Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/317344-Chapter-Sixteen
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #915981
A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend.
#317344 added October 19, 2006 at 3:50pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Sixteen
Paul and Mandy arrived at the hospital about 12:30. Vickie was already there. She spotted Paul as he walked into the waiting area. She ran to him and threw her arms around him. He put his arms around her as she began to sob quietly. The kids were with her and they also ran to Paul. “Oh Paul, am I glad to see you. No one will tell me what’s going on. I saw Doctor Cabral but he won’t tell me anything. He said he was waiting for you to arrive then he would tell us everything. Please Paul, what happened?” she pleaded. Just then Tommy broke the tension by asking, “Uncle Paul, will my dad be alright?” Paul took Vickie and the kids and led them to some seats and sat them
down. Mandy quietly followed behind them not wanting to intrude.

“We don’t know much right now either. We’re hoping that Mark will be able to tell us what happened to him on that mountain. Vickie, I know Mark is going to be alright, don’t worry.” “Thank God you’re here, I don’t think I could handle this alone.”

“Where else would I be, if not here for you and the kids.”

Just then Mandy stepped forward and stood just behind Paul. He noticed Vickie’s eyes shift to Mandy and realized he hadn’t introduced them. He reached behind him and took Mandy’s hand and led her to his side. “Vickie, Heather, Tommy, this is Deputy Mandy Blake. If it hadn’t been for her, I probably wouldn’t have found Mark. Mandy, this is Mark’s wife Vickie and his children Heather and Tommy.”

“I’m glad to meet all of you”, she said, as she extended her hand to Vickie. “I just wish it were under more pleasant circumstances. However, I think Paul is being overly generous. I can’t take all the credit.

Just then two doctors approached the little group. One of the doctors introduced himself and his colleague, “Hello, I’m Doctor Cabral, and this is Doctor Philips” said the doctor. We’re caring for Mr. Scott. Which of you is Mrs. Scott?” he asked looking at Vickie and Mandy. Vickie stepped forward and said, “I’m Mrs. Scott Doctor. What’s happening with my husband?”

“Why don’t we sit down.” Once they were all seated Dr. Cabral began. “I’m not
going to beat around the bush. Your husband is in very critical condition right now. I don’t know how much Mr. Covington has told you, but your husband has been severely traumatized. He has suffered severe frostbite of all extremities; he was brought in highly dehydrated and suffering from hypothermia. He also sustained a fractured leg along with several bruises and contusions about the face and head. He had begun to improve after being re-hydrated, his hypothermia taken care of and his frostbite treated. Then, without any warning he took a turn for the worst. His lungs began filling with fluid. He was literally drowning in his own bodily fluids. We had to drain the fluid from his lungs, but he continued to have stressed breathing so we put him on a respirator to help him breathe. Now I’m going to let Dr. Philips explain the situation with his frostbite. After that we’ll answer any questions you might have. Dr. Philips.”

Dr. Philips began by telling them how frostbite affected the body. Then he said, “Although we did all we knew to do to bring his hands and feet back, Mr. Scott’s limbs did not respond the way we expected. We’re pretty sure we can save his hands but there is a great possibility that we may have to amputate his feet.” At that Vickie let out a small cry. Paul reached out and put his arms around her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Scott. I wish the news were better. He did spend a considerable time out in the elements.”

Paul asked, “Is he able to speak?”

“Yes, but he is very weak, and we suggest that he not be taxed.” answered Dr. Cabral.

“May we go in and see him?” asked Vickie.

Again, Dr. Cabral, “Yes, but one at a time please and for just a couple of minutes.”

“Does Mark know about his frostbite and what you’re considering?” asked Vickie.

“No” answered Dr. Philips, “and I prefer he not know until we are positive that it’s our only option and he’s a little stronger. We will be monitoring him very closely for the next few days and see how he progresses. If you wish you can go in to see him now”

“Thank you both for everything”, said Vickie as she shook their hands.

After they left Vickie told Paul that she would go in first but wouldn’t stay long.

Mandy suggested taking the kids to the cafeteria and getting them something to drink Vickie thanked her and left to go see her husband. Vickie quietly entered the room. Mark was lying there with his eyes closed. She approached him and kissed him on the forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and looked directly into his wife’s beautiful face. “Hi sweetheart” she said.

“Hi yourself” he managed with great difficulty.

“Now don’t try to talk. The doctor said you aren’t to tax yourself. Paul is here with me. He wanted to ask you some questions so I want you to save your strength for that. The kids are here too; they’ll come in after you speak with Paul. Deputy Blake took them down to the cafeteria for sodas.” She leaned over and placed her arms around him and kissed him again on the cheek. “I love you so much”, she said and he felt a tear hit his cheek.

“Honey, don’t cry. I’m gonna to be fine. I’ll be home in no time at all. Wait and see. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“I know you’re going to be fine. I’m going to go now so Paul can talk with you. I’ll be back afterward.” She kissed him on the cheek again and left the room.

Paul entered the room and the two men looked at each other and then Paul leaned over and gave his friend a hug. “Good to have you back with us”, said Paul.

Mark replied, “Good to be back.”

“Mark Deputy Blake is going to be coming in to talk with you. How much do you remember about the night you fell onto that ledge?”

“Not much, except that I didn’t accidentally fall over that ridge. I saw two men arguing and tried to get close enough to hear what they were saying when someone hit me on the back of the head. Next thing I remember clearly was waking up in the hospital.”

Paul had to lean over to hear him because his voice was so weak. “Okay buddy, you concentrate on getting better, we’ll talk again when you’re feeling stronger. I’m gonna leave now so the kids can come in to see their dad. I’ll talk with you tomorrow.” Paul squeezed his friend’s shoulder and left.

As Paul reached Vickie she said, “Oh Paul, he’s so weak and they have all those tubes in him.” Paul took her into his arms. “He’s gonna to be alright Vickie, I promise. He’s
Strong; he’ll pull through, you’ll see. In the meantime I’ll be here for you and the kids.”
“You’re a good friend Paul, thanks.”

“We’re more than friends, we’re family”, said Paul.

After what seemed an eternity to Vickie, Mandy returned with the children. She handed Vickie a soda. As she handed it to her, she said, “The kids told me what kind you like.”

“Thanks, not just for the soda either, thanks for everything.”
“How are you holding up Mrs. Scott?”

“Please call me Vickie, I’ll be okay. Just knowing that Mark is alive goes a long way in helping me to cope. I don’t know what I would do without him.”

“Well if there’s anything at all I can do to help please don’t hesitate to let me know, and please call me Mandy.”

“Thanks Mandy, I appreciate it. So tell me how did you meet Paul?” Mandy explained how Paul had come into the station looking for someone who knew the mountains in the area and how the Sheriff had sent Paul to her. She then described some of the things that happened afterward and how they found Mark. She told her about Lone Wolfe and the part that he played in the search and the final rescue.

Tommy and Heather listened and hung on every word Mandy said. When she had finished they had a multitude of questions for her. She laughed and told them that she would like to tell them more but right now she had to talk to their dad and then get back to work. They groaned a little and made her promise to tell them everything, which she did.

Mandy asked Paul if he learned anything. Paul told her that all Mark was able to tell him was that he was sure he hadn’t fallen and that he remembered seeing two men arguing. “But he’s pretty medicated right now so it’s going to be difficult to get any real information from him. Maybe we can try tomorrow. He’s pretty spent right now.”

“That’ll give us something to start on. At least this time we know it definitely was not an accident. I’ve got to get back to work; I’ll talk to you later.”

“That’s fine; I want to stick around until Vickie’s ready to leave. I’ll ride back to town with her. I’ll call you when we get back.”

© Copyright 2006 Jazelle Vornet (UN: jazellevn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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