Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/313913-Chapter-Nine
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #870420
Action and Romance on the High Seas!Please R&R!Should I end like it is or continue on?
#313913 added August 25, 2005 at 2:12pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Nine
Caroline woke up before Joshua did the next morning and opened her eyes. She had forgotten he was in the bed with her, but his warmth was greatly appreciated against the cold of the room. He was a very handsome man, her captor and protector. He may have kidnapped her to begin with, but he had given her the adventure of a lifetime. She may have been hurt in the process, but it was nothing time wouldn’t be able to heal. He came back for her though. That was the most important factor. He did seem to care about her an enormous amount. Joshua had felt her move but wouldn’t open his eyes, not yet. He wanted to savor the feel of her against him. Her soft body cradled against his felt wonderful.

Caroline felt him stir and held her breath. She didn’t want him to wake up just yet. She wanted to watch him a little longer. His hair was hanging in his eyes, so she softly brushed it aside. He lazily opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning,” she replied. “Did you sleep well?”

“Once I finally got to sleep. You wiggle like a worm in your sleep,” he laughed.

“I do not,” Caroline said and moved to get up.

Joshua tightened his arms around her and wouldn’t let her get up, “Not just yet. I enjoy being this close to you.”

Caroline smiled and lay still next to him, “What are we going to do today since we have a whole day on land?”

“Whatever your heart desires,” Joshua replied.

“Well, my heart desires that we get up and get moving. I’m not the type to lay in bed all day when I’m sight seeing.”

Joshua groaned as she got up and took her warmth with her. She went to the water basin and splashed her face and ran a brush through her hair while Joshua watched her from the bed. He kept grinning at her and she just smiled back at him avoiding his gaze.

“You’re as beautiful in the morning as you are any other,” he said.

“I think not. My hair is about as unruly as a spoiled child. Now get up and let’s go out,” she replied.

Joshua finally stood up and ran the brush through his own hair and wiped all the sleepiness out of his face with the ice cold water.

“Alright, let’s go then,” he said motioning towards the door. “We’ll get some breakfast before we go out.”

Caroline took his hand and followed him down the stairs to a table where they ordered some eggs and bacon. When they finished, Joshua gave the lady a few coins to pay for it and they walked outside into the bright sunlight. They walked up and down the street popping into the little stores here and there. When they reached a dress shop, Joshua stopped her.

“As much as I like seeing you in that elegant dress, it might be a little too nice for the ship. Let’s find you something a little more practical. Whatever you wear you’ll look beautiful so let’s work on making you comfortable,” he said.

They walked into the store and Caroline looked around until she found a plain yellow dress with a modest box neckline. It went down in a V at her waist and fit her amazingly, showing off all the curves in her body. He also bought her a shift to sleep in so she wouldn’t mess up her dress. Then, they left and went back to the inn for lunch.

“I’ve rented a carriage to see the countryside in. This time we’re taking a few men along although I’m sure nothing will happen here. Would you like to see the country?” Joshua asked her.

Caroline shook her head and they got up from the table. They walked outside and down the road a little ways to the carriage shop. Joshua gave the man the money and helped Caroline up into the seat. Then, he climbed in behind her. They rode along the town looking at the different stores and the seller’s carts. They rode on until they were outside the town and started seeing more and more trees. Two men were riding a short distance behind them on horseback scouting the terrain. Caroline didn’t seem to notice them though. Joshua had his arm around her and was pointing little creatures out or little cottages that lined the hillsides.

Joshua stopped the carriage after a while and got down to stretch his legs, helping Caroline down in the process. He told the men to watch the carriage as they walked around. Caroline heard water running from somewhere and she enlisted Joshua to go with her to find it. They walked into the woods for a little ways and found a small, clear pond. Caroline smiled and leaned down, using her hands as a cup to drink from the water. The water was cool and refreshing.

“Turn your head,” Caroline said.

“What? What for?” Joshua asked.

“Just do it,” Caroline replied.

Joshua turned around and waited. Then, he heard a splash in the water and whirled around. He only saw ripples in the water and Caroline was no where to be found. He did notice her clothing lying on the bank. Finally, her head emerged from the water and she laughed at his stunned look, wiping the hair out of her face.

“Are you coming in or not?” Caroline asked.

“You’re crazy you know that?” he asked her as he started to remove his clothing.

He kept his pants on and jumped in. Caroline giggled as he swam to her. He ducked up under the water and Caroline moved around looking for him. Then, he jumped up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. Caroline shrieked and struggled to get away from him. Instead he held her tighter and laughed. Then, he released her. Caroline turned bright red and swam away from him.

“I’m sorry, darling. It was just too tempting to catch you in nothing but your skin. You’re so enticing and a great tease. You knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you with you naked in here with me,” Joshua argued.

“I had no such notion. I just didn’t have anything to swim in and I couldn’t very well jump in in my dress. I’d sink straight to the bottom,” Caroline said defensively.

“I promise I won’t assault you, but I would like to wrap my arms around you. Nothing more,” Joshua said.

“I don’t know if I can take that,” Caroline said as she swam slowly towards him.

“Just swim with me,” he said.

When she reached him, he wrapped his hands around her small waist with her back to him. Slowly, though, he slid his hand up to right below her breast. Caroline bit her lip to stop from gasping as he finally cupped her breast in his hand and toyed with the nipple ever so softly. She leaned her head back onto his shoulder and closed her eyes. This was a complete contrast to what Michael had done. This felt so good and so right.

“Captain,” one of the men shouted from the trees.

“Yes, we’re here, but turn around man,” Joshua yelled back as Caroline dove beside the bank to hide herself.

“It’s getting late, sir, and we should probably head back. Too many things can lurk unseen in the dark,” he said.

“Very well, we’ll be there shortly,” Joshua replied.

The man left and Joshua pulled himself out of the water and put on his shirt. Then he reached for Caroline’s dress and used it to cover her as she too came out of the water. He turned his back as she quickly dressed. Then, they walked through the woods back to the carriage. Joshua helped her in and climbed in beside her and they headed back to town. Caroline did the best she could to manage her hair before they reached the town as it had started to dry and curl in places.

“Stop it, it looks beautiful this way. The curls around your face enhance your natural beauty,” Joshua said stopping her hand and holding it in his.

They reached the inn and went upstairs to freshen before dinner. Joshua went to his room and Caroline went to hers. She combed out her hair, but decided to leave the curls instead of trying to smooth them out. Then, she fumbled with the neckline on her green dress to make it low, then grew conscientious and fluffed it back up. Joshua knocked on the door and walked in. She really did look stunning with the curls framing her face as they were doing. She put her arm in his and they walked down to dinner. They were silent as they ate and sipped their wine. When they were finished, the innkeeper came and cleaned away all their dishes and Joshua paid.

They decided to go for a walk before turning in and headed toward the docks. They walked for a while just listening to the waves crashing and the seagulls calling to each other. Caroline caught a chill and Joshua took off his coat and gave it to her. She smiled up at him and they walked on.

“Why did you become a pirate?” Caroline asked, breaking the silence.

“The money and the adventure. Why else would someone become a pirate?” Joshua asked grinning.

“Have you ever thought about quitting and just doing your trading business that you have set up in England?” she asked.

“Especially when things are starting to get hot on our trail, but I think I would miss the sea if I did. My men always know they can quit this and come work for my England business, but they just don’t want to leave.”

“So why not hire someone to do your office work and you command the ship under the trade business. You’d still be on the sea, but it would be legal. You wouldn’t be running all your life.”

“I know you think pirates are worthless people and I’ve given you nothing to prove otherwise, but we only steal if the other ship can afford. We do not take things from the poor,” Joshua said.

“It still doesn’t make it right,” Caroline argued.

“No, but it’s a lot more fun than bartering,” he replied.

“You’re hopeless,” she sighed.

“Are you trying to make an honest man of me? Thinking I might settle down then?” Joshua grinned.

“What if I am? Would you consider it?” she asked.

“Depends on if you’d be there with me in the end or would you try to set me up with someone else?” Joshua said slyly.

Caroline glanced at him and Joshua stopped her to the side. He brushed her hair out of her face and rubbed his hand down her cheek.

“If it were you, I’d settle in a heart beat,” he said.

Then, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She slowly opened her mouth to allow him entrance and to encourage him. He deepened the kiss and pulled her against him. Then, she stopped him and stepped away.

“We should really head back to the inn. It’s getting very late,” Caroline said.

“You’re right,” Joshua replied and turned her back towards the inn.

They walked back and stepped inside. The room felt warm from the fires. Outside it was turning cold as winter slowly approached. They walked up the stairs and stopped at Caroline’s door. Joshua moved to head back to his room, but she stopped him.

“Please come in,” she said.

Joshua nodded and followed her inside. Joshua sat down on the bed as Caroline lit a few candles to light up the room. He stood up and walked towards her. Caroline looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her there for a while and then lifted up her chin and placed his lips on hers. Caroline met him hungrily and Joshua clutched her hard to him as the kiss deepened. He stopped her and looked down in her eyes. There was fear in them, but also something else. Lust maybe?

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked her.

She nodded her head timidly and he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Then, he laid her down and stretched out against her. Caroline began to shake, but Joshua looked down in her face and brushed the hair out of her eyes, comforting her.

“Do not be afraid. I’ll be careful and I won’t do anything until you’re ready,” he said.

Caroline shook her head and Joshua went back to her lips. His hand slid from her chin down her neck and Caroline shuddered. Then, he went a little further and cupped her breast. Caroline gasped as Joshua started massaging it. His tongue slid into her mouth to quiet her.

“Can I take your dress off?” he asked.

Caroline nodded her head and stood up. She turned around so he could help her with her buttons. She thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Joshua noticed her shaking and stood up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her neck.

“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready,” he said.

“I want to,” Caroline replied.

She pushed him back on the bed and slowly let her dress fall with her back to him. His breathing deepened as she stood there. She folded her arms over her breasts and turned around. His breath caught in his throat as he looked at her beautiful form. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her to show that he liked it and held her until she stopped shivering. Then, he bent and picked her up and laid her back down on the bed. He slowly moved her arms away from her breasts so that he could see them. His gaze swept her entire body.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said as his hand rest on her stomach.

Tears filled her eyes both from being scared and feeling beautiful in his arms. He kissed her mouth. Her skin felt hot against his palm. He ran his hand over her nipple and it hardened under his touch. He twisted it in his fingers until she moaned again. Her back arched as her own desire was growing. He slid his hand downward and she stopped him with her own hand. She took his hand and slid it down with hers and gasped when his fingers opened her. He played with her with one hand while his other still massaged her breast and his tongue massaged hers. Her back began arching more fiercely and she was crying for release. He moved his finger inside of her to see if she were moist and ready.

He quickly took his pants off and carefully moved himself to where he was just above her and placed the tip of his head to her. Her eyes were glazed over and she was begging for him. Slowly, he entered her. He pushed himself the rest of the way in and waited inside her until she relaxed slightly, then began moving slowly in and out of her until she began panting. As the hunger increased in them both, he began thrusting harder until Caroline cried out. Tears ran down her face but her back arched into him as her body convulsed. Finally, as her body started spiraling downward, Joshua thrust more until his own orgasm shook him. Then, they lay together shuddering in each other’s arms.

“Are you alright my love?” Joshua asked wiping the tears from her face. “Did I hurt you too bad?”

“No, it only hurt a little,” Caroline cried.

Joshua held her to him and she sighed against his warmth. He leaned down and kissed the side of her neck and her shoulder.

“I can hardly keep my eyes open now,” she said.

“Go ahead and sleep. I’m not going anywhere. We both could use some sleep,” he said.

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