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A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend. |
Paul began, “As I said, I’m here on business and need someone who knows the mountain. However, that’s only part of the story. Let me start from the beginning. My partner, Mark Scott, and I are geologists and we do geology surveys for companies and investors. A couple of weeks ago we got a call from a group of investors asking to retain us to survey a mountain site they’re considering for a park resort. I was still working on another project, so Mark came up ahead to start the survey. I was to join him once I completed my project. We arranged to stay in touch by him calling me each night when he got back down the mountain to update me on his findings. To make sure we didn’t end up playing phone tag, we agreed that he would call at 9:00PM, just before he called his kids to say goodnight. The day he got here he called me that evening to let me know where he was staying and that he would be going up to the mountain site the next morning. The next evening he called me at 9:00PM as agreed and filled me in on what he had found in his preliminary survey of the area and that he would be returning the next day with the equipment to begin taking soil samples. The following evening I waited for his call, but it never came. I wasn’t really concerned right away, I just figured he got caught up in what he was doing and got back a little late and decided to just call his kids and would contact me the next night or in the morning. However, the next morning I got a call from Vickie, Mark’s wife, she was beside herself. Mark hadn’t called the night before to say goodnight to the kids, a thing he has never done before. No matter what he was doing, he always made sure he called his kids when he was away from home. I tried to reassure her that he probably just got stuck up on the mountain and he would call that evening. As I hung up the phone, however, I didn’t feel quite as confident. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions so I waited till that night to see if we would hear from him. That was last night and that is why I’m here. I need to find out what happened to my friend. If he is fine, his wife and I will filet him alive for scaring the shit out of us”, he said jokingly. Then we’ll get back to work. But first I need to find him. The Sheriff said you know these mountains. Will you help me find him?” Although Paul tried to make a joke about his friend, Mandy could tell that he was afraid for his friend. Mandy realized she hadn’t taken a good breath since Paul started talking. She now took a deep breath and exhaled. “Will you help me Mandy?” he asked again. “Of course I’ll help you” she replied. “I’m sure he’s fine, just got caught up in his work as you suggested earlier. Besides the weather has been quite nasty the last several days and the mountain roads are hard to maneuver when wet. Have you tried calling him at where he’s staying?” “I called this morning but was told that he wasn’t there.” “How about since you got in town?” “No I went straight to the Sheriff’s Department” he replied. By this time they’ had finished dinner and were just sitting at the table talking. Mandy finally got up and started clearing the table. “By the way, the chicken casserole was very good. In fact, the entire meal was wonderful. Here, let me help you with that” he said as he got up from the table. “Thanks” said Mandy as she turned on the hot water in the sink. “Why don’t you wash, I’ll dry and put the dishes away”. They laugh and chatted as they did the dishes. As they finished the dishes, Paul asked, “Would you like me to pour you another glass of wine before we retire to the living room?” “That would be great, thanks.” They finally finished the dishes and retired to the living room and Mandy sat on the floor in front of the fireplace. “Paul earlier you said that Mark is your business partner and a friend but it sounded like he’s more than just a casual friend, am I right?” “Yes, You’re quite right. Mark and I met during our college days at MIT in Cambridge and quickly found that we had a lot in common. We soon became inseparable. I felt closer to Paul than I did to my own brother. We shared everything so my dad wasn’t surprised when we decided to go into business together. The Covington reputation lent credibility to the business and in no time the business was a success. Now Mark is missing and I have to find my best friend and failure is not an option.” “How about we try your friend now. Do you have the number?” The fire was now blazing and giving off a beautiful amber glow that captured the red highlights in Mandy’s hair that did not go unnoticed by Paul. Paul shook his head to clear it and fished the number out of his wallet and handed it to Mandy. Mandy recognized the number immediately and exclaimed, “This is the number to my mother’s bed and breakfast!” She got up and went to the phone. After several rings her mother answered. “Good evening, Sarah’s Bed and Breakfast.” “Hi mom, it’s me. How are you?” “I’m fine sweetie, what’s up?” she asked. “I have someone here looking for one of your tenants, Mark Scott. He would have checked in about three days ago.” “Oh yes, Mark, nice man.” “Is he there, mom?” “No honey. I haven’t seen him since the second day after he arrived. I thought he had decided to stay up on the mountain because of the rain. He paid for two weeks up front. I felt it was a waste of money to pay for two weeks and then spend the time on the mountain but what do I know.” “Thanks mom, you’ve been a great help. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.” “Love you too, good night.” Sarah replied and hung up. By the look on Mandy’s face Paul guesses that Mark was not there. “He wasn’t there, was he?” asked Paul. Mandy looked at him and answered, “Sorry Paul, my mom said she hasn’t seen him since the second day after he arrived. He paid two weeks in advance for his room but he hasn’t returned since he left that third day.” She took his hands in hers and said, “I’m so sorry Paul. But let’s look on the bright side, he’s probably set up camp on the mountain and decided it was easier to stay there than go back and forth in the rain.” “But why didn’t he call the kids? He never misses that! He could have used his cell phone to call them.” “It’s impossible to get a signal in the mountains. That’s why we don’t use them.” replied Mandy. “What do we do now?” “Well, I figure since I’m off tomorrow, we can take a ride up the mountain to the site where Mark is supposed to be and check it out. We might just find him up there, oblivious to the fact that he is worrying everyone. What time do you want to leave?” “Whatever time is good for you” “How about seven in the morning?” “That’s fine with me” replied Paul. Mandy realized that she never asked him if he had arranged for a place to stay. “Where are you staying?” “I didn’t get a chance to find a place. I went directly to the Sheriff’s Department.” “That’s right, you did say that before. Well it’s a little late now and it’s pretty nasty out there. You’re welcome to stay here for the night and we can get an early start in the morning. If we haven’t found your friend and you need to stay longer, I’ll take you to my mother’s Bed and Breakfast and help you get settled in there. For tonight, you can sleep on the couch. I promise it’s very comfortable.” “Thanks Mandy, I hope I’m not putting you out”, says Paul. “Not at all.” They decided to relax and spend the rest of the evening watching an old movie. Mandy had a good selection of movies, from comedy to heavy drama and everything else in-between. They settled on a nostalgic vampire movie with Bella Lagosi. Midway through the movie, the telephone rang. It was Jeff Singleton. “Hi Jeff”, answered Mandy. “What’s up?” “Nothing, just wanted to check on you to make sure everything is okay. Did you speak with that Paul Covington guy? What is he really looking for?” “Why Chief! I think you’re worried about me”, she laughed. “Of course I’m concerned. After all we don’t know anything about this guy. And I didn’t expect you to invite him to your home!” Sheriff Singleton has known Mandy most of her life and he saw himself to be somewhat of a big brother to her. When Mandy came to him wanting to become a cop, he did everything he knew to dissuade her. All to no avail of course. Once Mandy made up her mind to do something there was no changing it. Paul called out, “Mandy, you’re missing the best part, do you want me to pause it till you get back?” “He’s still there?” Jeff shot out. “Be right there! Yes, we’re watching an old Bella Lagosi movie. And, before you hear it from someone else, I invited him to spend the night here since he hasn’t had a chance to get himself a room.” “Have you lost your mind completely!? Why didn’t you just send him to your mother’s Bed and Breakfast?” “Jeff, have you looked at the weather out there lately? It’s quite a storm we’re having. The rain is so hard it’s been hitting my windows like bullets and the last time I looked outside I saw downed trees and branches from the high winds littering the street. And besides, it’s just for one night. I’ll be fine. He really is a very nice guy. He’s here to join his partner. He’s a geologist for God’s sake! How dangerous can he be? I’m going to take him up the mountain tomorrow, that is, if this weather calms down. Once I join him with his partner I’ll probably never see him again. Stop being such a worry wart.” “I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself but ever since what happened to your dad and Kenny, I can’t help worrying about you. Just be careful, will ya?” “Jeff, that’s why I love you, you worry enough for the both of us. But you know I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I had wished for a big brother he would have been just like you.” “Stop it! Don’t start going mushy on me”, Growled Jeff. “Just be careful. If there’s any trouble you make sure and call me. I’ll talk to you some time tomorrow, in the meantime, have a great day off. Hope this rain stops. I think we’ve had enough. Well good night.” “Good night Jeff, and say hi to Karen and the kids for me.” She then hung up and went back into the living room where she found Jeff studying some of the photos on the mantel. He felt her presence as she walked in and turned around. “I see where you get your beauty. Your mother is very beautiful and your dad was very handsome. They were a good-looking couple. They look like they belonged together.” “Yes, they loved each other very much. Just like all couples, they had their differences but I can never remember them going to bed without making up. I know you would have liked my dad and I know you’ll like my mother. You’ll get to meet her tomorrow. But now, let’s get back to the movie and hopefully there won’t be any more interruptions. By the way just in case you’re wondering, that was Jeff, the Sheriff. He’s like a big brother to me so he was checking on me to make sure I’m alright.” Now why did I feel like I had to explain to him? “It must be nice having someone care for you that way.” said Paul. “I tease him about it but, yeah it is.” Once again they settled back to watch the movie. Mandy was glad it was raining hard, it usually kept most people home, therefore, it was highly unlikely anyone would be knocking on her door. She didn’t feel like explaining Paul to anyone else. Her mother and Jeff were enough. She knew that Miss Melly was definitely going to ask her about him. She was also sure Miss Melly saw her and Paul drive up to the house. Miss Melly was one of Sarah Blake’s high school teachers. However, Miss Melly took a liking to Sarah and they later became good friends. As a matter of fact, she was Sarah’s Maid of Honor when she married Frank Blake. When Mandy was born, she elected herself, Surrogate Grandmother since Sarah’s parents were both dead and Frank’s parents lived in Boston and hardly visited. They‘re of the Old Boston money and more or less disowned Frank when he decided to move to Hickup Falls and become a Rescue Ranger. Their night, however, was not to continue without at least one more interruption. The phone rang again and this time it was Mandy’s best friend, Gabriella. Gabriella owned Gabbie’s Bar and Grill. Mandy gave Paul an apologetic look and got up to answer the phone. “I’ll pause the film again” called Paul. “Thanks, I’ll try not to be too long” she replied. She picked up the receiver and immediately heard her friend’s excited voice. “Mandy! I heard a handsome guy came into town tonight and that you invited him to dinner! Is he really as handsome as they say? Is he still there with you? You’ve got to tell me all about him.” “Gabbie slow down! Boy! News sure travels fast! To answer your question, yes he is quite handsome but this is not the time. I’ll call you soon and tell you all about it.” “Why? Is he still there? Why you lucky devil. I guess it pays to work in the Sheriff’s Office.” “Yes Gabbie, he is still here but it’s not what you think. He’s here to join his business partner and he needs someone with knowledge of the mountain to guide him. Once that is done, I’ll probably never see him again. I don’t even know if the man is married, so settle down. I’ll talk to you later. Good night Gabbie.” “Why is he still there? At least tell me that.” “Alright, I invited him to stay here tonight because it’s raining pretty hard out there, it’s late and he doesn’t know his way around town.” “I don’t believe you, but good night. I’ll look forward to hearing all the details.” With that Mandy severed the connection and returned to the living room. Paul looked like he was miles away in thought when she entered. “Penny for your thoughts.” “Just thinking about Mark” he replied. “I hope he’s alright. I just keep getting this awful feeling that something has happened to him.” “Hopefully we’ll find him tomorrow and he’ll be fine” she said. “On what I think is a brighter note. I believe all of Hickup Falls has heard about you and that I invited you to my home. That was my best friend, Gabbie. She wanted me to give her the lowdown on you.” “Gabbie, what kind of name is that for a girl?” “Her name is actually, Gabriella, Gabriella Ramos. We grew up together and have been best friends all our lives. I’ll have to introduce you to her if you’re around long enough. Now, let’s try to finish this movie without any more interruptions.” Mandy got up at the end of the movie and got some bed linen, a cover and pillow from the linen-closet. She made the couch up for Paul and said good night and left for her own room. |