calendar Girls." It was great, but I still couldn't shake the images from that awful movie. The next day, mother wanted to go after Christmas after Christmas shopping. We went to Winchester and Hilary got a nice gift from mother. I got two shirts, a belt, and some new shoes! So . . . Rachel went with Aaron as soon as we returned from Winchester. :( But, they're dating, she says, so I understand. Sort of. *sigh* Having her here makes me realize that I'm still a quarter empty. I'm missing one person . . . Yours Truly -------------------------------------------- Good fences make good neighbors. |