Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/314825-Chapter-Seventeen
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #909432
A historical romance about Lindsey and Ashton
#314825 added November 19, 2004 at 1:09am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen

"Ashton," Lindsey choked out, "you’re up already?"

"Well it is after nightfall, so it is time for me to be awake," he teased.

With all three glancing at the clock they each noted the time. Looking out the window Lindsey hadn’t even noticed the sun going down, but then again the room had been lit rather well from the candles. Then both ladies looking back toward Ashton almost as he had grown another head on his shoulders. The silence was growing unbearable to the point of distraction.

Wendy looking almost desperate to find a reason to exit the room finally spoke up breaking the unconformable silence, "if I am no longer needed there is work I need to get back to."

With the rustling of her skirts she left the room, softly closing the door behind her. Lindsey’s eyes never left Ashton’s face, there was something about him that completely mesmerized her thoughts.

"I see you just awoke?" Ashton asked breaking Lindsey free from her spell.

"Um, ah, yes, just a bit ago," still not sure if she should inform him now of her fall or wait until he found out from the servants. No, that wouldn’t serve any purpose, if anything it would only anger him because she hadn’t been the one to tell him. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, causing Ashton’s stare to intensify.

"Well, in all truth," she paused mostly for effect, "I awoke some time ago but then I must have fainted again because next thing I knew, I awoke in bed."

At first he didn’t say anything at all, just gazed into her eyes wondering if he should press this issue or just leave it alone. Lindsey on the other hand tried to clear her thoughts as best she could. He had already told her how he could read thoughts and this was one time she didn’t want him to know everything.

"I shall guess that the doctor was sent for?"

"Yes but I wasn’t awake when he was here. You would be better off asking the Wendy," she said.

"Wendy?" Ashton wasn’t all together sure who all was in his employment, it had been such a long time since his last stay.

"Miss Travis," somewhat puzzled, Lindsey said.

"Ah, ok, at first I was confused. She has never granted me rights to call her by her given name."

"I see. I have always known my servants first names. As you have well noticed," She gulped, trying think of something to fill the void. "I’ve known Sam the longest, as he worked for my parents," her words trailed off.

The memories of her parents raced into her mind, hitting her so hard her face even flushed a bit. She had never confided in anyone what had happen to her parents. Lindsey paused her thinking, if Ashton had known so much about her family then he must have some idea on who had murdered her father.

Just as she was about to ask, Ashton blurted out, "I have a confession to make."

With curiosity holding her tongue, Lindsey just looked into Ashton’s eyes waiting for him to give his confession, as he called it.

"There was a reason for me bringing you here," he pressed one finger to her lips as she was about to speak. "Please hear me out first. I trust you will want to hear all of this."

Taking a deep breath for courage, he told her the truth, "before we ever left London, there had been a fire."

With shock covering her face and unable to find any words, Lindsey just sat there, waiting.

"First off, I would like you to know, that many of your belongings had already been moved for the remodeling." Ashton could literally see Lindsey sucking in her breath. "But the house was completely consumed by the flames when I arrived. Thankfully no one was hurt and the fire was contained to only your house."

Feeling as if heavy weights had just been lifted from his shoulders, he waited patiently for Lindsey’s response. Unfortunately, nothing in the world would have prepared him for what he saw. She was actually laughing and smiling at him. For a moment he had thoughts that she might being going mad or having a sever case of the hysterics. All he did know was he had no clue what to make of her actions.

Blankly he asked, "are you alright?"

"Of course, why would you think anything else," she giggled.

"I just delivered horrid news and your laughing as if nothing happened," still very much confused.

"Don’t you understand? The house does not belong to me. Remember? It is now your responsibility," she calmed her laughing for a moment trying to give the best straight face she could manage. "I know you had put a great deal of investments into the property but, I say, you had gotten a bad deal to begin with."

Still not sure of the humor in all this, he started to think about the situation. He had dreaded telling her for fear of crushing her with such news but instead it had made her laugh. All in all, this couldn’t be that bad, that is to say, unless she had go completely mad.

Rubbing his temples Ashton asked, "what you mean to tell me, is that you do not care that the house is a pile of soot?"


Not sure if he understood, he slowly said, "I see."

"Do you? I mean do you understand what this truly means? Because I just now thought of it myself," she said.

Ashton wasn’t sure but it did see as she might be somewhat floating on air at the moment. Her mood had changed considerably from before. He sensed her mood and it was as if she were free. Whatever had happened, Ashton didn’t care, fact was Lindsey was the happiest he had ever seen her. Even if it did come from a rather odd situation.

"I wish I could make you see. That house I realized was already gone. To you. When you came to visit me that first time I didn’t want to see that it was no longer mine. Only that I had to find a way to get it back so I could maybe have a chance at getting my children back. Now, that its completely gone, I see that wasn’t going to happen."

"Plus," she giggled a little, "you should be happy too."

No longer caring if any of this made sense Ashton sighed and asked, "and why is that?"

"Because, the house was covered with insurance of sorts and will now be fully paid off. The blasted thing will no longer be a burden for you," her mood suddenly sank.

She had forgotten something, she still had no money.

"Oh, dear!" She gasped.


Sinking into the bed further, Lindsey raised her hands so that they were clasped at her chest. Almost as if she were holding onto her heart, for fear it might jump out.

"I had almost forgotten that," she swallowed hard, "I have no money. The house was in your name, I assume. So that means any money from the insurance will go to you."

He cocked his head a bit and placed his mental bet that this would be the perfect time to explain what he truly did with the deed to her house.

After clearing his throat, he said, "well, that’s not exactly true. The money will go to you."

Sorting through the thoughts in her head, her mind quickly snapped back to reality. Giving her full attention to Ashton she asked, "what did you say?"

Trying to mask his grin with his hand, he said, "I took Robert’s name off the deed but left yours. Only yours. So, the money will be going to you."

"But why would you do such a thing?"

Moving closer to Lindsey, he leaned in and said, "because, my sweet, I love you and I thought that would help prove that I do."

She stammered on her words for a moment, "but...but," then she finally got her tongue untangled, "but why would you still remodel the house if you never had any intentions of selling it or even living in it?"

"For the reason I just said. I love you. I wanted to prove my heart to you and I knew how much you loved that house. So I figured remodeling it would so how much I care for you."

Her eyes began to form heavy tears, "all for me."

Ashton wrapped his arms around Lindsey, pulling her as close as he could manage.

"Yes, all for you, my sweet," he whispered into her hair.

Looking up into Ashton’s eyes Lindsey could tell that he was speaking from the heart, only this time he knew she heard him. She was able to avoid the words before but now she would have to face her fears. How could she even answer him without knowing her own heart?

Brushing his finger along her jaw line, he softly said, "you don’t have to tell me now. I will not pressure you into saying something you don’t mean. But I had to let you know that my feelings for you are true and I want to keep you safe for eternity."

Lindsey stiffened in his arms. He didn’t wish to pressure her but yet he just spoke of eternity. What exactly were his plans for them? She began to think. In order for them to spend an eternity together that means he would have to make her like him. Loving a man was one thing she could work her way though but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to give up on the normal parts of the life she had. Granted she didn’t yet know the full meaning of a vampire but she did have a bit of a clue. She wondered of the things she would have to give up. The sunlight would be one and all the beautiful things that a person could do during the day. Would it be worth the chance of love to give up on everything she had ever known?

"Where are your thoughts, my sweet?"

Cooly she responded with, "just having thoughts of you."

If he had read her thoughts he didn’t let on, not even a single hint. Breathing a silent sigh of relief she tried to think of something that might change the topic. She wasn’t prepared to answer any life changing questions today but yet she had had some life changing news. Her home was gone but still in truth it was no longer even hers. In the smallest sense it was relaxing to know that it wasn’t there to haunt her anymore. Admitting to herself, she almost hated the house, every inch of it reminded her of her unhappy life with Robert.

It was almost alarming how her thoughts had changed since Ashton came into her life but yet it still seemed in an odd way very much the same. Perhaps it was her that had changed. Perhaps it was Ashton that had given her the courage to change. Yes, that was it. Suddenly feeling a boost of pride toward her own life, she felt powerfully...hungry!

With a rumble in her stomach, she thought it best to ring for something to snack on at the very least. "Shall I ring for tea or maybe something with a bit more... substance?"

"I will see to it, you still need to relax. If I know the doctor around these parts, he most likely gave orders for you to stay abed until he gives the say-so," he said smiling brightly.

"Oh, very well. I would sure hate to upset someone I have never met before," she teased.

"I have an idea," he smiled, "and I think you will enjoy it immensely."

Giving a big bright smile, she cocked her head to the side, "hm, I could only wonder what plans you might have in store."

"It will only take a moment. Meanwhile, you stay put and I mean that. Don’t get out of bed," he said with a teasingly stern voice.

"Aye, aye captain," she raised her left hand in a half jester of a salute. "I only have one question?"

Noting that she had used the wrong hand, probably on purpose, he tried his best not to laugh out loud as he answered, "and what might that be?"

Straightening her face as best she could, she asked, "what if I really must use the chamberpot?"

Leaning in very close, as if to kiss her. His breath suddenly softly touching her cheek, he mumbled, "well, I guess, my sweet, that you have yourself in a bit of a predicament then don’t you?"

As if he had planned her reaction, Lindsey just sat there. Still a bit dizzy from his closeness and fighting for some sort of composure so she might respond. With a evil grin on his face, he pushed himself off of the bed and made his way toward the door, turning just before he left.

"Is there anything else," he asked, almost hoping she was still at an utter loss of words.

Clearing she had came to her senses as she picked up the pillow that had been laying next to her on the bed. Using all the energy she could muster she threw it in his direction but clearly missing.

"Oh, out with you," she groaned.

As if following orders, Ashton exited the room, pulling the door shut behind him. Just as soon as the door clicked shut, she could hear him laughing in the hallway.

"Oh, if I weren’t a lady, I swear I’d..,"she broke off and started laughing herself.

Within minutes Ashton had everything planned out causing him to smile. This time he would surprise Lindsey with something that she would, he hoped, love. Returning to the room, he didn’t even take the time to knock. Not like it matter, Lindsey was still in the same spot he had left her. Of course this time now the lustful look she had before was now replaced with wonder.

"I see you minded me well enough," he joked as he strode across the room.

Lindsey noted his strong build, causing her mind to whirl with thoughts of the night before. Stop that, she thought to herself.

"Well, I didn’t feel in need of the chamberpot and for that you should count yourself lucky," she smiled.

"Then I suppose I do count myself lucky because it would have been such a waste to not let you have the surprise I have planned."

His eyes danced when he spoke, sending chills up Lindsey’s spin. Thankfully, Ashton turned his attentions to something else at that moment or she might have found herself begging for him to touch her again. Not that she found something wrong with that. Matter fact, she might enjoy it a great deal. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to see what he was up to.

Trying her best to sound unstirred, she asked, "and what exactly are your secret plans for this evening?"

Walking into the closet and out just as quickly, Lindsey saw that he had a pair of her slippers in one hand and one of her nightgowns in the other. Indeed, he was up to something but she still had no clue what it might be.

Just then a knock came at the door causing Lindsey’s eyes to fly in that direction. Without a word, Ashton went over and opened the door. The maid from earlier entered the room with a spare blanket in hand. Handing it over to Ashton, they both softly mumbled to each other. Lindsey strained her ears in hopes of hearing but with no luck. And then the maid left the room again.

Walking back toward the bed, he handed Lindsey the gown he had picked out, "here you might want to slip this on."

"And why would I want to do that?" she smiled.

"Oh, will you just trust me this once?" he grumbled.

Taking the garment out of his hands, she slid her legs off the bed and untied her dressing gown without giving a second glance toward Ashton. Pushing it off one shoulder at a time and then letting it fall around her waist she began to replace the garment with the new one. It was almost as if she were teasing Ashton.

And damn it all, it was working.

He could feel himself suddenly taking deeper breaths and longing for just a simple touch. Even though he knew that if he were to touch her now that any surprise he had would have to wait. Because he wouldn’t be able to contain himself with something as simple as a touch, he would devour her. Instead he quickly turned his attentions to unfolding the blanket he still held in his now very tense hands.

Noticing that she no longer held Ashton’s attention, she rushed to put the nightgown on and slipped the dressing gown back on. Ashton set the slippers for Lindsey, just in front of her dangling toes. Taking a guess that he wanted her to put them on, she slipped each one on and just stood there awaiting further instruction.

"Here, let me wrap this blanket around your shoulders, I don’t want you to catch your death of cold," he said.
Letting him lead her this way and that, she was soon wrapped in the blanket. She couldn’t help but wonder what sort of surprise he could arrange so quickly. Besides all that, hadn’t he said he was going to fetch food. Just then her tummy growled as a reminder that she was hungry but the curiosity won that small battle.

"You ready?"

"Ready for what?" she asked.

"You’ll see soon enough," he whispered as he gently picked her up off her feet.

Lindsey wrapped her arms around his neck for support, not that she needed too. Ashton was a very strong man and she could tell it took no great effort to carry her. She suddenly felt safe. There were no explanations, just she felt safe in his arms. It felt good.

Making their way out of the room and down the long hall, Ashton didn’t even pause for a moment as he started to make his way down the stairs. Before long they reached a set of double doors. Setting Lindsey down for a brief moment, Ashton opened the doors and stepped back.

"Oh, Ashton," she gasped as she peered inside.
© Copyright 2004 Haven Rich (UN: havenrich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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