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A historical romance about Lindsey and Ashton |
Chapter Six Almost lost in what Ashton had said, Lindsey had no choice than to go to bed. Her eyes were having enough trouble keeping themselves open. Finally taking her corset off, she put on her old cotton nightgown, then slipped under the blankets. Resting her head on the soft pillow, her only wish was that she wouldn’t have a bad dream again. Before long she was fast asleep, not even going over the days events in her head. For the first time in what seemed like ever, Lindsey would enjoy not having the dreams that had been haunting her sleep. Tonight, dreams of her husband would not enter her mind, but instead, replaced with sweet dreams of Ashton. Ashton on the other hand, had gone out for the evening. He had to, had to feed the hunger of his body. Not of his lust, he would not fill that hunger with a street walker, he wanted Lindsey to cure him of the desire he held deep within. No, he had a true hunger, a thirst that needed quenched. It had been an entire fortnight since he had last went on the hunt. Going to a tavern he had never been to, he quickly found a young barmaid to flirt with, he had found his prey for the night. Always getting what he wanted, Ashton had found the girl that would give him his release, for tonight. Looking at the girl, the need in his body took over complete control. Ashton was no longer himself, he was the monster that lived within his body, the person he hated. Keeping his eye on the girl, his thoughts wondered what he was going to do about Lindsey. She would have to know the truth, soon. There would be no way that she would understand why he was never home at night. Putting his hands on his head, he had no idea how he would tell her this. The news would break her heart, how would she ever love him with his dark secret. Ashton’s thoughts were interrupted with the voice of a woman, “aye, you want company tonight?” He nodded his answer and then followed her up the steps to a dark room. The same story line played out in his mind, he would take control over her mind, then take what he needed. It was the same with all the women he took to fulfill his needs. They would lead him somewhere no one would find them, sometimes a room and sometimes in an alleyway. Their thoughts would be of sex or money, but that was not what he would take. Whispering thoughts into their heads he would tell them what to do and sometimes he would even say what we was going to do. Either way, he never kill the women, but instead, taking their memory of the time they shared with him. Ashton knew of others like him that thought they had to kill, either for the fun or the pleasure of the hunt. Then again, some where sloppy in who they picked, and then have to kill to cover the tracks they had made. Not him, he had never killed, nor had he been caught. That was something Ashton was somewhat proud of, knowing of his curse, did not mean he would have to kill others. Taking the woman in his arms, he whispered into her ear, putting her into his trance. Willingly she tilted her head to the side, exposing her bare neck. Ashton looked down at it, feeling the pulse of the blood moving under the skin. First kissing softly, then piercing the skin with his teeth, he drank of her. Getting his needs filled, he picked the young woman up and laid her down on the bed, so she could rest. Then like the mists at dawn, he was gone. *** Waking up the next morning, Lindsey saw that the curtains in the room had been opened already. Once again, the sun was out, the birds singing their love songs. Stretching her arms toward the sky, as far as she could reach, she gave a little moan and sank back into the bed. She already knew today would be just as busy as the day before, matter fact, the next few weeks would be hectic . Ready to face the day, Lindsey got up and went to her closet, wondering which morning dress she should wear. Truth be told, she had no clue which dress she should put on today. Since she wasn’t sure if the dressmaker would be coming by with samples for her to try on or needed to redo some measurements. One thing Lindsey was certain on, was that the snotty Mrs. Stocks would be by today, that much she promised the day before. Which was a good thing, having changed her mind on what shade the accenting fabric should be. She was sure that a silver would look very lovely in most of the rooms. Unsure of how the woman would take the news, she was some what glad she would be stopping by again. For Lindsey these next few weeks would be filled with nothing but work, Ashton had seen to that. Something that puzzled her was why did he want her to pick all the fabrics and furniture. If the house was his, then he should be the one to pick out these things, not her. But in truth, she wasn’t sure if it truly bothered her, it did give her something to do, plus get her mind off of other matters. Of course the one thing she could not get out of her head was the images of Ashton leaning down to kiss her. That was one act that played out in her mind over and over again, almost like a favorite part of a play. She blushed at the thought of his lips coming down on hers, covering hers with the warmed. The way he held her close to him, the smell of his body, Lindsey started to get dizzy with just the thoughts of him. She would have to keep herself busy, if not with the work on the house, then somehow. It would not be good for her to go through the day having a dizzy spell every time she turned around, swooning was not one of her past times. Brushing that thought out of her mind, she grabbed one of her rose colored gowns and sat down in front of the mirror again. Not able to keep the thoughts of Ashton at bay, she glanced at the door, almost praying that he would rush threw it and take her in his arms again. Turning toward the door, no such thing happened, instead a light knock came at the door. Lindsey was in no hurry to answer, she knew it wasn’t Ashton, he didn’t knock on the door softly, it wasn’t like him. Not speaking a word, the door opened, and Lindsey was correct, it wasn’t Ashton. Instead Josie was the one that entered the room. Lindsey almost laughed at the face the maid was making, it was a cross between shock and fear. “Oh, dear, your up already,” Josie said shockingly. “Yes, I am, is that a problem for you,” saying with a small smile. “No, ma’am, oh no, I had hoped to bring your tray in before you awoke, that is all,” Josie explained. “I see,” noticing that she held the morning tray in her hands. “Do not worry about the breakfast meal, I am not very hungry, however I am glad you’re here, I will be wearing that,” looking over at the chair where she had placed the dress. “Yes, ma’am, I shall fetch your slippers and corset,” giving a quick curtsy. Looking back at the tray she saw that, she might indeed be hungry after all, the cook had made biscuits and what looked like her favorite jam. Maybe she would take a quick bite before she was rushed downstairs to face the day. Before the maid could get back, Lindsey sat herself down in front of the tray and started eating, the growl in her stomach told her it was a good thing too. She had no idea that she was this hungry, or she would have never told Josie not to worry about it. When the maid re-entered the room Lindsey was half way through the food, and had her mouth completely full. Not wanting to be rude, but wanting to poke fun, Josie said with a broad smile on her face, “good thing your not hungry.” Gulping down some of the food, Lindsey just nodded. Josie decided to do some of her chores in the room while waiting on her employer to eat. Picking up the scattered clothing and folding them over her arm, only to toss them on the chair that sat close to the bed. Walking over to the bed she quickly had the bed made up and pillows fluffed. Noticing that for the first time, she didn’t have to pick the blankets up off the floor. She sighed with relief, Lindsey had slept well the night before, this was very pleasing to her. Finished with her food, Lindsey dabbed at the corners of her mouth with the napkin, then looked up at Josie. “What do you say we get some cloths on now and be sure to tell the cook that was very delicious,” she said with a big grin on her face. “I will be sure to tell Lilly,” Josie said, not sure who or what to give credit to for making her employer so happy this morning. “Oh, I almost forgot to ask, has the old crone arrived yet?” She said with a snicker. “You mean, Mrs. Stocks, no she has not arrived yet, but as I was bringing your tray, someone had knocked on the door,” hoping this news wouldn’t put a damper on Lindsey’s mood. “Oh, ok, then we must hurry, I am almost eager to speak with Mrs. Stocks.” Seeing that her statement had almost shocked Josie, she continued, “I have some changes I would like to make before she gets it finished.” Lindsey caught herself, why was she explaining her actions to Josie? Yes, she was a good friend, but she had never just babbled on and on like this to her. This was not like herself, but then again, neither was her being up at this hour. Dismissing the changes in her mood and routine Lindsey turned her thoughts to what she needed to complete today. Not even noticing that Josie had finished with the lacing of her corset, the lack of movement was what caught her attention. Turning and seeing the maid with her hands full of the dress, she slipped it over her head. Then walked over to the vanity table and sat down, waiting for Josie to tug on her hair. Her gaze was set at the mirror but she did not see herself, she only saw Ashton’s face. It seemed it didn’t matter what she did, nothing was going to take her mind off of Ashton. Lindsey didn’t know what it was, but there was something about the way he looked at her. Something there in his eyes, that she had never seen before, the fire. “Ha,” she said out loud before she even knew it. “Did you say something, ma’am,” Josie said startled by the sound. “No, no, I said nothing, just a slight cough is all,” coughing a few more times so the maid would not know what she had truly been thinking of. “Should I fetch a doctor for you?” Showing true concern in her voice. “Oh, no, Josie, I will be fine,” hoping that would cure her worries. “Very well.” Not knowing what else to say, Josie went back to work on the task in front of her. Looking back in the mirror, it was no time at all before Josie had finished her hair and as always, it was perfect. One thing Lindsey could pride herself on, was that her maid could tend to her hair, putting it in the best of fashions. Pleased with her hair, Lindsey finally made her way downstairs, leaving Josie in the room to finish with her cleaning. Descending the stairs, Lindsey saw another beautiful arrangement of flowers sitting on the table, these were even more gorgeous than the ones yesterday. Seeing there was a note, she picked it up, but didn’t have time to read it. She saw that Sam had left the study, which meant, one of her visitors had arrived. she wonder which one, but was answered as if Sam had read her thoughts. “A Miss Brittenstel to see you, ma’am,” Sam announced. “Thank you, Sam,” walking past him, into the room he had just came from. Entering the room, Lindsey saw a young girl, sitting in a chair, and quickly saw that it was Dexinia, Mrs. Stocks assistant. She had hoped that it would be Mrs. Stocks that was here, but she could tell the girl to pass the information on. “Good morning, Miss Brittenstel, how do you do?” she asked. “Very well,” standing to greet Lindsey, “sorry to bother you again, but I couldn’t get the measurements of your chambers yesterday,” she explained. “Oh, ok, follow me, I would also like you to inform Mrs. Stocks of a few changes in the colors,” Lindsey said as she made her way to the door. “Instead of cream, I would like the other color to be a silver tone.” “I shall tell her first thing upon my return,” Cecilia said while writing down the changes. Come to a stop in front of her door, she turned and saw that the girl was a bit behind, most likely because of her writing. Once the Cecilia had joined Lindsey, she pushed open the door to her chambers. Seeing that Josie was in the middle of dusting, she made her way over to the curtains. “Ma’am,” Josie said, then returned to her chores. Lindsey just nodded. “Will that be all you need Miss Brittenstel?” she asked, hoping to hurry the girl along, so she could be alone with the letter. But before the girl could answer she stated, “Josie can show you any other windows you might need to measure.” Turning to look at Josie, she saw that she had nodded, then turned and walked out into the hallway. Hoping to steal away a few moments from any interruptions. Opening the letter, she saw that she was right, it was from Ashton. The thought of his words burned in her mind. With her eager eyes, she started to read: ‘My dearest Lindsey, Good morning again, my sweet. I do apologize but I do believe I made you a promise that I simply cannot keep. I had hoped that my evening would free up but I am bound to my obligations. I do regret this with all my heart. I do hope that you will forgive me, it pains me to think that you might not. I was so looking forward to hearing about your day. Please leave word about what all happens today, I truly wish to know. Do rest well tonight, and I shall see you tomorrow evening. Longing to see you soon, my sweet, until then, I hope the flowers cheer you. Yours Always, Ashton’ Folding the paper back up, she held it close to her heart and sighed. His words whispered in her ears, ‘my dearest’, causing her to sigh again. He had asked for her to forgive him, not sure why, but the fact that he wanted her to be pleased with him made her happy. No, not just this, Ashton, for some reason made her happy. Lindsey found herself awaiting to see him, just to see him. His touch set her on fire, how had she ever lived without such passion? Lindsey’s husband had never given her the attention that Ashton provided, but it was more than that. Ashton had not hurt her in the ways that Robert had. She didn’t think Ashton could ever hurt anyone the way her husband had. In her mind, Robert was pure evil, it ran deep in his veins. Just the thought of him sent cold chills down her spine. Closing her eyes tight in hopes to clear her thoughts, a voice cleared them for her. Giving her a jump, she turned to look at who had been watching her. “Pardon me, ma’am, but these were brought over from the dress shop,” Sam said politely. “Oh, Sam, you gave my heart a jump, how long have you been standing there?” she quizzed. “Sorry ma’am, not long at all, these just arrived a moment ago,” the old butler said, with a sweet kind smile on his face. “Thank you Sam, please just set them on the bed for me,” she said, then opened the door to her room. Watching her butler lay the clothing down, she saw that Josie and Cecilia had already left the room. Closing the door behind the butler, she walked over to the bed, and sat down. Taking deep breaths, trying to regain her composure, she then turned and looked over the gowns. The gowns were in every color she could possibly image, with all sorts of styles, then she came across a beautiful dark blue one. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, the way the material laid, the cut of the neckline, she simply loved it. Setting it aside, she decided that she would try that one on first, then continued looking through the others. Picking the one up, she compared it to the others, just as she thought, none of them even came close to its beauty. Excited about the gown, Lindsey walked over to the long mirror just inside the door to her closet. Holding the gown up to her frame, she gazed at herself. Yes, she was very much right, the gown was perfect. Wondering where Josie had gone off to, she laid the gown down and went in search for Miss Brittenstel. Going into each of her rooms, the duo was no were to be found. Hoping with any stroke of luck, she quickly made her way downstairs, and found the two in the hallway. Stopping just before they saw her, she caught her breath. “Miss Brittenstel, your already leaving?” trying to hold back her excitement. “Yes ma’am, I am finished here, and I shall tell Mrs. Stocks of the color change,” she stated, while going over her papers. “Thank you ever so much for coming by, if you need anything further please don’t hesitate,” Lindsey said cheerfully. “Thank you and good day ma’am,” she said, then she was out the door. Turning her attention to Josie, trying hard to contain her excitement, “oh, Josie, I will need your assistance in my chambers.” “Yes ma’am,” she said, then followed Lindsey upstairs. The pair quickly made their way upstairs. Lindsey walked threw the door and saw that she had forgotten something, the note. It had been laying on the bed, where she must have left it, while looking at the gowns. She rushed ahead and grabbed the piece of paper. Turning back to see that Josie hadn’t even noticed the ordeal, but was more interested in the dresses. Tucking the note away into the drawer with the other, her full attention to her new gowns. |