Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/314827-Chapter-Eighteen
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #909432
A historical romance about Lindsey and Ashton
#314827 added November 19, 2004 at 1:19am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen

Turning back to look at Ashton, Lindsey saw the pleasure within his eyes. He had a broad smile on his face that seemed to light up his eyes causing her to smile too. She had always heard that a smile was contagious but never knew it to be true until this very moment. Lifting up onto her tip-toes, Lindsay gave him a kiss and then turned back toward the room, leaving him only wanting more.

“It is simply perfect,” she mumbled as she entered the room.

What she hadn’t realized was that it was a music room, from the entry way it appeared to be a sitting room. Of course, it was the food sitting on a small table that had caught Lindsey’s eyes at first glance. Now that she looked a bit closer she saw that the room had modest furnishings and one of the newest pianos she had ever seen. Very few homes in London had been fortunate enough to own one. The fact that Ashton had one only meant that he truly had deep pockets but he wasn’t like most aristocrats that liked to flaunt their wealth. Instead, Ashton tried to impress people with his straight forward honesty, his charm and more importantly his intelligence. All of which seemed hard to find among any society members.

Turning back to face Ashton, Lindsey asked, “is all this for me or do you plan to join me?”

The question was simple enough but Ashton’s thoughts were still lingering over her luscious mouth. Not even paying attention to the silence Lindsey walked toward the settee that was facing the piano. Sitting down, she looked over the grand display of food that had been laid out.

His bright emerald green eyes watched as she moved further into the room and sat down, he found himself still stunned by Lindsey’s bold kiss. Deciding that it was the perfect time to further his plans he went to the piano. Taking a seat, he pushed back the fallboard and looked at the keys for a moment, almost as if he was deciding what to play. A small grin began to form as his mind had been made-up. Placing his fingers on the keys he began to play a soft melody that seemed to float through the air.
She watched as Ashton walked over to the piano and sat down, he looked amazing, like a gothic god that had come down from the heavens just for her. Lindsey took a deep breath as her stomach growled reminding her that she hadn’t eaten. As Ashton began to play, Lindsey smiled and then looked at the food that had been awaiting her attention.

The music swirled around Lindsey as she picked up one of the small dinner plates that had been set out. Her eyes drifted over each type of food causing her mouth to water. Whoever had prepared the tray was a genius with food because the tray was covered with many of Lindsey’s favorites. With a sign she glanced over the selection once more as if it were hard to pick which she should start with.

Setting one of the crackers on her plate, she reached for the sliced meat and topped it with a small cut of cheese. Just as she took a small nibble of her creation she noticed the fruit platter filled with finely ripened raspberries, perfectly red strawberries and luscious grapes. Lindsey’s mouth began to water, she simply loved grapes. As a child her papa would buy them as a treat for her when she had been good with her lessons.

She sighed softly at the thought her of loving parents but quickly dismissed it for fear of bringing the evening to a crashing halt. Instead, she ate a few more crackers with meat, while Ashton played his heavenly tune. Taking note of the song it was something she had never heard before, it was lovely, but she began to wonder who the composer was. Then again it could be the way Ashton graced the keys with his fingers, stroking each one to perfection.

A daring smile crossed her face as she thought of how his fingers would feel if they touched her in the same manner. With a slight blush, she tried to force her thoughts back to simple things again, like food. She looked back down at the food set in her plate and resumed eating a few more crackers to further settle her stomach.

Stroking the last note of the song, Ashton’s fingers lingered for a moment. The music whirled around the room like a rich tapestry. Releasing the key, Ashton sat almost in a daze until the sound of clapping freed him of his prison.

“Bravo, bravo!” Lindsey cheered as she stood still clapping her hands.

He turned toward her and smiled.

“Oh, that was wonderful. Where did you gain such talent,” she asked.

Ashton slowly pushed the stool back, took a small step and gave a great bow, smiling ruefully the entire time.

Straightening back up, he responded, “I was taught by a very great composer.”

“And who might that have been?” she asked slyly as she put her plate back on the tray then plucked one of the grapes off the vine and took a small nibble of the juicy fruit.

“My dear, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you were flirting with me,” he said walking toward her.

When he reached her side she was smiling as she looked up into his ocean green eyes and said, “well, sir, maybe I am a bit guilty of that but I do not see anyone here to convict me of any crime.”

Taking a seat next to her, he lightly stroked her cheek with the tip of his finger sending electric pulses down into her very core. Quickly her breathing became irregular as did her pulse, as if speeding in a foot race toward the finish line. As his fingers moved down her cheek to the bottom of her chin, her heart sped even faster.

“Hmm, if flirting is a crime then I know a great many people of society that would be rubbing elbows with the slums of London. In fact, I would be among them,” he whispered as he leaned in and gave a gentle kiss on the soft skin he was just touching and then lifted away.

Turning so that their eyes met, she softly whispered, “as would I, since you came into my life.”

That was all it took, Ashton could not control himself after she spoke those words. He quickly smothered his mouth over hers, taking as much energy as he gave out. Her fingers ran through his mane, as he tugged her closer with his hands wrapped around her waist. Lifting up, he eased away from her, leaving her body pulsating for more. Lindsey opened her mouth to object to him moving away from her but then he shocked her.

“It seems there are a great many things that have changed,” he paused, “for the both of us.”

“Indeed,” she said as she tried cover her breathlessness with the rest of the grape.

“But I find at this moment that both our thoughts are of the same thing.”

With a coy smile she said, “and what thoughts are those?”

She waited for an answer but he said nothing. Instead she watched as his hands did all his talking, leaving words for another time. Untying the wrap, he slide his hand under the fabric and pushed it to the side. Lindsey could feel the heat of his hand and longed for more. She wanted more of everything. His touch, the kisses they shared and most of all the steamy passion that passed between them every time they were in the same room. The unspoken words wrapped themselves around Lindsey’s heart, tugging a little harder each time Ashton looked at her.

Reaching down, he slide his hand up her bare leg, lifting her chemise as he went. The touch sent torches of flames throughout her body, there wasn’t a single part of her that didn’t yearn for the fire that seemed to linger in the depths of his dark green eyes.

Leaning forward, Ashton lightly pushed his lips to hers. Her lips were still stained with the taste of the grape that she had bitten into in efforts to tease him. Kissing her deeper, he slowly pushed her back against the sofa with his hand running even higher under her nightgown until they got to the soft curve of her thigh. Warm tingles were left in the wake of Ashton’s fingers as they slide higher until his hand rested on Lindsey’s hip. There she could feel the searing head from his hand as she responded to the passionate kisses that seemed to steal all her senses away.

Breaking the kiss, Ashton pushed the nightgown further up, Lindsey raised her arms so it could be slipped off without any trouble. The cool air flooded Lindsey’s senses causing her nipples to become erect, she heard a soft groan from Ashton. Tossing the garment to the side, he leaned back down and started kissing her again. This time his kisses seemed even more urgent than before, even harder than before, almost desperate. A soft groan escaped her lips when he moved his kisses to the tender spot of her neck.

Suddenly he was very much aware of just how excited she was, he could feel her pulse growing more rapid as it coursed through her veins. The pounding of her heart sounded like drums in his ears, reminding him he hadn’t feed in some time. His hot lusty feelings were quickly changing to that of a monster on the hunt. Pulling back from Lindsey’s sweet skin Ashton forced himself to gain control over the evil within. There was no way around it, he had to control himself. The only way to do that was to get away from the temptation of her creamy soft neck.

Without giving any hint to his sudden hunger, he moved his hand up to cup one of her perk breast and moving his lips to the other. Lightly brushing his tongue over the budded nipple, Ashton teasingly nibbled on it just before he took it into his mouth sending waves of heat throughout Lindsey’s body.

With her body soaring out of control, she entwined her fingers in his head pulling him closer as her body arched toward his touch. Releasing the spell, Ashton lifted up giving Lindsey time to relax against the plush cushions. Taking the palm of his hand that had been resting on the curve of Lindsey’s hip, he slid it between her thighs and gently nudged her legs apart. Standing slightly he turned his body to face Lindsey’s then knelt down between her spread legs. Reaching around her bottom, he tugged her closer to the end of the cushion.

Lindsey watched his every move, wondering what he had in store for her next. Wonder filled her lusty thoughts when Ashton turned toward the tray and plucked one of the grapes from its stem. Keeping his eyes fixed on Lindsey, Ashton held the fruit between his fingers, he lifted it up and took a small nibble out of it. At first Lindsey thought he was trying the same teasing trick she had used until he laid his hand on her cheek then moved it down the side of her neck with just the tips of his fingers teasingly touching her skin.

Holding her gaze, he asked, “do you trust me?”

“Indeed, I do,” she answered whole heartily.

Moving his fingers further down, he followed the curve of her neck sweeping softly between the valley of her luscious breast with just a hint of pressure. Taking the subtle hint, Lindsey sank back into the cushion of the sofa and enjoying the searing heat that poured through the blazing touch of Ashton’s fingers.

Taking the grape that was still between his fingers, he began to slowly slide it down the same trail that his fingers had used. Leaving a stream of juice along the way and then popped the grape into his mouth. She had never experienced this type of erotic behavior before, it was very much a breath of fresh air but at the same time very scandalous. As soon as the air hit the trail that had been left behind, it sent shivers all over Lindsey’s body. Her body was a mixture of emotions causing her to rethink everything she knew about love but when Ashton lifted up and began to lick the juice off her skin all forms of thought where lost in the moment.

A muffled sound escaped through her lips as Ashton’s lips followed the trail of juice. The further he went the more and more her senses came to life. Just as his mouth took in the last bit of liquid left from the grape, his free hand that had been resting on her hip moved to the joining of her legs. Even though Lindsey was getting accustomed to this act it still caught her breath in her throat. Moving the soft curls, Ashton let his fingers roam the folds of Lindsey’s womanhood.

Letting one finger sink deep within her, Ashton’s own lust grew hard within his loins. Her body responded to his touch deep within, tight at first but soon relaxing as he stroked more and more. Withdrawing his finger, Ashton shifted his body so that only the green oceans of his eyes could be seen. Lindsey’s heart began to pound harder. Her first urge was to sit up and not let Ashton see the intimate areas of her body but then his words quickly echoed in her mind, ‘do you trust me’. At that thought she relaxed for a moment until Ashton did something that she had never even thought was proper.

He kissed her, not on the lips or neck like he had before but kissed her in a most intimately fashion. Jerking away, mostly from shock, Ashton quickly wrapped his arms around her thighs to keep her from wondering off.

With a warm and sexual voice, he asked “do you trust me?”

Still very much shocked by his actions she sat there unable to speak, then giving a small nod that she did trust him. Lifting his hold on her hips, he went back to the exotic nature of his plans to pleasure her. Laying back, Lindsey was still unable to relax as she had before. The more Ashton teased her with the swirling and flicking of his tongue was the nervousness replaced by a soothing heat and a lustful desire. Her body quickly betrayed her, it relaxed but not in a resting way. All over she felt this tightening, almost constricting feeling but she had a sense of pleasure that was well beyond compare. The sensations burst throughout her body the more Ashton teased and taunted her with his continued movement between her thighs.

Without warning the burning within her body suddenly became so intense that a soft moan escaped her lips. Quickly followed by more muffled moans until they were no longer just moans but soft cries of pleasure. Her breath quickened as she grabbed at anything within reach, clinching the fabric of the sofa her body tightened. Shockwaves of pleasure poured through her as Ashton’s firm hands held her in place. As her back arched, Ashton’s name rang from her mouth, just as tense feelings exploded from deep within. Her body fell limp against the cushions, the tingling sensation took over.

Ashton gently kissed the inner side of her thigh then lifted up to his knees. He could see that she had enjoyed every ounce of pleasure he had given her but now was his turn. Feeling a bit greedy, Ashton wasn’t sure if he should just cuddle with Lindsey and forget about his own lust. But then she sat up and wrapped her arms around his waist bring her body taut against his. Moving her own hands up and down his back, digging her nails into his flesh. Ashton could feel the burning trail left behind by her nails and it torched any amount of control he had into ashes.

Looking deep into her eyes he could see that her own flames of need were still burning deep within her. His lips smothered hers with such a hunger that almost seemed forceful. Then it broke, every bit of control he had was gone. Just like that.

While devouring her with his kiss, he felt her hand slide to his shirt, tugging free the buttons one by one until his bare chest was exposed. With the desperation and need he fumbled with his breeches but his fingers didn’t want to work. He finally broke free of them and pushed them down, releasing his member from the restraints and pressure of his pants.

Laying her back again, his lips moved to her breast, taking each one into his mouth until they both puckered. Moving a hand between her thighs he positioned himself at her entry. Looking at her face for any type of signal that she didn’t want him to continue only to see the same lust that must have been mirrored by his own. Pushing forward he drew in his breath as her body surrounded his, stretching and tightening around him. As he sunk himself to the hilt he heard a soft moan tear from Lindsey’s mouth. His first thought was that he had hurt her in some form but when she reached up and placed her hands on his sides he knew she was more than ready for him. With each thrust Lindsey greeted his body with the movement of her hips. Their bodies keeping with the same rhythm, slow at first and when the lust grew so heavy, faster and harder.

Burning with the flames of desire, Lindsey place her hand between their bodies and circled the fleshy bud. The heat that engulfed her before quickly returned but this time Ashton filled her body causing her to constrict against his manhood. The lustful feeling surged through Ashton’s body bringing him closer to a boiling point. Ashton’s breath grew quicker and quicker just as a strong tingling sensation rushed through is body. He fought the urge to pour himself within her in hopes of lasting longer but the way her body bucked against him was just too much for him to withstand. Just as Lindsey began to climax for a second time Ashton tilted his head and a husky moan left his lips. He grabbed Lindsey’s hips pulling her toward each thrust erupting deep within the silky folds of Lindsey’s womanhood. With small beads of sweat rolling down his temples Ashton collapsed against Lindsey’s breast.

Turning his head to look at Lindsey’s face, he asked “aren’t you suppose to be relaxing? Shame on you for not following the orders given by the doctor.”

“Hm, I don’t recall him saying anything about enjoying the pleasures of the man I love,” she said.

“Then I shall count myself very lucky indeed that he didn’t give stricter orders,” Ashton said with a bright smile on his face.

Lifting up a bit Ashton gave Lindsey a kiss just before he stood.

“You, my lady, need to be back in bed,” he said as he just stood looking at her.

Retrieving his breeches having less trouble putting them on than he had taking them off. Not even taking the time to mess with his shirt, Ashton swept Lindsey into a standing position and then reached behind her to grab the blanket from before. He wrapped it around her shoulders taking great care that she was fully covered and then picked up Lindsey’s discarded garments. In one fluid motion he swooped her into his arms and carried her back upstairs to his room.
© Copyright 2004 Haven Rich (UN: havenrich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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