Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/314810-Chapter-Twelve
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #909432
A historical romance about Lindsey and Ashton
#314810 added November 18, 2004 at 11:55pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve

Opening her eyes the next morning, Lindsey felt refreshed and full of energy. It seemed like ages since she had last felt this good. In a way, it almost seemed odd that she would feel this good. She had remembered that her husband had hurt her, that in itself sent a cold chill down her spine. Pushing past that thought, she recalled that Ashton had told her a great secret about himself. Entrusting her with not only his heart but with his entire being. Lindsey knew that Ashton trusted her a great deal, otherwise he would have never told her about himself. But then again, if he truly loved her like he said, he would have to tell her. He could not honestly love her and still be able to withhold such a secret. This made Lindsey smile, for once she knew what it felt like to be respected as a person, as someone that dear to ones heart.

Thinking back, Lindsey had been given the tools of life by her parents. From what she could remember of them, they had always told her that a person isn’t worth loving unless they can give you everything that is held inside of them. She had taken those words to heart and soul.

Getting out of bed, she noticed that there was a note left on the table beside the bed. Lindsey wondered when it had been brought in since Ashton had left her room just before dawn. Of course, soon after she had fallen asleep for what seemed almost like days but in truth it had only been more like a short nap. Trying to get her eyes to focus on the clock, the blurred vision came into view, it was only a quarter after eleven. As if the time had anything to do with it, Lindsey yawned, mentally counting the hours in her head. Only six hours of sleep, how could one possibly manage to alive with so few hours sleep. Yawning again, Lindsey was half tempted to burry herself back under the covers and sleep until Ashton would awake again.

As if struck by lighting, Lindsey realized that in all the times that Ashton had come to her, he had never once came before the evening hours. She thought it was most odd but now it seemed to make perfect sense. Of course he wouldn’t come until after dark, that is, if he was truly a vampire. A vampire. The thought swirled in her mind for a moment. What did she really know about them? Better yet, did she really believe they were real? They had to be real, if not, then why would Ashton make up such a story. He had told her a lot of facts about her father that she had never know about before now.

Some of it was interesting to find out, like how her parents met and fell in love. It was sweet to know that they had truly been in love, it wasn’t something that just came with time. That pleased Lindsey very much, she now knew that her parents hadn’t wanted her to marry Robert, for they had both felt that he wasn’t her true love mate. The both of them had always talked of love matches but it was something that Lindsey wasn’t now that she would never have.

Sure when she had first met Robert she was swept off her feet and had thought it was a love match but for some reason her parents totally disliked him. Her father had hated him for some reason and now she knew that the letter she had received warning her was from Ashton. There was still very many things she needed to know, for instance, the information Ashton had about Robert and why it appeared to be a secret what he knew. There was so many clouds surrounding the truth, Lindsey knew she had endured a shock with Ashton’s true self but what else was he hiding.

There was so many questions that suddenly came to mind, to ensure that she was able to remember them all, she thought she had write them down. Lindsey crossed the room and took paper and a quill from the desk. She looked in the drawer and found a bottle of ink, she was now all set. Which question should she start with? She wanted to know about everything Ashton knew about Robert. Then a small fear slipped into her thoughts, what were his intentions for her?

There was still something that seemed very important to Lindsey, what was she to do with her life? Each time she had asked Ashton, he side-stepped her with the glamour of something else, completely avoiding the one thing she needed to know. That would have to be one of the first things she would ask about and only hoped that this time she might get a straight answer. I t scared her to even think about what would happen if Ashton kicked her out of her house. Matter fact, it almost seemed stupid of her, she already knew that he was now the owner of the house.

All the thoughts swirled in Lindsey’s mind, it was just too much to take all at once. Instead, she pushed her troubles from her mind, far from her mind. She would have to, that is if she wanted to be able to get through the rest of the day. But she couldn’t help it, what would become of her after the remodeling of the house was finished. This was one question that she would ask Ashton first, at the present time it surely seemed most important.

As for the present, she would have to find something to occupy her time. She glanced around the room thinking what she could do. Then her eyes wondered over to the bedside table. Lindsey had almost forgot that there had been a note waiting for her. Taking it in her hand, she just starred at it for a few moments, she already knew who it was from. It had to be Ashton, no one else other than the few servants she had, knew where she was at. Breaking the wax seal, she opened it up and began to red:

‘Dearest Lindsey,

I could only wish that I could see the you when you awake but that is something that I shall never be granted, as you well know. I have been sent word that the doctor will be here tomorrow to see you. I know you said you feel much better but I would still rather that the doctor check you over, just to be certain if nothing else. Have a pleasant day my sweet and I shall see you this evening as always.

Ever Yours,

The words whispered his voice in her ear, almost as if she could feel him standing right behind her talking with her. Lindsey groaned and started wondering what she could ever to bid her time until Ashton would come to her again. Lifting her head up she glanced at the clock again.

“Ug, at this rate I’m going to go mad,” she said out loud. “There must be something for me to do until I see him again.”

She looked around the room again but this time she seemed more determined to find something to occupy her time. She had to. Aw finally! That was it, she would finish reading the book she had started. For some reason reading the romance novel helped ease her mind. She was never one to be swept up in a book but right now, it had grabbed her attention just enough.

Engulfing herself in the novel, she hardly even noticed when Josie brought in the evening tray. Having lost her appetite, Lindsey only nibbled a few bits at the food that had been brought her for. All she could do was wait for Ashton to show himself at dawn. Each time Lindsey looked up at the clock it seemed to be obeying her every wish, it rushed through the hours. She was thankful that for once, time hadn’t stopped, perhaps it was reading the book that helped.

Even as time was flying by, each time the clock chimed its time, butterflies would gather deep within Lindsey’s stomach. But for some reason nerves weren’t the only thing that started to bother her. She suddenly started to feel lightheaded and hot, surely this wasn’t normal. Fearing that she might not have the strength, she set the book aside and closed her eyes. If she could just relax for a while longer, Ashton would be there and maybe he would know what to do.

As luck would have it, Ashton knocked on the door about ten minutes after the sun had fully taken its leave for the evening. Much to his horror there was no response coming from the room, within that very second his heart leapt into his throat. Lindsey! That was the only thought that flashed through his mind, Lindsey. The two times that she had needed him and he wasn’t there, was this like then? Ashton didn’t want to take the time to find out, twisting the handle on the door and walked right in. Seeing Lindsey laying on the bed, Ashton guessed that she must have grown sleepy and took a nap. But why had she not taken the time to take off her shoes, surely she would have at least done that. Different reasons why she would leave her shoes on passed in his thoughts but not a single one of them made any sense.

Only one thing made sense, she had fainted again, that had to be the reason. Looking down at Lindsey, she appeared to be an angel, with a simple glow about her head. Ashton felt of her hand, it was warm but not a fever warm, just human warm. Maybe he had mistaken the situation entirely. She might have just been so sleepy that she forgot to take her shoes off. Shutting his eyes, Ashton blocked the thoughts of her shoes, it didn’t matter the reason. All that mattered to him was that Lindsey seemed to be alright.

Feeling greedy, he wanted to reach down and lightly shake her til she awoke but he had told her many times she needed her rest. If he awoke her, he would be going against everything he had told her to do and what purpose would that serve? None! No, there was no reason he had to wake her other than he wanted her company. So, he turned on his heel and started toward the door all the while wondering what he would do during this free time. Ashton growled softly, he didn’t want to find something else to do, he wanted to be with Lindsey. Oh, how he wish she would wake up. Then it hit him, he would write her a note, telling her that if she woke up before dawn to meet him in the library. Perfect.

Walking over to the writing table, he saw the ink and paper was already out. Moving closer Ashton saw that Lindsey had started a list of sorts, to him. Reading over the list he came to the one that almost sucked all the breath from him. ‘What are his intentions with me?’ Reading the words over and over again, implanting them permanently into his mind. Taking a great hold on his heart, he wasn’t even sure he knew what he was doing with her. He knew he wanted her but was that all? Or was there more to it?

Completely forgetting the note he intended to write, he made his way toward the door but a small voice halted him in his tracks. Surely he hadn’t made any loud noises that would awoken her, had he? No, it was impossible. Turning to face the voice, Ashton saw that the angel’s eyes were looking at him, almost eating away at his very being.

“Ashton?” He wasn’t sure if it was a question or a request.

“Yes, my sweet?”

“Is it already almost dawn?” she asked.

“No but you were asleep and I didn’t want to disturb you,” he explained.

“I wasn’t asleep, well, I hadn’t planned on being asleep but I was a bit lightheaded a few minutes ago.” She tested herself, slowly pulling herself up into a sitting position.

“You were? Should I send for the doctor?” The words flooded his mouth, he wasn’t even sure if they came out in the correct order as he rushed to her side.

Placing his hand on her forehead, he only hoped she hadn’t developed a fever since they last talked.
Pushing his hand away, she said, looking deep into his eyes, “no, no, there is no need in a doctor. I am feeling quite alright now.”

They just starred at each other for more than a few moments, each swearing that the other had put a spell over there eyes. Neither of them wanted to break the spell or trance or whatever it was that kept their gaze on the other. Both sharing the same wish, wishing for a simple kiss. Unfortunately for the both of them there came a knock at the door sending them both scurrying away from the other. Ashton quickly took a seat on the chair by the bed, while Lindsey went to the desk and picked up the quill, hoping to fool whomever that she was making a list.

“Come in,” Lindsey managed to squeak out.

With both their eyes fixed on the door, the knob slowly turned and the door finally opened. In walked

Sam, carrying a small silver platter with a note.
“Note for Lord Manning, my lady,” he said.

Taking the note from the butler, Ashton quickly opened it up and began to read. Lindsey took notice of his face, just a moment before it was passionate and loving but now it seemed cold and dark. Something was wrong, very wrong.

“Have my carriage sent around the front at once and Sam, thank you for rushing to bring this to me,”

Ashton said, then turned his attention to Lindsey. “My sweet, I do apologize but it seems there is a very important matter that I must see to at once.”

“I understand,” she said, even though she had no understanding at all.

Looking at him with her loving eyes, Ashton couldn’t help but rush over to her and take her in his arms. She looked up into his eyes, there was a battle going on deep within. Just then she could almost feel everything he was going through, feelings of the war that was waged against him rushed into her heart. He didn’t want to leave her but this ‘matter’ was very important and had to be dealt with this very moment.

Ashton leaned down and pressed a very soft and loving kiss onto Lindsey’s much awaiting lips, taking much of her breath away. She didn’t want him to go but she knew whatever was going on must be of the most extreme. Reluctantly, Ashton released Lindsey almost as quickly as he had taken her, leaving her in whirlwind of emotions. Slightly coming to her senses again, she saw him turn back to look at her just before he shut the door. It seemed as if loving Ashton took all her energy because once more she was exhausted and slumped down into the chair once more.

Sitting there in the chair all Lindsey could think about was it seemed that Ashton never had enough time. But then again, it was mostly because he wasn’t away during the regular hours that most normal people were. She laughed to herself, Ashton was in no way normal, so why should the normal hours or normal people hold any type of comparison to him. Truth was they didn’t nor would they ever, Ashton was so different from everyone she had ever known, well with the exception of her parents. But even he had something more then they did, she just wasn’t sure what it was.

It seemed just thinking of Ashton made her even more sleepy than she had been or even thought she could be. So she made her way to the bed, pulled back the covers and laid down once again curling herself snugly under the blankets. But it didn’t matter what she did nor what she tried to turn her thoughts to, her thoughts now days always made their way to the same topic, Ashton. Much to her relief it took very little time for Lindsey to be whisked away into dreamland, were much the same, her thoughts always seemed to be of Ashton.


Across town, the coach slowly came to a halt, the door swung open and Ashton quickly jumped down. Watching the spectacle in motion there was simply nothing he could do. Fact was, the house was gone, engulfed in a heat of flames. The only thought that ran through Ashton’s head was how was he going to break the news to Lindsey. The one of the few things she held dear to her heart was her home and now......now it was gone.

Seeing the slew people watching in horror, Ashton scanned the crowd, looking for anyone that might know what had happened. If he had to break such news to Lindsey, Ashton though, he might as well know what had caused the house to catch fire. Looking more at the house, it was very clear that it was only Lindsey’s home that had been consumed by the raging flames. The two houses on either side of hers hadn’t been touched, he was positive that it had the fire had been started by someone. If it had been an accident, no it couldn’t have been an accident, there had not been anyone in the house at night for weeks. No, the fire had to have been started by someone and Ashton had a sinking feeling that he knew exactly who that person was. Robert!

Once again Ashton cursed out loud, “damn you Robert you will pay for this. This and all the pain you have caused Lindsey.”
© Copyright 2004 Haven Rich (UN: havenrich at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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