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A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend. |
Paul hadn’t heard from Mandy since the night of the dinner. When he phoned her house last night there had been no answer. He had left her a message but she hadn’t returned his call. He called her office the next morning and was told she was out of the office on assignment. He left another message but she hadn’t returned that one either. He began to worry. He considered calling the station again and asking to talk with the Sheriff but thought better of it. He didn’t want to sound like a love-starved idiot. His mind began to conjure up all sorts of things, none of them good. Maybe I said or did something the other night to upset her. While he sat in his room contemplating what to do next, Vickie knocked on the door. He called out for her to come in. “I’m getting ready to go to the hospital, are you coming with us?” she asked. Just then an idea hit him. “You and Mark don’t get to spend much time alone when you bring the kids. Why don’t you leave them with me? I’ll play uncle today and entertain them while you’re gone.” “You sure you won’t mind?” “Actually I’ sure I’ll enjoy it.” “Thanks, I’m sure they’ll enjoy spending the day with Uncle Paul. Those kids adore you.” “It’s settled then. Off with you woman!” he said jokingly. Vickie laughed as she left to tell the children the good news. Of course as Vickie predicted, Tommy and Heather were ecstatic when they heard that they were going to spend the day with Uncle Paul. They said goodbye to their mother and told her to tell their dad that they loved him and then they were off to Uncle Paul’s room. They didn’t even bother to knock; they just bolted through the door. Paul was sitting on the bed. Tommy and Heather jumped on him and knocked him back onto the bed. “Uncle Paul, what are we gonna do today?” asked Heather. “Where are you gonna take us?” asked Tommy. Then in unison they asked, “Can we go for ice cream?” “Whoa, slow down. How would the two of you like to visit the Sheriff’s Department and see where Mandy works? It’s not quite the same as the police department in the big cities.” Heather put her arms around his neck and said in her most grown up voice. “Uncle Paul, we know you want to go see Mandy. It was very obvious last night that you were upset because you hadn’t heard from her all day.” “When did you get so smart?” he asked. Tommy cut in with, “Yeh, you were really bummed out last night. You didn’t even want to play with me last night.” Heather asked, “Uncle Paul are you in love with Mandy?” “What makes you ask that?” “Well I know Mom and Dad love each other and when Mom didn’t hear from Daddy for a couple of days, she looked just like you looked last night.” “Wow! I hadn’t realized what an observant young lady you’ve become. I didn’t know it showed that much. To answer your question, I’m not sure. I find her to be a wonderful person and I enjoy being with her. Being in love with her, I think it’s still a little premature to say.” “Yeh, that means you love her.” said Heather and then she laughed. “How about answering my question, now that you’ve given me the third degree.” “Sure, we like Mandy, isn’t that right Tommy?” “Yeh, she’s a neat lady.” agreed Tommy. “Besides it’ll be neat to visit a Sheriff’s Department” says Tommy. After lunch they all piled into Paul’s Grand Cherokee and headed for the Sheriff’s Department. On the way, he thought about what he’d tell Mandy, if she was there. He had to come up with a reason why they were there. I can’t tell her what he told the kids, they saw right through it but maybe she won’t. After all, she’s an adult, adults don’t see through things like kids do, right? Mandy had just in from answering a call about a family dispute and was typing her report when Paul arrived with the kids. She looked up and saw them headed towards her desk. “Hi guys! What are you doing here?” Before Paul could say anything Heather piped up with “Hi Mandy, Uncle Paul missed you and wanted to see you!” “Thanks a lot Heather.” Paul laughed. “Is that right Paul?” Mandy teased. “Well I was concerned because I haven’t heard from you. Especially, since you haven’t returned my calls. I was afraid that something was wrong.” “That’s so sweet”, she said. “I didn’t know you cared.” More than you know, he thought to himself. “I’m sorry Paul, I’ve just been swamped since yesterday, and last night I had to go out for a while. I’ll fill you in on that later.” Just then Tommy said, “Uncle Paul said we were going for ice cream, will you come with us?” “Is that an invitation?” Mandy asked Tommy. “Yup he said with a smug look on his face like he knew a secret that he wasn't about to share. Mandy looked at him and smiled, “In that case, how can I possibly refuse such an invitation from such a handsome young man.” Tommy just beamed. He looked at his sister and stuck his tongue out at her as if to say, “Ha, ha, she likes me better than you.” “Before we leave I want to introduce you to my boss. You’ll like him; he’s got a couple of kids himself. They’re just a little older than the two of you.” She got up from her desk and they followed her to Jeff’s office. She knocked on the door then opened it. “Sheriff Singleton? Do you have a moment to meet a couple of fans?” Jeff looked up to see Mandy, Paul and two kids at the door. “Sure”, he said, “come on in. I always have time for fans.” “Sheriff this is Mark’s two children, Heather and Tommy. This is Sheriff Singleton, my boss.” “How are you guys doing?” he asked. “Fine sir”, they said in unison. “I don’t know if Mandy has told you but I have two kids, they’re a little older than the two of you. How would you like to meet them? Maybe you can come over and spend some time with us before you go back home? Would you like that?” “Yeh!” said Tommy. That’d be cool!” They all laughed at Tommy’s excitement. “Paul, how are you? Are you keeping busy?” “I’m trying to stay busy, but Mandy won’t let me go up to the mountain and continue my survey.” “Believe me it’s for your own good Paul. Mandy is right, until we get this mess straightened out it would be best.” “This young man has just invited me to have ice cream with him and I couldn’t say no. Do you mind?” asked Mandy. “Aren’t you the lucky one” said Jeff. “Sure go ahead. Things are quiet around here right now.” “If you need me, I’ll have my radio on.” They all said good bye to Jeff and left. There was a little ice cream shop three blocks from the station where they served the best ice cream in all of New Hampshire. The ice cream was home made, with pure ingredients. They stopped there and Heather ordered a double scoop of Chocolate Swirl, while Tommy decided on a scoop of Chocolate and a scoop of Rocky Road. Mandy ordered her favorite, Strawberry with real strawberry bits. Paul settled for the old standby, French Vanilla, he did, however, ask for some sprinkles, which made everyone laugh. After they got their ice cream they headed for a nearby park to enjoy their ice cream. As soon they arrived at the park the two kids took off to check out the swings and Jungle Jim. Paul and Mandy found a park bench where they could keep an eye out on the kids and sit down. “Thanks for the ice cream” she said to Paul. “I can’t remember the last time I had an ice cream cone. Were you really concerned about me?” she finally asked. “Yes I was. I thought maybe I had said or done something to get you upset again.” “We do have to talk, but not here. Why don’t you come over after Vickie returns and I’ll fill you in what’s been happening.” “Okay.” Just then the kids came running up to them. “Did you ask her out yet?” asked Heather. When Paul hesitated she said, “Well, did you?” Mandy started laughing, and said “Heather actually, I invited him.” “How cool is that!” exclaimed Heather. “So are you going to see her tonight, Uncle Paul?” chimed Tommy. “Yes, yes and yes again!” exclaimed Paul. Heather and Tommy gave each other a high five and ran off again. “Hey, I’ve got to get going!” called Mandy after them. They turned around and ran back to her. They walked over and gave her a hug, said bye, and took off again. She stood up, Paul also got up and together they walked over to her car. “I’ll see you tonight”, he said and leaned down and gently kissed her. Neither of them mentioned the other night even though they couldn’t forget it. She got into her car and waved as she pulled out of the parking space. Paul went back and sat down and watched the kids playing. |