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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! Visit Writing.Com on New Year's Day for great reviewing incentives! And remember, just two weeks remain before Writing.Com's pricing plan changes take effect on January 1st, 2005. Please read through this email in full for important information about these changes. :: Resolve To Review This New Year! :: Start the new year off right by Reviewing! Writing.Com's review programs, "The Review Mixer" ![]() ![]() largest payouts ever! Earn five times their normal rewards all day long, New Year's day, Saturday January 1st, 2005! :: New Options and Pricing Effective January 1st, 2005 :: Writing.Com is proud to be one of the world's leading communities for writers. Throughout our five years, we've grown and improved our services to best suit the needs of those looking to share their work and improve their skills. To continue improving and providing the best services to our members, we're updating our paid memberships plans with new length options and pricing. Beginning January 1st, 2005, the new rates for paid memberships and their renewals will be as follows: Basic Membership: 3 months: $9.95 ( ![]() 6 months: $14.95 (Over 25% Off) ( ![]() 12 months: $19.95 (Over 50% Off) Upgraded Membership: 1 month: $9.95 (via GPs only) 2 months: $14.95 (via GPs only) ( ![]() 3 months: $19.95 (Over 30% Off) 6 months: $34.95 (Over 40% Off) 12 months: $49.95 (Over 55% Off) Premium Membership: 1 month: $19.95 (via GPs only) 2 months: $34.95 (via GPs only) ( ![]() 3 months: $49.95 (Over 15% Off) 6 months: $84.95 (Over 30% Off) 12 months: $139.95 (Over 40% Off) Professional Membership: 3 months: $139.95 6 months: $234.95 (Over 15% Off) 12 months: $439.95 (Over 25% Off) Enterprise Membership: 3 months: $439.95 6 months: $684.95 (Over 15% Off) 12 months: $1,239.95 (Over 25% Off) ![]() ![]() Writing.Com's free memberships will not be affected by this change. :: Pre-Pay And Lock In Your Current Price! :: With no restrictions on the pre-payment of your paid membership, you can lock in your paid membership at current pricing for as long as you'd like! Purchase 1, 2, 3, even 5 or more years of any paid membership level under our current pricing plan and save more, now! If you wait until after January 1st, 2005 to renew your membership, you'll be renewing under the new pricing. So act now and save a few dollars! ![]() will need to make multiple purchases in our store. Writing.Com's membership system will automatically append any additional time purchased to the end of your existing paid membership. For example, if you purchase one year and then purchase a second year, your account's paid membership expiration will be two years further ahead than it was before these two purchases. As always, we thank you for your continued support of Writing.Com! ~~ The StoryMistress ![]() The StoryMaster ![]()